The Atom for Middle School - Miss Little's Classroom Website


Atomic Model Project - Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent

Atomic Model Project 1st six weeks PROJECT 5 – ATOMIC MODELS BACKGROUND: We have learned about atomic structure, what atoms are made of and how they look Now it is time to build a model of an atom ASSIGNMENT You will be assigned an element You will build a 3-D representation of one atom of that element, no “flat” models will be allowed

PowerPoint - Models of the Atom - A Historical Perspective

atom This is an individual project - each student will build their own atom model outside of class using scrap material available at home Materials must be non-perishable (if it is edible, DO NOT use it) and APPROPRIATE for classroom display Project Deadline: Monday, October 27, 2014 Scoring Rubric: Your project will be scored as follows:

PowerPoint - Models of the Atom - A Historical Perspective

HISTORY OF THE ATOM 1856 -1940 Joseph John Thompson In 1904, Thompson develops the idea that an atom was made up of electrons scattered unevenly within an elastic sphere surrounded by a soup of positive charge to balance the electron's charge It is called the plums pudding model He was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1906 for discovering the Electron

The Atom for Middle School - Miss Little's Classroom Website

atom: the smallest particle of an element that has all the properties of that element The atom has nocharge The 3 main subatomic particles that make up the atom are the proton, neutron and electron nucleus: small, dense positively charged center of an atom protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus

Computational Chemistry in the High School Classroom

As technology continues to improve, it is the hope of this project group that stu-dents can now benefit from such programs as well Research was done to determine con-tent areas high school chemistry students typically struggle with that fall under the State of Massachusetts chemistry educational standards A teaching module consisting of a se-

Searches related to high school atom project filetype:pdf

A project the children enjoy is making marshmallow molecules This activity will help your students understand the difference between an atom and a molecule Tell the children that each marshmallow represents an atom Toothpicks are used to join the atoms When atoms are joined they will form a molecule To begin, each child should receive

The Atom for Middle School - Miss Little's Classroom Website 130357_7understandingtheatomformiddleschool.pdf





Middle School

Table of Contents

1. Accessing Prior Knowledge Activity

2. The Atomic Model Worksheet and Key

3. The Atomic Model of Matter Graphic Organizer and key

4. Atomic Model of Matter Worksheet and key

5. Atom Notes

6. Complete Model of Atom Graphic Organizer and Key

7. Vocabulary Review and Key

8. Periodic Table

9. Understanding the Atom Finding Numbers of Protons, Neutrons, Electrons and


10. Drawing Bohr Models of Atoms 1 20 and Key

11. I Have You Have game reviewing concepts of atoms

12. Rules for Counting Atoms

13. Counting Atoms Worksheet and Key

14. Counting Atoms Review and Key

15. spdf Energy Levels Diagram and Periodic Table for Orbital Arrangement

16. Electron Arrangement Practice and Key

17. Electron Arrangement Worksheet and Key

18. Formula Weights

What You Already Know About the About the Structure of the Atom

1. Take out a piece of lined paper.

2. Number 1 to 7.

3. Write down one fact you know about the atom.

4. Turn paper over.

5. You have 1 minute to circulate the classroom asking as many classmates as

possible what they wrote down. You must remember this. You may not write anything down.

6. After one minute back to your desk.

7. Write down as many responses from memory as you can.

8. How many responses can you recall

My Fact

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________








Post Unit Reflection What I learned about the atom ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


The Atomic Model of Matter



More than ____________thousand years ago, A Greek philosopher named____________ led a group of scientiVPV QRR NQRRQ MV ¶MPRPLVPV·B These early Greeks thought that the atom was the ____________ possible piece of matter that could be obtained. They guessed that the atom was a small, ____________particle, and that all the atoms were made of the same material. They also thought that different atoms were different shapes and sizes, that the atoms were infinite in number, always ____________ and capable of joining together. In 1803, ____________ proposed an atomic theory. The theory stated that all elements were made of atoms and that the atoms were


atoms of the same element were the same, while atoms of different elements were ____________. The theory also said that____________ were made by joining the atoms of two or more elements together. In 1897, J.J. Thomson discovered a particle even smaller than the atom. He named it the ____________, but today we call it the ____________. As a result of his discovery, Thomson proposed a new atomic ____________.


was mostly a thick, positively charged material, with negative electrons scattered about it like ____________ in a pudding. In 908, Ernest Rutherford took an extremely thin sheet of ____________ and bombarded it with electrons. Much to his surprise, most of the electrons went right through the foil, and the occasional ____________ was seriously deflected. To him, this seemed as likely as a baseball going through a brick wall. He theorized that the gold foil must be mostly empty ____________, or else the electrons would bounce off most of the time. He figured that the atom was made up of a small, dense, positively charged center, called the ____________. RutherIRUG·V POHRU\ OMV POH HOHŃPURQV VFDWWHUHGDURXQGWKHDWRP
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