Everyday Emotion Word and Personal Pronoun Use Reflects Dyadic

Dynamic adjustment of language models for automatic speech

19 oct. 2016 first relies on finding in-vocabulary (IV) words similar to the. OOVs where word embeddings are used to define similarity.

Measuring Dyadic Adjustment: New Scales for Assessing the Quality

This study reports on the development of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale a new mea- sure for assessing the quality of marriage and other similar dyads.

Learning Adjusted Years of Schooling (LAYS)

adjusting for learning (for example by using different Assigning more meaning to LAYS—specifically
WPS ?sequence=

Guide to Seasonal Adjustment with X-12-ARIMA **DRAFT**

1 mar. 2007 For the purpose of examining the effects of different adjustment and ... series in order to estimate the “true” seasonal meaning the effect ...
lci esqrs uk an

Reasonable adjustment in teaching learning and assessment for

form of reasonable adjustment to ensure the same access to learning A Way with Words: Guidelines for the portrayal of people with.
reasonable adjustment for web

A Practical Guide to Public Debt Dynamics Fiscal Sustainability



16 mar. 2009 Direct age-adjustment (or age standardization) is the same as calculating a weighted average. It weights the age-specific rates observed in ...


word embeddings to force semantically similar or dissimilar words to be closer or farther word vectors farther apart while 3) keeping the adjusted word.
intent detection semantically

Everyday Emotion Word and Personal Pronoun Use Reflects Dyadic

However another study found that anxiety word use among military spouses was negatively related to relationship satisfaction—one facet of dyadic adjustment 
KARAN et al Personal Relationships

When does lumpy factor adjustment matter for aggregate dynamics?

Key words: Lumpy labor adjustment Lumpy investment

  1. adjustment another word
  2. setup similar word
  3. adjust another word
  4. adjust other word
  5. adjusting another word
  6. adjust another word in english
  7. adjustment alternative word
  8. tuning similar word