Topiramate in the prevention of pediatric migraine: literature review

How to Discuss Treatment Options for the Adolescent Patient with

Migraine is a chronic disease that often requires long-term therapy. While the ultimate goal is to eliminate head pain through lifestyle modifications and 
AHS First Contact Adolescent Migraine

The efficacy and efficiency of a for adolescent self-administered

for adolescent self-administered treatment migraine *. Patrick J. McGrath Peter Humphreys
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Topiramate in the prevention of pediatric migraine: literature review

02-Apr-2008 literature concerning the efficacy and tolerability of topi- ramate in the prophylactic treatment of migraine in children and adolescents.

The efficacy and efficiency of a for adolescent self-administered

Key words: Migraine; Adolescents; Psychological treatment. Introduction. Adolescent migraine is a common disorder with prevalence rates ranging from 6.4% to 

The efficacy and efficiency of a for adolescent self-administered

Key words: Migraine; Adolescents; Psychological treatment. Introduction. Adolescent migraine is a common disorder with prevalence rates ranging from 6.4% to 

Behavioral management of headache in children and adolescents

Adolescents. Abbreviations: CBT Cognitive-behavioral therapy; CM

Current approaches to the diagnosis and management of paediatric

09-Feb-2010 neurophysiological sensitivity in adolescent migraine that can change during the migraine cycle which has implications for treatment.
Current approaches to the diagnosis and management of paediatric migraine

Outcomes That Matter to Adolescents With Continuous Headache

07-Jun-2022 Children and adolescents with chronic migraine who have continuous headache ... had headache disorders that were refractory to treatment.
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Clinical Feature: Migraine in Adolescents

Treatment for adolescent migraines includes lifestyle management abortive medications

Practice guideline update summary: Acute treatment of migraine in

05-Sept-2017 In children and adolescents with migraine do acute self- administered treatments
migraine neurology

  1. adolescent migraine treatment