
novalynx corporation - minimum-maximum thermometer set national

Use one of the corrective methods described below to fix the alcohol column in the minimum thermometer. The method selected may need to be repeated several 

Maximum Minimum


Temperature Stevenson Screen This screen is used to shield the

The Maximum and Minimum thermometers are mounted horizontally inside the This is an alcohol in glass thermometer with a glass index immersed in the.
Weather Instruments


Maximum air temperature at 1.25 m above the ground (0900 UTC to 0900 UTC the alcohol-in-glass minimum thermometers are used at manned climate stations.
fs observations

Guide to Control and Monitoring of Storage and Transportation

2 Oct 2020 - The type of temperature monitoring equipment used (e.g. maximum/minimum thermometers (max/min) continuous electronic monitoring
ia g guide to control and monitoring of storage and transportation conditions v

Precision Instrumentation for Health Science

& Industry.


Maximum air temperature at 1.25 m above the ground (0900 UTC to 0900 UTC the Alcohol-in-glass minimum thermometers exposed over natural grass are used.
factsheet observationsv

Meteorological Thermometers

Maximum thermometers with mercury are only within the range of delivery for the filling with Ethyl Alcohol = Alc (only used for minimum thermometers.

Brannan Catalogue

Waterproof thermometer to. IPX7. Suitable for use in dishwasher during cycle. With max/min memory and hold functions and 115mm stainless steel probe.
Brannan Scientific Catalogue compressed


Maximum air temperature at 1.25 m above the ground (0900 UTC to 0900 UTC the Alcohol-in-glass minimum thermometers exposed over natural grass are used.
factsheet observations

  1. alcohol in maximum minimum thermometer
  2. alcohol is used in a maximum and minimum thermometer true or false