Fascism 2.0: Twitter Users Social Media Memories of Hitler on his

A Visual History 1940-1963: Political Cartoons by Clifford Berryman

1930s the rise of the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler in economically and politically troubled. Germany gradually drew the world into a war even more 
a visual history

02-The Diary of A Young Girl (23-05-2017)

23-May-2017 Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not ... in Germany were suffering under Hitler's anti-Jewish laws.
The Diary of a Young Girl

Instagrammatics and digital methods: Studying visual social media

contemporary visual social media landscape replete with GIFs selfies

Fascism 2.0: Twitter Users' Social Media Memories of Hitler on his

20-Apr-2016 fascism 2.0 – critical theory of fascism – Adolf Hitler – social media – Twitter – ... It uses an animated gif in which Hitler is.
article p ?pdfJsInlineViewToken= &inlineView=true

The Complete Stories

It is interesting that of the last two women in Kafka's life -- two works so private and eccentric of the atrocious regimes of Hitler and Stalin
Franz Kafka

Hatescape: An In-Depth Analysis of Extremism and Hate Speech on

of figures such as Brenton Tarrant Adolf Hitler
HateScape v

G25 Pi-Day Fun.pdf

This gif (animated sequence) that "unrolls" pi will give your students a quick visual of how a circle's diameter circumference
g pi day fun

Fascism 2.0: Twitter Users' Social Media Memories of Hitler on his

20-Apr-2016 fascism 2.0 – critical theory of fascism – Adolf Hitler – social media – Twitter – ... It uses an animated gif in which Hitler is.

In the Name of Hate: Examining the Federal Government's Role in

13-Nov-2019 They thought it would be funny to take the one disabled kid in their school ... racial policies of Adolf Hitler and… and espoused violence ...
In the Name of Hate

On the Origins of Memes by Means of Fringe Web Communities

22-Sept-2018 as to GIF and video memes. ... 2674 (0.5%) Most Interesting Man in World ... note the presence of Adolf Hitler memes on all Web Com-.