Pediatric and Adolescent Migraine


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Factsheet Migraine in Children and Adolescents . .

Pediatric and Adolescent Migraine

Aura symptoms often start in childhood and adolescence specifically migraine with brainstem aura (previously used terms: basilar-type migraine
AHS Fact Sheet Pediatric and Adolescent Migraine

Outcomes That Matter to Adolescents With Continuous Headache

07-Jun-2022 that adolescents have a wide range of migraine symptoms and more detailed assessment of these symptoms could provide a more comprehensive ...
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Early Life Stress in Adolescent Migraine and the Mediational

—Early life stress or adverse childhood experiences have a well-documented association with migraine and headache in adulthood as do symptoms of depression and 

Symptoms and clinical parameters of pediatric and adolescent

Conclusion: Female children and adolescents with migraine treated in a tertiary Adolescent Chronic migraine


dominant or more consistent symptom should be consid- ered for the primary diagnosis. If the predominant feature is abdominal pain then abdominal migraine 
childhood functional gastrointestinal disorders child adolescent

The role of attachment insecurity in the emergence of anxiety

emergence of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents with migraine: an empirical study. Riccardo Williams1 Luigi Leone2

Premonitory Symptoms of Migraine in Childhood and Adolescence

24-Jun-2017 symptoms occurring before the onset of migraine pain or aura ... population of 100 children or adolescents with a migraine.

Pharmacokinetics of Frovatriptan in Adolescent Migraineurs

ing to 3.5% to 17.6% in adolescents.5. Overall migraine symptoms in adolescents are com- parable to those seen in adults7; however

Psychopathological symptoms in child and adolescent migraine and

Findings: Patients with migraine showed more psychopathological symptoms than Migraine tension-type headache

  1. adolescent migraine treatment
  2. teenage migraine symptoms