Happy Birthday Electron

Albert Einstein

with obligations without love and without happiness

The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have

15 mai 2021 This powerful book is your mighty guide.” —ROBIN SHARMA author of The Leader Who Had No Title. “The awesome Neil Pasricha turns ...
The Happiness Equation

Mathematical formula of sex love


Happy Birthday Electron

http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=happy-birthday- of Maxwell equations—to separate the signal from the noise. ... Albert Einstein & ...
wilczek electron v ?sequence=

The strange equation of quantum gravity

2 jui. 2015 happiness with it it. For the rest of the world it is ... spacetime which is a solution of Einstein's equations and for any such solution ...

Einstein and Hilbert: The Creation of General Relativity

25 avr. 2005 Einstein is not happy with it. In August 1913 he writes to Lorentz: “The gravitational equations unfortunately do not have the property of ...

Einstein Schwarzschild


Notes for the T Notes for the Teacher - Units 4–7

Wrote Einstein: “How happy and proud. I shall be when we both have brought our work on relativity to a victorious conclusion.” 8. In 1900 at the age of 21

Who discovered the expanding universe

Einstein was not happy with de Sitter's solution where

The algebra of happiness: Yevgeny Zamyatin's we

At the center a mathematical formula gives the sign of the permutation between beauty and happiness that Zamyatin poses at the base of his ”dystopia .” Но не 