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Car accident neither party has insurance

What happens if the other party has no car insurance?

If you have an accident and neither party involved has insurance that covers damage to their vehicle, then neither party will be able to make an insurance claim. You may be able to negotiate with the other driver to settle the necessary repair costs directly with them.

Who is responsible for a car accident without insurance?

In general terms, the person who is responsible for a car accident is typically the one required to pick up the bill. If you are at fault in an accident and have no insurance other than CTP, then it is likely you may have to pay for any damages out of pocket.

Is the other driver at fault in a car accident without tickets?

The fact that a ticket was not issued does not mean the other driver is not at fault for the car accident. You can still pursue a claim for your injuries and damages. Whether or not you can recover compensation for your personal injuries depends on who is responsible for the car accident.

Car accident no insurance

Car accident No insurance Michigan

Car accident no license or insurance