Truths and Myths in Pediatric Migraine and Nutrition

Dietary Supplements and Nutraceuticals for Children with Migraines

Riboflavin is the most frequently studied supplement in children and adolescents with migraine. However riboflavin is quickly eliminated (half-life is 
Neuro Dietary supplements sheet

The Diet Factor in Pediatric and Adolescent Migraine

Diet can play an important role in the precipitation of headaches in children and adolescents with migraine. The diet factor in pediatric migraine is 

The Relationship Between Migraine and Nutrition

Nutrition and food status are very important triggers of pain especially in children and adolescents (9). Fasting alcohol

Use of the modified Atkins diet for adolescents with chronic daily

Chronic daily headache is a difficult problem to treat for many adolescents with a natural tendency for par- ents to look into 'alternative' treatments 

Impact of a weight loss program on migraine in obese adolescents

adolescents migraine

Truths and Myths in Pediatric Migraine and Nutrition

2021年8月6日 diet and some nutraceuticals for migraine treatment in adults and children [89] ... adolescents with migraine reported food trigger factors ...
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Diet and nutraceutical interventions for headache management: A

Diet nutraceuticals
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Headaches in Children and Adolescents

Recent studies have shown that lifestyle factors can greatly contribute to headache management in children and adolescents. Diet: Migraine sufferers must 

Truths and Myths in Pediatric Migraine and Nutrition

2021年8月6日 Keywords: migraine; diet; nutrients; allergy; food; ketogenic diet ... adolescents with migraine reported food trigger factors (chocolate: ...
nutrients v

A Review on the Triggers of Pediatric Migraine with the Aim of

2020年11月19日 for migraines in children and adolescents: stress sleep poverty
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