[PDF] Experiment 6 - Stack Figure 6.1: Banked Stack

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The stack and the stack pointer

An example of some code which uses the stack. Stack pointer: Initialize ONCE before the first use (LDS #STACK). Points to last used storage location.

Course Overview

An example of some code which uses the stack. ? . . . 0x1FFB. 0x1FFC. 0x1FFD. 0x1FFE. 0X1FFF. 0x2000. Stack Pointer. Initialize ONCE before first use (LDS.


The address of the last data item placed into the stack is pointed to by the Stack. Pointer (SP). • In the example below the stack is composed of words.

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Section 2. CPU

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Application Binary Interface Nios II Processor Reference Handbook

01-May-2006 The ABI adds additional usage conventions to the Nios II register file ... Stack Pointer Frame Pointer & the Current Frame.

Experiment 6 - Stack

Figure 6.1: Banked Stack Pointer for ARM Cortex-M3 Processor. Types of Stack For example PUSH R0 instruction pushes the contents.

[PDF] The stack and the stack pointer

An example of some code which uses the stack Stack pointer: Initialize ONCE before the first use (LDS #STACK) Points to last used storage location

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When data elements are pushed onto a descending stack the stack pointer is This section presents an example of push and pop operations for each of the 

  • What is a stack pointer?

    What is stack pointer? A stack pointer is a small register that stores the memory address of the last data element added to the stack or, in some cases, the first available address in the stack.
  • How do you calculate stack pointer?

    The stack pointer (SP) points to the top element of the stack. The current value of SP is (016E)hex. The CALL instruction is of two words, the first word is the op-code and second word is the starting address of the subroutine (one word = 2 Bytes).
  • Is stack pointer a RAM or ROM?

    Stack is always in RAM. There is a stack pointer that is kept in a register in CPU that points to the top of stack, i.e., the address of the location at the top of stack.
  • There are two types of stacks they are register stack and the memory stack.

Experiment 6

Stack The stack is a contiguous area of memory block used for storage of local variables, for passing additional arguments to subroutines when there are insucient argument registers available, for supporting nested routine calls, and for handling processor interrupts. The stack has a Last In First Out (LIFO) behavior. As new data comes in, it pushes down the older one. The most recently entered request always resides at the top of the stack. Any item that is stored in the stack can only be retrieved after all other items that were stored in the stack later were removed.

Stack Pointer (SP)

A stack pointer is a register that points to the 32-bit data on the top of the stack. The Cortex- M3 contains two stack pointers (R13). They are banked so that only one is visible at a time.The two stack pointers are as follows:

1.Main Stack Pointer (MSP): used when handling interrupts and optionally used during

regular program execution.

2.Process Stack Pointer (PSP): Used by user application code.

The lowest 2 bits of the stack pointers are always 0, which means they are always word aligned.



represen tsth ebank edstac kp ointers.R13 (MSP)R13 (PSP)Figure 6.1: Banked Stack Pointer for ARM Cortex-M3 Processor

Types of Stack

Stacks are highly

exible in the ARM architecture because their implementation is completely left to the software. Since it is left to the software to implement a stack, dierent implementation choices result dierent types of stacks. There are two types of stack depending on how the stack grows. 1. Ascending Stac k:When i temsare pushed on to the stac k,the stac kp ointeri sincreas- ing.i.e., the stack grows towards higher address. 49


