AL Baladhuris Kitab Futuh al- Buldan: Third Century Hijri

AL Baladhuri's Kitab Futuh al- Buldan: Third Century Hijri

earliest historians of this phase was Ahmed bin Yahya Baladhuri (d. 279A.H). His most celebrated and significant writing is Kitab Futuh al- Buldan (The 
AL Baladhuri’s

Muslim Expansion: Trade Military & the Quest for Political Authority

52 al-Baladhuri: Kitab Futuh al-Buldan p. 441. 53 Wink: al-Hind


al-Baladhuri Kitab futuh al-buldan


Wilkinson Jerusalem Pilgrims before the Crusaders (Warminster 2002) 167–206. al-Balādhurī
xc aa x c b


Baladhuri (d. 892) collected information of different types in his work entitled Futuh al Buldan. Abu Zaid (d. 916) has given snme details of.

Kandahar of the Arab Conquest

Similarly the only certain account of the Arab conquest of al-Qunduhar

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Ah.mad ibn Yah.yā ibn Jābir al-Balādhurī and one of his most influential works Kitāb Futūh. al-buldān (The Book of the Conquests of Countries).
sla. . . .

Problematising the shifting capitals of medieval Arran: from

medieval Bardhaʿa and Janza the details of urban administration

ʿUmar II and the Treatment of the Mawālī

Titles: Ibn ʿAbd al-H. akam Sīrat ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (The life of ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz); al-Balādhurī

Islamic Bari between the Aghlabids and the Two Empires

based on the witness of al-Baladhuri's Kitab futuh al-buldan:7 9 See however Ibn al-Athir Kitab al-kamil