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Cancellation policy booking.com

What happens if I cancel my booking?

If your booking isn't free to cancel anymore or is non-refundable, you may incur a cancellation fee. Any cancellation fees are determined by the property, and you'll pay any additional costs to the property.

What is a cancellation policy?

A cancellation policy is a policy type that specifies the cancellation, prepayment (also known as guarantee payment) and/or no show penalty fee applicable when guests cancel a booked reservation. This topic helps you understand the different penalty conditions that forms a cancellation policy.

How do I cancel a reservation?

Depending on your policies, a guest might be able to cancel their reservation using a link in their confirmation email or through their Booking account. In some cases, you’re able to initiate a cancellation request if a guest asks you to, or if there are issues with guest payments. See below for more info.

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