[PDF] OSAP Disability Verification Form: Students Attending Ontario Public

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OSAP Disability Verification Form: Students Attending Ontario Public

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2022-23 OSAP Disability Verification Form: Students Attending

OSAP Disability Verification form PRV (March 22 2022) about me that is relevant to the administration and financing of the Ontario Student Assistance.

Declaration of Attendance at School or University

I am including a *proof of enrolment to support this declaration. to provide the Canada Pension Plan Administration with information regarding my.


notamment constitué par le droit de vérification Les contribuables se voient reconnaître en contrepartie des garanties prévues par la loi Les formes de vérificationprévues sont : • le contrôle des déclarations ; • la vérificationde comptabilité ; • la vérificationponctuelle ;

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au Luxembourg lors de la mise en œuvre de la Norme commune de déclaration (NCD) ? Les lois et textes repris dans le tableau ci-dessous s’appliquent dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la NCD au Luxembourg : Loi modifiée du 18 décembre 2015 relative à la Norme commune de déclaration (NCD)

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A Par les réponses de l’administration aux questions posées par les entreprises Afin de rendre la réglementation douanière plus accessible l’administration des douanes est au service des opérateurs économiques qui peuvent disposer d’un traitement rapide et personnalisé

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Qu'est-ce que la vérification de la déclaration en détail?

    SECTION 05 - VERIFICATION DE LA DECLARATION ET DES MARCHANDISES - la vérification matérielle, le cas échéant, de tout ou partie des marchandises importées ou SECTION 05 - VERIFICATION DE LA DECLARATION ET DES MARCHANDISES II- 06.05.01 - Définition Par vérification de la déclaration en détail on entend : - le contrôle documentaire ; et

Quel est le fondement juridique de l’enregistrement d’une déclaration en détail?

    Ce choix trouve son fondement juridique dans l’article 80 du code des douanes qui stipule, dans son premier alinéa, que « après enregistrement de la déclaration en détail, l’administration procède, au contrôle documentaire et, le cas échéant, à la vérification de tout ou partie des

Qui désigne les vérificateurs?

    Le responsable de la sélectivité désigne lui même les vérificateurs et annote en conséquence les exemplaires (visite) des DUM. * Les déclarations admises pour conforme donneront lieu immédiatement à la désignation des

Qu'est-ce que la vérification intégrale?

    Intégrale : c’est la vérification de la totalité du lot des marchandises déclarées. Elle peut être décidée soit à l’initiative du service (en l’absence d’une note de détail, d’un nombre réduit de colis ou en cas de soupçons d’abus ou de fraude), soit à la demande du déclarant en cas de
OSAP Disability Verification Form: Students Attending Ontario Public

Page 1

Purpose of this form

This form is used to collect information about your disability, including documentation from your health

care provider (physician or other regulated health care professional).

This information is used to verify

your status as a person with a disability for Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) purposes. about disability-related equipment, supports, and services available at your school. For more information, see the "Questions?" section on page 2.Help is available

•Fill out Section A, including the consents and declarations that you must sign and date.•Section B is completed by your health care provider (physician or other regulated health careprofessional whose scope of practice includes diagnosing) about your disability. Send all pages

of Section B to your health care provider to complete.There are two parts to this form: Section A and Section B.

How to complete this form

Normally, you are only required to have this form completed once. Your health care provider may charge you a fee for completing the form. You are responsible for paying this fee.

How to submit this formSubmit both Section A (completed by you) and Section B (completed by your health care prov


Upload it online:

Log into your OSAP account at ontario.ca/osap and use the "Print or upload documents" feature. If you are sending in a paper copy, keep a copy of your form and related documents for your own records.

The privacy of all disability information is protected by the ministry under the Freedom of Information

and Protection of Privacy Act .Send the form: OSAP

Students Attending Ontario Public

Postsecondary Institutions

Ministry of Colleges and Universities

Student Financial Assistance Branch

•Get additional disability-related funding or the rules for getting OSAP may be adjusted (such as

allowing a reduced course load). costs of their disability-related educational services and equipment, su ch as note-takers, tutors, The application is available on the OSAP website (ontario.ca/osap). Students in micro-credential

Page 2

If you have submitted an OSAP Application for Full-Time Students or OSAP Application for Part-Time before the end of your study period.

Deadline to submit this form


services available at your school. You may be required to provide them with additional documents

when you discuss your disability-related needs for attending school. If you have submitted an OSAP Application for Micro-credentials, this completed form must be

received no later than 5 days after the end of your study period.

