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Which of the following reports provides information on tissue removed during a procedure?

A pathology report is a medical report about a piece of tissue, blood, or body organ that has been removed from your body. The specimen is analyzed by a pathologist, who then writes up a report for the medical provider who has either ordered the report or performed the procedure.

What is the function of a consultation report?

Consultation reports are used to describe the patient's past history and the reason for being treated with a clear solution as well. The report will let the additional doctor know why the patient is there, in a brief report.

Which type of health record contains information about the means by which the patient arrives?

The condition of the patient at the completion of the surgery, as well as the disposition (postoperative location of the patient), should be documented in the operative report such as, "The patient is stable in a recovery room," or "The patient is critical in the intensive care unit").

Which of the following is expected to be documented in an operative report?

Information on a patient such as, demographics, progress notes, problems, medication, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data, radiology pictures, and other personal data (height, weight, and billing information). Information that is provided by the patient and then updated as necessary.

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  1. which of the following reports provides information on tissue removed during a procedure
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