2. Descending Stac k:When items are pushed on to the stac k,the stac kp ointeris decreas- ing.i.e., the stack is growing towards lower address. There are two types of stack depending on what the stack pointer points to. 1. Empt yStac k:Stac kp ointerp ointsto the lo cationin whic hthe next item will b estored. A push will store the value, and increment the stack pointer. 2. F ullS tack:Stac kp ointerp ointsto the lo cationin whic hthe last item w asstored. A push will increment the stack pointer and store the value. The above description suggests that there are four variations on a stack, representing all the combinations of ascending and descending full and empty stacks. The ARM Cortex-M pro- cessors implement the full-descending type of stack. The Full Descending Stack adopts the convention where the stack starts from a high memory address (known as the Bottom of the Stack) and grows towards a lower memory address (where the Top of the Stack is located). The Stack Pointer will always points to the Topmost Item, or if there were no items in the stack, the Bottom of the Stack Address. The Bottom of the Stack address location is initialized at the beginning of the program and is not used to store any data. The Full Descending Stack is illustrated in Figure A.1 . The Bottom of the Stack was initialized to address 0x100000. Items are stored on the stack according to the endian-ness of the processor. For example, a 32-bit value stored into the stack would observe the processor endian-ness by storing the MSByte and LSByte appropriately based on the address location that the item uses. There is a 32-bit word item previously PUSHed onto the stack during program execution, located at address 0x0FFFFC (LSByte) to 0x0FFFFF (MSByte), following the little-endian processor format.Figure 6.4: Full Descending Stack for Little-endian Processor the item uses. There is a 32-bit word item previously PUSHed onto the stack during program execution, located at address 0x0FFFFC (LSByte) to

0x0FFFFF (MSByte), following the little-endian processorformat.

In order to insert (push) a new item onto the stack, SP is first decre- mented, and then the item stored in the correct endian formatstarting at that address. Therefore, if SP = 0x100000 before a PUSH, PUSHing a 32-bit word onto the stack is accomplished via decrementing SP is by 4 (each address location stores one byte) to 0x0FFFFC, and then storing the new value at the given address location. Hence, PUSH 0x31AF2BCD onto the stack would store CD

16(LSByte) at the lower address 0x0FFFFC, 2B16

at the next higher address (0x0FFFFD), AF

16at the subsequent address

(0x0FFFFE), and 31

16(MSByte) at the highest address (0x0FFFFF).

Conversely, POP-ping thetopmostitem from the stack involvesLoading the value into a register using the address in SP, and then incrementing SP by 4 to point to the nexttopmostitem. The memory locations are not actually cleared until a subsequent PUSH that replaces the old contents with new values. POPs can continue until the Stack is empty. If another POP is performed on an empty stack, we get aStack Underflowerror. A Stack Overflowerror occurs when theTop of the Stackexceeds the memory allocation for the stack array and is usually catastrophic since it overwrites potentially important data used by the operating system or application. Accessing thetopmostitem in the stack without POP-ping it out of the stack is very easy, since SP already points to the appropriate address. How- ever, we often need to access other items further down in the stack, namely, parameters passed from a calling routine to a subroutine. This can be ac- complished by means of a pointer that is initialized to pointto the contents in the stack. Typically aFrame Pointer(FP) is used, although theStack Pointercan also be used as a pointer with some difficulty1. Other items deeper inside the stack can similarly be accessed by first using FP as the starting address pointer, and then adding the correct offset into the stack to obtain the item address value. This can then be used toCopythe given item

1Since the SP will change if new items are PUSHed into or POPpedfrom the stack, we

would need to keep careful track of the current SP value and update the required offset to access existing items in the stack.

118Figure 6.2: Full Descending Stack for Little Endian Processor

Adding, Removing and Accessing Items in a Stack

When data is added to the stack, it is said to be pushed onto the stack. When data is removed from the stack, it is said to be popped o the stack. These operations are done on the top of the stack. Figure 6.3 sho wsthese op erations.

