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Règlement relatif au négoce - SIX Exchange Regulation

vés (LIMF), l'admission des participants à la Bourse SIX Swiss Exchange SA (la «Bourse»), l'organisation du négoce en valeurs mobilières à la Bourse, les règles de conduite des participants et de leurs traders ainsi que la surveillance et l'application du Règlement relatif au négoce (et des dispositions d'exécution) par

[PDF] Règlement relatif au négoce - SIX Exchange Regulation

SIX Swiss Exchange SA 6 I Admission Les dispositions de la partie I règlent l'admission au négoce boursier, les droits et les obligations des partici-pants ainsi que la suspension et la fin de la participation 3 Conditions d'admission La Bourse admet un demandeur en tant que participant et conclut avec lui un contrat de participation,

[PDF] SIX Structured Products Exchange Ltd Rule Book

3 1 Admission as a participant of SIX Swiss Exchange the Rule Book governs the admission of securities traders as participants on the Exchange, the organisation of securities trading on the Exchange, and the rules of conduct for participants and their traders 2 The Rule Book aims to ensure equal treatment of investors and participants, as well as the transparency and proper functioning of

[PDF] SIX Swiss Exchange message no 40/2012

SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd Selnaustrasse 30 P O Box 1758 CH-8021 Zurich T +41 58 399 5454 F +41 58 499 5455 www six-swiss-exchange com SIX Swiss Exchange message no 34/2014 Subject Amendment to Directive 1: Admission of participants effective from 15 October 2014 Category Regulation Authorised by Christina Sandau-Jensen, Head Member Education Nadine Bürgis, Head Member

[PDF] Final Terms dated: 13 July 2020 Bitcoin Capital AG

13 Exchanges: SIX Swiss Exchange 14 Exchange Business Day: As determined in the General Terms and Conditions of the Base Prospectus 15 Underlying: A basket actively managed in accordance with the Digital Asset Management Strategy Eligible basket components are the largest 15 cryptocurrencies measured by market capitalistion in USD, as


participants and traders, as well as the delisting or suspension of securities may be challenged by submitting an appeal to the "Appeals Court" within 20 trading days of receiving the decision in question 9 Where other decisions of the Sanctions Commission are concerned, a complaint may be filed with the SIX Swiss Exchange "Court of Arbitration" within 20 trading days of receiving the

[PDF] to in 26 - ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) and ETPs

14 15 16 The lssuer accepts Listing and admission to trading: Application has been made to the SIX Swiss Exchange for the Digital Securities to which these Final Terms apply to be admitted to the SIX Swiss Exchange 2 Notification Not Applicable 3 4 lnterests of natural and legal persons involved in the issue: So far as the lssuer is aware, no person involved in the offer of the Digital

[PDF] FINAL TERMS - cdn21sharescom

Exchange SIX Swiss Exchange Exchange Business Day As indicated in General Terms and Conditions Additionally, 22 November 2018 and 23 November 2018 shall also be a Business Day and an Exchange Business Day Market Maker Flow Traders B V Jacob Bontiusplaats 9,

[PDF] Amun - Final Terms - Initial Series-2 compared with Amun

< lass="news_dt">14/09/2020 · Directive 2010/73/EU, as amended, including by Directive 2010/73/EU (the Prospectus Directive) FINAL TERMS DATED 14 September 2020 AMUN AG (incorporated in Switzerland) Issue of 375,000 Products (the Products ) pursuant to the Issuer’s Exchange Traded Products Programme This document constitutes the Final Terms of the Products described herein PART A –

[PDF] Directive 1: Admission des participants - SIX Exchange Regulation

22 jui 2020 · SIX Swiss Exchange SA Directive 1: Admission des participants du 24 février 2020 Dispositions d'exécution relatives à l'examen de trader
DIR fr

