C++ class const member

SN's ENCM 339 Fall 2015 Slide Set 13

A Quick Review of Simple C++ I/O. A note about the std namespace. Introduction to C++ class types. Constructors const member functions.
F SN slideset

Const Correctness

Just add a function named operator@ to your class Functors. C++ has a solution! ... Now we see that there are both const and non-const member functions.

Const Correctness

Add a function named operator@ outside your class. C++ has a solution! ... Now we see that there are both const and non-const member functions.

Part I: 15 Multiple choice questions (2 points each)

Assume that all given C++ code is syntactically correct unless a possibility to the contrary is What is true about const member functions of classes?
mid sol

The STL & const correctness

06-Mar-2015 The STL and Const Correctness ... A container class allows you to store any ... const member functions and const objects can't.

A C++ Class Design Checklist

03-Aug-2013 A C++ Class Design Checklist. Steven J. Zeil ... Does every constructor initialize every data member? ... Is your class const-correct?
checklist web

Namespaces Structures


Object Oriented Programming Structures (C++)

However there are many places where const member functions should be used. For example
OOPs Programming UNIT II th Sem StudyMaterial

Implicitly-Deleted Special Member Functions

(due to the const member) causing unexpected failures. By making this copy-assignment default constructor is an inline public member of its class.

4c-const and cast.key

It's usable also for class specific constants e.g. for value
c const and cast

  1. c++ const member