[PDF] SIX Swiss Exchange Mitteilung Nr. MM/JJJJ

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Trading on SIX Swiss Exchange

14. 2.6.2. Directives . Admission of securities to trading . ... Hierarchy of rules and regulations: overview of SIX Swiss Exchange listing rules .

Rule Book

17 oct. 2016 10.2 On-exchange trading without pre-trade transparency . ... details are laid down in the "Admission of Participants" Directive.

Directive 3: Négoce

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Règlement relatif au négoce

6 déc. 2021 Enregistrement des traders . ... Admission en qualité de market maker . ... Règlement relatif au négoce. SIX Swiss Exchange AG. 14.

Regulations for the Admission of Participants and the Use of the

1 juil. 2022 implementing provisions) by. SIX Exchange Regulation AG ("SIX Exchange Regulation"). The purpose of the Platform is to enable efficient trading ...

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Obligation d'annoncer les transactions I:Trade Report . Directive 1: « Admission des participants » de SIX Swiss Exchange. Les participants sont tenus ...

Trading Rules

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Trading Rules

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6 déc. 2017 Scheme for trading fees. Clause 7.4.4 in Directive 7. No change. Mid-/Small-Cap Shares. Secondary Listing Shares. Separate Trading Lines.

SIX Swiss Exchange Mitteilung Nr. MM/JJJJ

16 avr. 2018 14/2018. Title. Spin-off of SIX Exchange Regulation from SIX Swiss ... Publication of updated trading regulations of SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd.

Become a trading member: Stock Exchange SIX

I II III IV V The Admission section governs admission to participate in trading on the Exchange the rights obligations and exclusion of participants as well as the suspension and termination of participation The Trading section governs the organisation of trading on the Exchange including how trades come about

Directive 1: Admission of participants - SIX Exchange Regulation

Directive 1: Admission of participants SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd dated 24 February 2020 Entry into force: 22 June 2020 Purpose and principle This Directive contains provisions for the admission of participants market makers and Liquidity Provid- ers on appropriate organisation and on registration obligations and is based on the Trading Rules

Searches related to directive 14 six swiss exchange admission des traders

Art 1 Object These Rules govern the admission maintenance and cancellation of the admission to trading on SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd ("SIX Swiss Exchange") of investment funds from Swiss and foreign issuers which have been approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority ("FINMA") (Swiss) or authorised for sale in or from

SIX Swiss Exchange Mitteilung Nr. MM/JJJJ

SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd

Pfingstweidstrasse 110

P.O. Box

CH-8021 Zurich

Phone +41 58 399 5454

Fax +41 58 499 5455


SIX Swiss Exchange message no. 14/2018

Title Spin-off of SIX Exchange Regulation from SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd

Amendments to the Regulations

Category Regulations

Authorized by Christian Reuss, Head Sales

Rolf Broekhuizen, Head Business Engineering

Pages 2

Date 16/04/2018 Information

Content of this message:

- Spin-off of SIX Exchange Regulation from SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd and transformation into SIX Exchange Regulation

Ltd from 1 May 2018

- Publication of updated trading regulations of SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd - New List of Charges to the Listing Rules of SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd

According to the Federal Act on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives

Trading of 19 June 2015 (FMIA), SIX Exchange Regulation is a required regulatory and supervisory organization for

SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd as a trading venue. From a corporate law perspective, SIX Exchange Regulation is currently

part of SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd.

In order to further strengthen the independence of SIX Exchange Regulation, the Board of Directors of SIX Group Ltd

has decided it should be spun off from SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd and transformed into SIX Exchange Regulation Ltd,

a wholly owned subsidiary of SIX Group Ltd. SIX Exchange Regulation Ltd will commence operating activities on

1 May 2018. This requires corresponding amendments to the regulations of SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd.

Trading regulations

In a large number of regulations, the spin-off only results in clarification being required from a corporate law

perspective. "SIX Exchange Regulation" is now "SIX Exchange Regulation Ltd".

However, the new corporate structure of SIX Exchange Regulation Ltd will involve material changes to some

regulations for participants. These include the following regulations in particular: - Rule Book of SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd - Directives of SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd - Directive 1: Admission of participants - Directive 6: Market Information - Directive 7: Sponsored Access

Subject to the necessary approvals, the amended regulations will enter into force on 1 May 2018. Due to the

considerable amendments required throughout the regulations, only the German version of the regulations with

material amendments will be available on the website initially. The English and French versions as well as all formal

amendments to the regulations will also be published on the website as soon as possible:

A detailed list of the amendments to the trading regulations associated with the spin-off of SIX Exchange Regulation

from SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd can be found at the following link on the SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd website:

SIX Swiss Exchange message no. 14/2018 16/04/2018

SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd

Pfingstweidstrasse 110

P.O. Box

CH-8021 Zurich

Phone +41 58 399 5454

Fax + 41 58 499 5455

www.six-swiss-exchange.com 2 | 2

List of Charges to the Listing Rules

The completion of the spin-off on 1 May 2018 will mean the existing List of Charges (LOC) dated 6 October 2016 will

be cancelled or rather split into a "List of Charges Regulatory Bodies" issued by the Issuers Committee, comprising a

list of charges for services provided by the regulatory bodies, and a "List of Charges to the Listing Rules", which

covers fees for listing and maintaining the listing. The latter will now be the responsibility of SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd

and is published at the following link on the SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd website:

In SIX Swiss Exchange message no. 13/2018, SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd announced that fees for admission to trading

in the Structured Products segment would be reduced with effect from 1 May 2018.

The List of Charges to the Listing Rules reflects the announced reduction in fees and enters into force on 1 May 2018

subject to the necessary approvals related to the spin-off.

Further information on amendments required to issuer, participant and investor regulations can be found in

Regulatory Board message no. 03/2018 and at the following link on the SIX Exchange Regulation website:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Member Services:

Phone: +41 58 399 2473

Email: member.services@six-group.com

Links to SIX Swiss Exchange:

www.six-swiss-exchange.com | Member Section | Forms | Rules | Directivesquotesdbs_dbs32.pdfusesText_38
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