1 Why is multiple testing a problem? 2 The Bonferroni correction

Multiple Testing Corrections

Multiple testing corrections adjust p-values derived from multiple statistical tests to correct for occurrence of false positives.
. GenespringMTC

Lecture 10: Multiple Testing

Methods for addressing multiple testing (FWER and FDR) When people say “adjusting p-values for the number of hypothesis tests performed” what they mean ...

On Adjusting P-Values for Multiplicity

The development of PROC MULTTEST started in May 1987. One of us (Westfall) presented a resampling approach to calculating adjusted P-values for multiple tests 

1 Why is multiple testing a problem? 2 The Bonferroni correction

Methods for dealing with multiple testing frequently call for adjusting α in some way Let's take a look at our p-values

Multiple Test Functions and Adjusted p-Values for Test Statistics with

1 déc. 2014 Tools for plotting adjusted abstract randomized p-values and for computing multiple test functions are developed.

Adjusted P-Values for Simultaneous Inference

of adjusted P-values for multiple comparisons in the analysis of variance and of adjusted P-values based on the Bonferroni procedure and modifications of 

The Romano-Wolf Multiple Hypothesis Correction in Stata

hypothesis testing as the number of hypotheses considered in a given how to compute p-values adjusted for multiple testing

Multiple Testing Corrections

Multiple testing corrections adjust p-values derived from multiple statistical tests to correct for occurrence of false positives.

Calculating Adjusted p-Values From EdSurvey Results

30 avr. 2018 Multiple methods exist to adjust p-values to hold the significance level for a set of comparisons at a particular level (e.g. 0.05)
EdSurvey pvalues

Multiple Testing of General Contrasts Using Logical Constraints and

KEY WORDS: Adjusted p value; Control variate; Linear model; Monte Carlo; Multiple comparisons; Simultaneous inference. 1. INTRODUCTION. Multiple testing means 

  1. adjust p-value for multiple testing
  2. adjust p-values for multiple comparisons
  3. adjusted p value for multiple comparisons
  4. adjusted p value multiple hypothesis testing
  5. p value adjustment for multiple testing
  6. adjust p values for multiple comparisons r