Famous scientists and their inventions

Einstein's Patents and Inventions - Asis Kumar Chaudhuri Variable

collaborators had patented a wide variety of inventions in several counties. 20th century and the German born scientist Albert Einstein topped the list.

Einstein as inventor

and figure 2 shows a partial list of his patents. Absorption heat pump without a mechanical pump was first invention of Einstein & Szilard in 1926.

ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879 – 1955) 1. Scientific Work 2. Einstein the

To mark Einstein's seventieth birthday Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist was published under the editorship of Paul A. Schilpp

Library of Congress Subject Headings Training: Module 4.5

overview of the use of personal names as subject headings Likewise
Personal names as subjects

Albert Einstein's Methodology

Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist 1949

Einstein (Albert)1879-1955

7 oct. 2007 Albert Einstein naquit à Ulm en 1879 dans une famille ... 1902

Famous scientists and their inventions

The famous Italian physicist and mathematician is the inventor of discoveries of. Einstein include the photoelectric effect and the Einstein calculator.
famousscientists ( )

Albert Einstein

21 mai 2011 By 1908 he was recognized as a leading scientist
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein's close friends and colleagues from the Patent Office

23; Frank Philip

La physique contemporaine et l'oeuvre de Albert Einstein lu dans la

d'Albert Einstein qui est né à Ulm en Wurtemberg
Einstein oeuvre

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  5. albert einstein discoveries list
  6. albert einstein inventions and discoveries
  7. albert einstein inventions timeline