51Figure 6.3: Adding, Removing, and Accessing Items Directlyin a Stack

enced using a special address pointer, called the Stack Pointer. TheStack Pointercan be implemented as either pointing to aFullStack orEmpty Stack. In addition, since items in the stack are stored in sequential mem- ory locations, they can either be stored inAscendingOrder orDescending Order. The AAPCS for the ARM architecture specifies the use oftheFull Descendingmodel (similar to most other processor architectures), although the CPU is capable of supporting all four combinations (See Chapter 4.2.5). The Full Descending Stack adopts the convention where the stack starts from ahighmemory address (known as theBottom of the Stack) and grows towards alowermemory address (where theTop of the Stackis located). TheStack Pointerwill always points to theTopmostItem, or if there were no items in the stack, theBottom of the StackAddress. TheBottom of the Stackaddress location is initialized at the beginning of the program and is not used to store any data. Diagrammatically, this appears as if the stack has beeninvertedand anti-gravityforces are keeping the items in place. However, since actual stack implementations are only a realization of a logical concept, laws of gravity do not apply. The processor keeps track of access to the stack us- ing theStack Pointer. TheStack Pointer(SP) is automatically decremented when an item is added (pushed) to the stack, while it is automatically in- cremented when an item is removed from the stack. Programmers do not need to access the Stack Pointer directly except when it is initialized at the beginning of the application, and when manipulating items in the stack directly. The Full Descending Stack is illustrated in Figure 6.4. TheBottom of the Stackwas initialized to address 0x100000. Items are stored on thestack according to the endian-ness of the processor. For example,a 32-bit value stored into the stack would observe the processor endian-ness by storing the MSByte and LSByte appropriately based on the address location that

117Figure 6.3: Adding, Removing and Accessing Items from Stack

PUSH and POP Instructions

In a typical PUSH operation, the contents of one or more registers will be placed onto the stack. The memory address location where the rst item is to be stored will be held in the stack pointer (SP). As the stack pointer points to the rst empty location in the stack - as data is pushed onto the stack, its value is decremented so that it points to the next free location. Thus the stack grows downward in memory. For example, PUSH R0 instruction pushes the contents of R0 register on the stack. It rst decrements the SP by 4 and then stores the contents of R0

into the memory location pointed to by SP.PUSHfR0g; Push R0 onto the stackPUSHfR0, R4R7g; Push R0, R4, R5, R6, R7 onto the stackPUSHfR2, LRg; Push R2 and linkr egistero ntot hes tackIn order to retrieve data from the stack we use POP instruction. Upon execution, rst data is

moved to the register specied in the instruction and then stack pointer incremented by 4. The content is popped in the reverse order For example, POP R0 instruction retrieves the contents

at the top of the stack and moves them to register R0, and then increments SP by 4.POPfR0g; Pop R0 from the stackPOPfR1, R4R7g; Pop R1, R4, R5, R6, R7 from the stackPOPfR3, R5, PCg; Pop R3, R4 and PC from the stack , then branch to the new PCAccessing Stack Using Multiple Load and Store Instructions

When executing thumb instructions in thumb mode, you can use the push and pop instructions which do not give you the freedom to use any register, it only uses R13 (SP) and you cannot save all the registers only a specic subset of them. In THUMB mode, PUSH instruction can access only Lo registers and the LR and POP instruction can only include Lo registers and PC. So, we can use the equivalent multiple load and store instructions LDMIA and STMDB which


are more generic and all the registers can be accessed by them. Following example shows the use of these instructions.. . .

STMDB SP! ,fR4R7g; Push R4, R5, R6 and R7 onto the stack. . . temporarily use R4,R5,R6,R7f ors omethinge lse. . .

LDMIA R13! ,fR4R7g; Pop R4, R5, R6 and R7 from the stack. . . 1. STM is store m ultipley oucan sa vemore than one register at a time, up to all of them in one instruction. 2. DB means decremen tb efore,thi sis a do wnwardmo vingstac kfrom high addresses to lower addresses. 3. Y oucan use SP or R13 here to indicate the stac kp ointer.This particular instruction is not limited to stack operations, can be used for other things. 4. The ! means up datethe SP register with the new address after it complete s,here again STM can be used for non-stack operations so you might not want to change the base address register, leave the ! o in that case. 5. Then in the brac ketslist the registers y ouw antto sa ve,comma separated. LDMIA is the reverse, LDM means load multiple. IA means increment after and the rest is the same as STM. Since stack manipulation maps naturally to the LDM/STM instructions, the ARM syntax has been given alternative names to make it easy to refer to the correct stack operation. In this case STMFD/LDMFD implements the full descending stack and is equivalent to STMDB/LDMIA.

