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14 An Introduction to Nuclear Fusion

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  • What is the introduction of nuclear fusion?

    Nuclear Fusion reactions power the Sun and other stars.
    In a fusion reaction, two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier nucleus.
    The process releases energy because the total mass of the resulting single nucleus is less than the mass of the two original nuclei.
    The leftover mass becomes energy.

  • What is nuclear fusion described as?

    Nuclear fusion is the process by which two light atomic nuclei combine to form a single heavier one while releasing massive amounts of energy.

  • What is nuclear fusion GCSE?

    Nuclear fusion is where two small, light nuclei collide at high speed and join together to make one heavy nucleus.
    Fusion reactions occur in stars where two hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form a helium nucleus.
    During this process, some mass is converted into energy, which radiates out from the star.

  • Nuclear fusion is the process where two small atoms are heated up and fused together.
    The process involves a few basic steps: atoms are heated, the atoms collide with substantial force overcoming the coulomb force between them, the atoms fuse together, and a large amount of energy is released.
Nuclear fusion is a reaction through which two or more light nuclei collide to form a heavier nucleus. The nuclear fusion process occurs in elements that have a low atomic number, such as hydrogen. Nuclear Fusion is the opposite of nuclear fission reaction, in which heavy elements diffuse and form lighter elements.

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14 An Introduction to Nuclear Fusion