The relationship between sperm morphology and rates of


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Multiple studies have shown that with IVF/ICSI, semen samples with poor Kruger mor- phology have similar fertilization and pregnancy rates to those with normal 

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few or poor morphology oocytes a much higher chance of success IVF can be bypassed by ICSI in order to reduce the incidence of fertilization failure

The relationship between sperm morphology and rates of

the oocyte using a spermatozoon that would never be able to penetrate the zona pellucida and/or the oolemma Influence of sperm morphology on IVF or ICSI

The relationship between sperm morphology and rates of

We found our fertilization cut-off values for conventional IVF to be slightly different the oocyte using a spermatozoon that would never be able to penetrate the zona Influence of sperm morphology on IVF or ICSI Table I The 0 24 19 0 (1X)a 42 17 Ongoing pregnancies/embryo transfer ( ) 33 27 26 27 17 19

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