[PDF] Règlement relatif au négoce - SIX Exchange Regulation

de l'autorité de surveillance compétente, de la Bourse et des organes de régulation Enregistrement des traders vés (LIMF), l'admission des participants à la Bourse SIX Swiss Exchange SA (la «Bourse»), l'organisation du négoce en 
RB fr

[PDF] Trading on SIX Swiss Exchange AG, Module 1

without delay Traders carry out trading activities on SIX Swiss Exchange under the responsibility of the participant Directive 1: Admission of Participants para
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[PDF] Trading on SIX Swiss Exchange

In the area of issuer regulation, SIX Exchange Regulation is responsible for the admission of securities and monitors compliance with the Listing Rules Figure: 
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[PDF] Directive 1: Admission of Participants - SIX Structured Products

Directive 1: Admission of Participants Admission as a market maker Participation in the Exchange requires participation in SIX Swiss Exchange AG c) familiarity with the trading, clearing and settlement modalities of the Exchange;
Directive en

[PDF] Securities Takeover Regulatory Derivatives Deals - CapLaw

SIX Swiss Exchange—New Rule Book for Participants and Traders By Till Spillmann 2 tion 6 of Directive 1 on Admission of Participants d) On-exchange  

[PDF] SIX Swiss Exchange - IPO Overview - Legalink

the admission of securities to trading as well as all implementing provisions SIX Swiss Exchange rules and regulations must be approved by the Swiss Financial they are aligned with the relevant directives of the European Union The rules 
IPO Zurich

[PDF] Switzerland - Walder Wyss

Trading of equity securities on the SIX is provided for in three different segments: SIX Directive on the Listing of Foreign Companies (DFC) (www six-

[PDF] Directive on Exemptions regarding Duration of Existence of the

SIX Exchange Regulation AG Content of the listing prospectus (cancelled) 2 The lock-up obligations shall apply as of the first trading day Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority Ordinance of 3 December 2015 on Financial 
DTR en

Trading on SIX Swiss Exchange

14. 2.6.2. Directives . Admission of securities to trading . ... Hierarchy of rules and regulations: overview of SIX Swiss Exchange listing rules .

Rule Book

17 oct. 2016 10.2 On-exchange trading without pre-trade transparency . ... details are laid down in the "Admission of Participants" Directive.

Directive 3: Négoce

1 oct. 2021 14. 16. Suspension du négoce des instruments dérivés ayant une ... de l'admission au négoce du titre auprès de SIX Swiss Exchange a son ...

Règlement relatif au négoce

6 déc. 2021 Enregistrement des traders . ... Admission en qualité de market maker . ... Règlement relatif au négoce. SIX Swiss Exchange AG. 14.

Regulations for the Admission of Participants and the Use of the

1 juil. 2022 implementing provisions) by. SIX Exchange Regulation AG ("SIX Exchange Regulation"). The purpose of the Platform is to enable efficient trading ...

Guide Audit des Participants SIX Swiss Exchange SA

Obligation d'annoncer les transactions I:Trade Report . Directive 1: « Admission des participants » de SIX Swiss Exchange. Les participants sont tenus ...

Trading Rules

29 nov. 2021 Structure and subject of the Trading Rules . ... is obliged to inform the Exchange and/or Swiss Exchange Regulation immediately if:.

Trading Rules

12 juin 2021 Continued compliance with admission requirements . ... Trading Rules. SIX Swiss Exchange AG. 14. 06/12/2021. 2 The Exchange sets out the ...

SIX Swiss Exchange - SWXess Maintenance Release 7 (SMR7

6 déc. 2017 Scheme for trading fees. Clause 7.4.4 in Directive 7. No change. Mid-/Small-Cap Shares. Secondary Listing Shares. Separate Trading Lines.

SIX Swiss Exchange Mitteilung Nr. MM/JJJJ

16 avr. 2018 14/2018. Title. Spin-off of SIX Exchange Regulation from SIX Swiss ... Publication of updated trading regulations of SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd.

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