Polymerization kinetics of ADP- and ADP-Pi-actin determined by

Binding of phosphate to F-ADP-actin and role of F-ADP-Pi-actin in

7 July 1987 ADP-Pi-actin subunits dissociate much more slowly from filament ends than ADP-actin subunits; therefore the stability of filaments in ATP.

Recovery of free ADP Pi


Polymerization kinetics of ADP- and ADP-Pi-actin determined by

22 May 2007 bind ATP ADP-Pi (ADP with inorganic phosphate [Pi] bound ... association and dissociation rate constants for ADP-Pi-actin at both.
vavylonis adppi

Appendix 5 Standard Gibbs Energy and Enthalpy Changes for

(kJ/mol). ATP + H2O ⇌ ADP + Pi. −32.48. −30.88. ADP + H2O ⇌ AMP + Pi. −32.80. −28.86. AMP + H2O ⇌ adenosine + Pi. −13.55. −1.22. 2 ADP ⇌ ATP + AMP.

Mechanism of Regulation of Phosphate Dissociation from

M-ADP-Pi 8-fold from 0.08 to 0.64 s-1. If either myosin-S1 or calcium is bound to the thin filaments

Fat synthesis in adipose tissue

Pi. FADH2 + 2(ADP + Pi) 33 2ATP + FAD. Scheme 1. Reactions of the model of adipocyte metabolism. The numbers in the Scheme refer to the enzymes catalysing 

Differences between the ATP/ADP Ratios in the Mitochondrial Matrix

nucleotide translocation the ATP/ADP ratio in the extramitochondrial space was found to be bration of the added radioactive labelled ADP and Pi.

Sequential action of ATPase ATP

Pi and dsDNA in procapsid

Probing the mechanism of ATP hydrolysis on F-actin using vanadate

25 Nov 2015 kinetic intermediate F-ADP-Pi filament in which the y-phos- phate bond of ATP is split but phosphate is still tightly bound to actin (5).

Interactions of inorganic phosphate with spinach coupling factor 1

10 Oct 2021 CF1 in the dark the effects of Pi on the rebinding of. ADP to CF1 and on the light-triggered ATPase activity have been studied.
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