PHP Deserialization in ajax-search- pro plugin Security advisory

Web defacing attacks targeting WordPress

attacks. But now We look again defacing for political claims or FFRIInc. Attack analysis. • This PoC send POST request to “admin-ajax.php” like this.
MR Web defacing Attacks targeting WordPress ENG

Multiple Vulnerabilities in LearnPress – WordPress LMS Plugin https

An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a request to wp-admin/admin-ajax.php with the action parameter set to learnpress_update_order_status 

The Waterbug attack group

parse the collected information used in the attack. • /css/ajax.php. • /css/ajax.php. • /wp-admin/js/css/ajax.php. • /wp-includes/js/css/ajax.php.

WordPress Security

16 sept. 2015 “We disclosed the vulnerability to the WordPress. Security Team who handled it extremely ... Call it at /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=.
hunting bugs in supermaket synacktiv

State Of WordPress Security In 2021 Patchstack

4 mars 2022 Authorization Checks (or securing AJAX endpoints) ... A successful attack could lead to PHP creating any object the attacker chooses ...
Patchstack – State Of WordPress Security In

PHP Deserialization in ajax-search- pro plugin Security advisory

30 mars 2021 This features takes a PHP object serialized as a string and encoded. It is required to have administrative privileges in order to exploit ...
WP AjaxSearchPro Vulnerability

OCS Inventory Security Open Source Research program OCS Reports

21 juil. 2021 php=SNMP_config. Attack vector. The attacker is sending a malicious HTTP request. Affected component. /ocsreports/ajax/calendarfield.
XMCO XMZero OCS Inventory report

Maybe your WordPress website is not safe!

wp-admin folder there is already AJAX file called admin-ajax.php so every AJAX request will pass Those functions doesn't prevent SQL injection attacks.
wpplugin analysis

PHP Magic Tricks: Type Juggling

affect application security. Bug was very easy to find - first place I looked. A bit harder to exploit. OWASP Day 2015. PHP Magic Tricks: Type Juggling 
PHPMagicTricks TypeJuggling


Les attaques par exécution de fichier malveillant affectent PHP les technologies AJAX
OWASP Top French

  1. admin-ajax.php attack
  2. admin-ajax.php exploit
  3. admin-ajax.php exploit-db
  4. admin-ajax.php hack
  5. wp-admin/admin-ajax.php attack
  6. admin ajax php wordpress hack
  7. admin-ajax.php exploit github
  8. wordpress admin-ajax.php attack