Page 3

Ontario Education Number (OEN), if assigned to you: Social Insurance Number: Student number at your school:

Mailing address


Province or state:

Postal code or zip code:

Area code and telephone number:


Section A: Student information (to be completed by the student) What is the name of the school you plan to attend?

Last name:

Date of birth:


• I agree that until my loans, overpayments, and repayments, including any micro-credential student loans or micro-credential grant overpayments, are assessed and repaid, t he Ministry of Colleges and Universities (ministry) can, without limitation, collect and excha nge personal information


(OSAP) and Canada Student Financial Assistance Program (CSFA Program) with: reporting agencies. • I certify that the information provided on this form is accurate and com plete, to the best of my furthermore, that the ministry may restrict me from receiving disability -related assistance under OSAP in the future and may take legal action and may require me to repay any disability-related OSAP funding that I received as a result of any false or misleading statement •B of this form to provide the requested personal health information to the ministry and my postsecondary school and, if required by the ministry or my postsecondar y school, to provide additional personal health information relating to my disability or disa bility-related needs. health care professional if the personal health information provided by him or her is not clear postsecondary school to gather any personal health information from my p hysician or other regulated health care professional that is not related to this form or a ny related documentation that

I have submitted.

• I understand that information I provide, including the personal health i nformation provided by my purposes the ministry may conduct inspections and investigations.

Student's signature: Date:


Section A: Consents and declarations of student

Part 1: Required consents and declarations


Students Attending Ontario Public

Postsecondary Institutions

Ministry of Colleges and Universities

Student Financial Assistance Branch

Page 5

The personal information you and your physician or other regulated healt h care professional provide in connection with this form, including your Social Insurance Number (S

IN), is collected and used by the ministry to determine your eligibility for disability-related assist

ance under the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Collection and Use of Personal Information on your OSAP application and in accordance with the consents you signed on your OSAP application. The Ministry of Colleges and Universities administers

Student's signature:



Part 2: Optional consent and declaration of student Sign and date this section only if you agree that your disability-relate d information on this form can be accommodations with you. • This would be particularly helpful if you are in full-time or part-time studies and intend on applying

Why would this be helpful? ႈ

Last name:

Area code and telephone number:

Part 1: Physician or regulated health care professional information

Indicate all that apply:

professional). disability and their eligibility for disability-related funding and/or a ccommodations under the Ontario eligible for provincial disability-related funding.

Note: If you d

ႈn and attach your letterhead to this form.

Patient information

Ontario Licence #:


functional limitations and/or restrictions. Avoid such terms as "suggests" or "is indicative of". If more

Return the completed form and any attachments to your patient.

Date of birth:

Month YearLast name:


Students Attending Ontario Public

Postsecondary Institutions

Ministry of Colleges and Universities

Student Financial Assistance Branch

Audiologist/Speech-Language Pathologist ChiropractorNeurologist

Occupational Therapist


Physician - FamilyPhysician - Psychiatrist Physiotherapist

Psychologist or Psychological Associate

Nurse Practitioner

Part 2: Patient's disability status

Does the patient have a disability (either permanent or temporary)? permanent or temporary)", no further information is required. Ensure the physician or regulated health care professional information section is completed, then return the form to the patient. temporary. permanent, results in functional limitations that impacts their ability to perform daily activities necessary to stud y at the postsecondary level and is expected to remain for their lifetime. Yes

No - See instructions below

Choose ONE of the following statements that best describes the patient' s disability status. functional limitation:

•that is expected to remain with the student for their whole life.Signature of physician or regulated health care professional:



Last name:Declaration of physician or regulated health care professional experiences the disability-related educational barrier(s) indicated.

Part 3: Nature of patient's disability

Check all that apply:

Acquired Brain Injury

Autism Spectrum Disorder

(e.g. autism, pervasive developmental disorder) (e.g. paraplegia, quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, spina

Hearing impairment

Medical disability

(e.g. epilepsy, chronic pain, heart condition)

Mental health disability

Learning disability

Last name:

Visual impairment

Other disability not indicated above


Answer the following questions:

Has a psycho-educational assessment been performed by a registered psych ologist? Yes No Yes No MonthYearIf "Yes", enter the date of the most recent assessment: Note: OSAP eligibility criteria require that psycho-educational assessments must h ave been considered to be acceptable documentation of a learning disability for O

SAP purposes.

AmbulationStandingSittingStair climbing

impact(s): impact(s):

Other - Specify:

Attention and concentrationMemoryInformation processing (verbal and written)

Stress managementSocial interactions


Other - Specify:

Part 4: Mobility and movement impacts

Check all that apply:

No mobility and movement impacts

No cognitive and/or behavioural impacts

Check all that apply:

Last name:

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