[Translation from Swedish into English] The Administrative Court

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961

administrative and technical staff and of the service staff of the mission; The original of the present Convention of which the Chinese

English Translation Administrative Rules - unofficial

The administrative rules appended as an annex to this Order apply to grants awarded under article 5.1 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grant Regulations 
EPRM Administration rules EN

CRC/C/GC/14 Convention on the Rights of the Child

29 May 2013 Original: English ... administrative authorities or legislative bodies” . ... institutions courts of law
crc c gc eng

G-26: Administrative Procedures Interpretation and Translation

DEFINITIONS. Interpretation: The act of contemporaneous communication between a speaker of English and a speaker of another.
g administrative procedures english


Sometimes administrative detention is also admitted on grounds of public human rights norms principles and standards define the content of that ...

[Translation from Swedish into English] The Administrative Court

Section 1 This Act applies to the administration of justice in the Supreme. Administrative Court the administrative courts of appeal and the county 
the administrative court procedure act

Convention on the Rights of the Child

1 Jul 2009 any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child ... http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/crc/docs/discussion/ ...
crc c gc

Proportionality in English Administrative Law: A Faulty Translation?

whole theoretical basis of English administrative law. 2 The court controls the translation from a factual situation to a legal outcome.


Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters which entered into force on unless the context otherwise requires
ENG Amended Convention

Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1963

Definitions. 1.For the purposes of the “consular employee” means any person employed in the administrative or technical service of a consular post; ...

  1. admin definition english
  2. administrator définition english
  3. management definition english
  4. administrative in english
  5. executive définition english
  6. administrative staff definition english
  7. administrative assistant definition english
  8. drug administration definition english