Sequence for Using PUSH and POP Instructions

One important note regarding stack usage is that the number of registers PUSHed into the stack and the number of registers POPped from the stack within a routine must be balanced. For example, if we PUSHed R0, R1, R2 onto the stack, then they must be removed in reverse order of R2, R1, R0 if we intend to return the correct values to their original registers. If this were not done, then stack items would be retrieved to a dierent register, changing its value to that in another register. Obviously, if we POPped something from the stack before PUSHing an item in, it would corrupt the stack. Fortunately this can be accomplished easily on the ARM architecture by means of the LDM and STM instructions. A single STMFD / LDMFD pair can save and restore all aected registers in the correct sequence. The equivalent PUSH and POP pseudo-instructions are provided as a convenience as well. This is illustrated in the following code, where myfunc1 is balanced while myfunc2 and myfunc3 would results in unexpected behavior or program crashes.; Balanced stack usage myfunc1 53

PUSHfR4R7g; Equivalent to STMFD SP! ,fR4R7g. . .

POPfR4R7g; Equivalent to LDMFD SP! ,fR4R7g; Unbalanced stack usage myfunc2

PUSHfR0g; Store oner egisteri nt hes tack. . .

POPfR0,R1g; Retrieve two registers from the stack; Unbalanced stack usage myfunc3

PUSHfR1,R2g; Store twor egisteri nt hes tack. . .

POPfR2g; Retrieve oner egisterf romt hes tackSubroutine and Stack In assembly language programming one subroutine can call another. In this case, the return address of the second call is also stored in the link register destroying the previous contents. Hence, it is essential to save the contents of the link register in some other location before calling another subroutine. So, if the link register is pushed onto the stack at entry, additional subroutine calls can safely be made without causing the return address to be lost. If you do this, you can also return from a subroutine by popping the PC o the stack at exit, instead of

popping LR and then moving that value into the PC. For example:subroutine STMFD SP! ,fR5R7,LRg; Push work registers and lr; code

BL somewhereelse

; code LDMFD SP! ,fR5R7,PCg; Pop work registers and pcExamples Here we discuss some examples to illustrate the stack usage.

Example 1; Directives






ALIGN ; Define Procedures subroutine PROC ; Using PROC and ENDP f or p rocedures PUSHfR1, LRg; Save values in the stackMOV R1, #8 ; Set i n i t i a l valuef ort hed elayl oop delay

SUBS R1, R1, #1

BNE delay

POPfR1, PCg; Pop out the saved value from the stack , check; the value in the R1 andi f i ti st hes avedv alue

ENDP ;user main program;main

MOV R0, #0x75

MOV R3, #5

PUSHfR0, R3g; Notice the stack address is 0x2000003F8; ( Contains R1 then R3)

MOV R0, #6

MOV R3, #7

POPfR0, R3g; Should be able to see the value in R0 = #0x75 , R3 = #5Loop

ADD R0, R0, #1

CMP R0, #0x80

BNE Loop

MOV R1, #9 ; Prepare

f or f unctionc all

BL subroutine

MOV R3, #12



END 55

Example 2

Execute the following program, understand its working and write the comments for each in- struction.PRESERVE8 THUMB



Average DCD 0

SqrAvg DCD 0





;Define Procedures;; Calculates the square of integer array


STMDB SP! ,fR0R3, LRgLoop

LDRB R3, [R1] , #1


STRB R3, [R2] , #1

SUBS R0, R0, #1

BGT Loop


; Calculates the average of input array





LDRB R3, [R1] , #1

ADD R2, R3

SUBS R0, R0, #1


UDIV R5, R2, R4


; Calculates the average of square of input array







;User main program;main

LDRB R0, Count

LDR R1, =Values




LDR R3, =Average

STR R5, [R3]


LDR R3, =SqrAvg

STR R5, [R3]


Values DCB 7 , 6 , 5 , 3 , 9 , 2 , 1

Count DCB 7





1. W ritean ARM assem blylanguage subrou tineto m ultiplyt won umbersusing recursion and repetitive addition. 2. W ritean ARM ass emblylanguage subroutine to calculate Fib onacciseries using recursion.quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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