[PDF] Advanced Web Programming 04-Apr-2010 Advanced Web

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Advanced Web Programming (17MCA42)

Advanced Web Programming 17MCA42 Lectures 52 Hrs. 2. COURSE PRE-REQUISITE STATEMENT. Student should know the basics of Internet HTML and some knowledge 

Advanced Web Programming

04-Apr-2010 Advanced Web Programming what we have covered so far. 2. The SocketServer Module simplified development of network servers.

Advanced Web Programming

http://mootools.net/docs documentation page. • http://www.mootorial.com/wiki

501 : Advanced Web Programming

MCA 501 : Advanced Web Programming. Time: 3 Hours. Max. Marks: 70 Write notes on: ... count on refresh and to show the count on web page.

Lecture Note: Advanced internet programming 2012 E.C Stay@Home

Lecture Note: Advanced internet programming 2012 E.C. Stay@Home prepared by Dagne G. Page 1. Chapter1:- Server Side Scripting Basics in PHP.

Vtu Mca Web Programming Notes [PDF] - m.central.edu

You could purchase lead Vtu Mca Web Programming Notes or get it as soon as feasible. be used by both advanced ... on/Errata/2eAddendum.pdf.


HTML5 is enriched with advance features which make it easy and interactive for developer and users. It has some brand new features which will make HTML much 


ADVANCED WEB DESIGN. PIMPRI CHINCHWAD EDUCATION TRUST'S. S.B.PATIL COLLEGE OF. Science and Commerce Ravet. Index: • Introduction to HTML5. • Forms in HTML5.


the knowledge of web programming among students of computer engineering. This course covers web programming for both client-side and server-side to develop 

ASP.NET and Web Programming

https://www.halvorsen.blog/documents/programming/web/aspnet. ASP.NET Tutorial: ASP. ... more advanced applications we need more powerful tools.

Advanced Web Programming


Advanced Web Programming

what we have covered so far 2

The SocketServer Module

simplified development of network servers a server tells clients the time 3

A Forking Server

instead of threads use processes process to handle a client 4

The BaseHTTPServer Module

creating a very simple HTTP server code for the simple HTTP web server

MCS 275 Lecture 33

Programming Tools and File Management

Jan Verschelde, 3 April 2017

Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 1 / 36

Advanced Web Programming


Advanced Web Programming

what we have covered so far 2

The SocketServer Module

simplified development of network servers a server tells clients the time 3

A Forking Server

instead of threads use processes process to handle a client 4

The BaseHTTPServer Module

creating a very simple HTTP server code for the simple HTTP web server Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 2 / 36

Plan of the Course

since the first midterm

In the four weeks after the midterm exam

we covered: 1

CGI programming: handling forms

2 database programming: MySQL and MySQLdb 3 network programming: using sockets 4 multithreaded programming

Anything left to cover?

Advanced Web Programming

→gluing various programming tools Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 3 / 36

Advanced Web Programming


Advanced Web Programming

what we have covered so far 2

The SocketServer Module

simplified development of network servers a server tells clients the time 3

A Forking Server

instead of threads use processes process to handle a client 4

The BaseHTTPServer Module

creating a very simple HTTP server code for the simple HTTP web server Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 4 / 36

The SocketServer Module

simplified development of network servers With theSocketServermodule we do not need to import the socketmodule for the server script.

Follow these steps:

1 from socketserver import StreamRequestHandler from socketserver import TCPServer 2

Inheriting fromStreamRequestHandler

define a request handler class. Overridehandle(). →handle()processes incoming requests 3

InstantiateTCPServerwith(address, port)

and an instance of the request handler class. →this returns a server object 4

Apply the methodhandle_request()orserve_forever()

to the server object. Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 5 / 36

Advanced Web Programming


Advanced Web Programming

what we have covered so far 2

The SocketServer Module

simplified development of network servers a server tells clients the time 3

A Forking Server

instead of threads use processes process to handle a client 4

The BaseHTTPServer Module

creating a very simple HTTP server code for the simple HTTP web server Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 6 / 36 a server to tell the time withSocketServer

In the window running the server:

$ python clockserver.py server is listening to 12091 connected at ('', 49142) read "What is the time? " from client writing "Sun Apr 4 18:16:14 2010" to client

In the window running the client:

$ python clockclient.py client is connected

Sun Apr 4 18:16:14 2010

Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 7 / 36 code for the client in fileclockclient.py from socket import socket as Socket from socket import AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM

HOSTNAME = 'localhost' # on same host

PORTNUMBER = 12091 # same port number

BUFFER = 25 # size of the buffer




print('client is connected')

QUESTION = 'What is the time?'






Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 8 / 36 code for the server in the fileclockserver.py from socketserver import StreamRequestHandler from socketserver import TCPServer from time import ctime

PORT = 12091

class ServerClock(StreamRequestHandler):

The server tells the clients the time.

def handle(self):

Handler sends time to client.

def main():

Starts the server and serves requests.

Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 9 / 36 code for the handler def handle(self):

Handler sends time to client.

print("connected at", self.client_address) message = self.rfile.read(25) data = message.decode() print('read \"' + data + '\" from client') now = ctime() print('writing \"' + now + '\" to client') self.wfile.write(now.encode()) Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 10 / 36 code for the main function def main():

Starts the server and serves requests.

ss = TCPServer(('', PORT), ServerClock) print('server is listening to', PORT) try: print('press ctrl c to stop server') ss.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print(' ctrl c pressed, closing server') ss.socket.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main() Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 11 / 36


attributes in the classStreamRequestHandler rfilecontains input stream to read data from client example:data = self.rfile.read(25) client must send exactly 25 characters! wfilecontains output stream to write data to client example:self.wfile.write(data) all data are strings of characters! Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 12 / 36 alternatives to the simple example

Instead ofStreamRequestHandler,

we can useDatagramRequestHandler.

Instead ofTCPServer, we can useUDPServer,

if we want UDP instead of TCP protocol.

On Unix (instead ofTCPServer):UnixStreamServeror


Choice between

1 handle_request(): handle one single request, or 2 serve_forever(): indefinitely many requests. Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 13 / 36 usingserve_forever()


1 serve indefinitely many requests, 2 simultaneously from multiple clients. ss = TCPServer(('',port),ServerClock) print 'server is listening to', port try: print 'press ctrl c to stop server' ss.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print ' ctrl c pressed, closing server' ss.socket.close() Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 14 / 36

Advanced Web Programming


Advanced Web Programming

what we have covered so far 2

The SocketServer Module

simplified development of network servers a server tells clients the time 3

A Forking Server

instead of threads use processes process to handle a client 4

The BaseHTTPServer Module

creating a very simple HTTP server code for the simple HTTP web server Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 15 / 36 a forking server

Threads in Python are not mapped to cores.

For computationally intensive request,

we want to spawn a new process. >>> import os >>> help(os.fork)

Help on built-in function fork in module posix:

fork(...) fork() -> pid

Fork a child process.

Return 0 to child process

and PID of child to parent process. Programming Tools (MCS 275)advanced web programmingL-33 3 April 2017 16 / 36 illustration of a forkquotesdbs_dbs4.pdfusesText_7
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