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Neurobiologie du trouble déficit de l’attention/ hyperactivité

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  • Is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder related to brain phenotypes?

    Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder, has been associated with various structural and functional CNS abnormalities but findings about neurobiological mechanisms linking genes to brain phenotypes are just beginning to emerge. Despite the high herita …

  • What is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?

    Shaw P, Eckstrand K, Sharp W, et al. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is characterized by a delay in cortical maturation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2007; 104 : 19649–54.

  • Does a neuropsychological endophenotype identify a susceptibility loci for ADHD?

    Rommelse NN, Arias-Vásquez A, Altink ME, et al. Neuropsychological endophenotype approach to genome-wide linkage analysis identifies susceptibility loci for ADHD on 2q21.1 and 13q12.11. Am J Hum Genet 2008 : 83 : 99–105. [Google Scholar] Volkow ND, Wang GJ, Fowler JS, Ding YS.

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Neurobiologie du trouble déficit de l’attention/ hyperactivité