Google/DoubleClick: The first test for the Commissions non

The Role of Attitude toward the Ad as a Mediator of Advertising

a dual mediation hypothesis which postulates that Ad influences brand attitude Mediator of Advertising Effectiveness: A Test of Competing Explanations.

Classical and causal inference approaches to statistical mediation

procedures for mediation analysis in psychological research the Jo

The effect of imagery and product involvement in copy testing scores

a finished ad. Furthermore a moderated mediation test supports a categorization tension process by showing that the conditional effects of imagery on 

Sales Effects of Attention to Feature Advertisements: A Bayesian

presence of the advertisement and that a standard mediation analysis the effects of feature ad characteristics on sales. Their proposed.

Classical and causal inference approaches to statistical mediation

procedures for mediation analysis in psychological research the Jo

Antecedents and Consequences of Attitude Toward the Ad: A Meta

A meta-analysis of pairwise relationships involving attitude toward the ad was con- ducted. dual-mediation path model of the effects of ad attitudes.

Google/DoubleClick: The first test for the Commission's non

mediation services and ad serving tools). Several elements pointed to the absence of any significant constraint imposed by either Google or Double-.

Campaign Ads Online Messaging

Hippocampal transcriptome-wide association study and

25 févr. 2021 Mediation analysis further demonstrated that hippocampal volume mediated the effect of hippocampal gene expression (QPCTL and ERCC2) on AD.

mediation: R Package for Causal Mediation Analysis

The standard procedure for analyzing causal mechanisms in applied research is called mediation analysis where a set of linear regression models are fit- ted 