Synthetic reconstruction of the hunchback promoter specifies the

Analytic methods for modeling stochastic regulatory networks

Aleksandra M. Walczak1
walczak chapter v

Learning the heterogeneous hypermutation landscape of

5 nov. 2020 Natanael Spisak Aleksandra Walczak

Epistasis in a Fitness Landscape Defined by Antibody-Antigen

Simulations suggest that epistasis may expand paths of affinity maturation. Authors. Rhys M. Adams Justin B. Kinney

Quantitative Immunology for Physicists

5 nov. 2020 Grégoire Altan-Bonnet Thierry Mora

Biographical Sketch: Chris Wiggins

Aleksandra M. Walczak Andrew Mugler

Synthetic reconstruction of the hunchback promoter specifies the

1 avr. 2022 factors to DNA or RNA polymerase is theoretically unnecessary. ReSeARCH ARTICLe. *For correspondence: aleksandra.walczak@phys.ens.


Gašper Tkačik Aleksandra M. Walczak

High-throughput immune repertoire analysis with IGoR

Quentin Marcou1 Thierry Mora2 & Aleksandra M. Walczak1 Thierry Mora and Aleksandra M. Walczak contributed equally to this work. ... V CV rр Ю.

Epistasis in a Fitness Landscape Defined by Antibody-Antigen

23 janv. 2019 Rhys M. Adams1

Bi-directional communication between pontine nucleus incertus and

7 janv. 2022 Aleksandra Trenk1 Magdalena Walczak1
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