Atomic Model Project - Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent


Atomic Model Project - Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent

Atomic Model Project 1st six weeks PROJECT 5 – ATOMIC MODELS BACKGROUND: We have learned about atomic structure, what atoms are made of and how they look Now it is time to build a model of an atom ASSIGNMENT You will be assigned an element You will build a 3-D representation of one atom of that element, no “flat” models will be allowed

PowerPoint - Models of the Atom - A Historical Perspective

atom This is an individual project - each student will build their own atom model outside of class using scrap material available at home Materials must be non-perishable (if it is edible, DO NOT use it) and APPROPRIATE for classroom display Project Deadline: Monday, October 27, 2014 Scoring Rubric: Your project will be scored as follows:

PowerPoint - Models of the Atom - A Historical Perspective

HISTORY OF THE ATOM 1856 -1940 Joseph John Thompson In 1904, Thompson develops the idea that an atom was made up of electrons scattered unevenly within an elastic sphere surrounded by a soup of positive charge to balance the electron's charge It is called the plums pudding model He was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1906 for discovering the Electron

The Atom for Middle School - Miss Little's Classroom Website

atom: the smallest particle of an element that has all the properties of that element The atom has nocharge The 3 main subatomic particles that make up the atom are the proton, neutron and electron nucleus: small, dense positively charged center of an atom protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus

Computational Chemistry in the High School Classroom

As technology continues to improve, it is the hope of this project group that stu-dents can now benefit from such programs as well Research was done to determine con-tent areas high school chemistry students typically struggle with that fall under the State of Massachusetts chemistry educational standards A teaching module consisting of a se-

Searches related to high school atom project filetype:pdf

A project the children enjoy is making marshmallow molecules This activity will help your students understand the difference between an atom and a molecule Tell the children that each marshmallow represents an atom Toothpicks are used to join the atoms When atoms are joined they will form a molecule To begin, each child should receive

Atomic Model Project - Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent 130357_7atomicmodelproject.pdf

Atomic Model Project

1st six weeks



We have learned about atomic structure, what atoms are made of and how they look. Now it is time to build a model of an atom.


You will be assigned an element. You will build a 3-D representation of one atom of that element, than paper (Styrofoam balls, wood, balloons, food, pipe cleaners). Separate colors must be used for each part of the atom. A color key must accompany your project. Also a 2 paragraph essay must accompany your project. ƒ Your essay should include a detailed description about the element that was assigned to you.

ƒ Your essay should include the following:

o The name of the element o How the electrons are arranged around the nucleus o Interesting properties that the element contains. o Who discovered the element o Where the element can be found o What the element is used for o DO NOT cut and paste information from websites! The atomic model must be scientifically accurate! * The model should have the proper number of protons, neutrons and electrons.

The atomic model must be properly labeled


Your model will be graded on the following criteria: Y creativity, imagination and scientific accuracy.

Y Your model will be a major exam grade.

Y 25 points essay

Y 75 points model


Project is due on October 27th but can be turned in any day before that. Y

Y Use your imagination and creativity!

Y You DO NOT have to go out and buy anything! Use supplies around your house.

Atomic Model Project Rubric

Name: _________________Class:__________Element:____________






20: The

number of protons, neutrons and electrons are correct.

20: Well constructed,

demonstrates creative use of materials, and is a reasonable size.

20: The color key

is easy to read, clearly identified, and all parts are present and correct.

20: The student

completed and submitted the project on or before the required date.

20: The

student effectively discussed the element in detail and included all required information.

15: There is an

error in ONE of the atom particle totals.

15: Generally well

constructed, creative use of materials, and is reasonable size.

15: Key is easy to

read, clearly identified, with 1-2 errors in the required information.

15: The student

submits the assignment 1 day late.

15: The

student discussed the element and included all required information.

10: There is an

error in TWO of the atom particle totals.

10: Construction, OR

use of materials, OR size does not meet expectations.

10: Key generally

easy to read, clearly identified with 3-4 errors in the required information.

10: The student

submits the assignment 2 days late.

10: The

student discussed the element but did not include all the required information.

5: All three

atom particle totals are incorrect.

5: Overall failure to

meet expectations; haphazard material use and lack of effort is evident

5: Key may be

difficult to read, is not clearly identified, or contains 5 or more information errors.

5: The student

submits the assignment 3 days (or more) late.

5: The

student did not meet the 300 word minimum, or plagiarized most of the work.


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