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Maple User Manual

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  • How do I configure Maple?

    Configure Maple so that it operates in a way that best suits your needs. There are four main ways to customize Maple to make it most suitable for your environment: change kernel modes; create an initialization file; set a default User Profile; and change your user mode and directory information.

  • Are there any product manuals available for MapleSim?

    The following product manuals are available for free download as PDF documents. Windows, linux and Mac version instructions are available. MapleSim 4.5

  • Where can I find the Maple Ta user guide?

    The Maple T.A. User Guide is available for instructors from the Documentation Center on the Maplesoft web site,http:// www.maplesoft.com/documentation_center. You can also visit the Maple T.A. Content Center at http://www.maplesoft.com/ tacontent to download additional Maple T.A. resources.

  • How do I use units in Maple?

    You can enter units by clicking the appropriate symbol in the Units palette on the left or by using the Units hot key: Default Environment: For basic units support, you do not need to load the Units package. Maple will allow you to assign units to variables and expressions through the Units palette and perform calculations with them.

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Maple User Manual