[PDF] Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

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Tax Identification Numbers

31 окт. 2019 г. How to find TIN? Useful links and contacts. TIN structure. TIN description. 46. Italy. For individuals. ▫ The TIN is called “Codice fiscale” ...

SpiderWeb: A Spatial Data Generator on the Web

of Verona Italy. REFERENCES. [1] Louai Alarabi

Jurisdictions name: AUSTRIA Information on Tax Identification

This means that a TIN can change when a taxpayer changes residence. Additional information on the mandatory issuance of Tax Identification Numbers (TINs).

Italy: The Tax Identification Number (codice fiscale) Introduction The

8 июл. 2021 г. Introduction. The following note describes the application procedure related to the Italian Tax. Identification Number (TIN) and the TIN card.

PRADO - Public Register

ITA - Italy • REPUBBLICA ITALIANA •. LTU - Lithuania • LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKA •. LVA showing the TINs. • the TIN structure. • specific characteristics of the TIN.

Spatial Data Generators

TIN VU Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

Production of Long Lived Parent Radionuclides for Generators

hydrous tin oxide (SnO2·xH2O where x = 1

Fast Reactor Database 2006 Update

The information contained in IAEA-TECDOC-866 produced by France

SpiderWeb: A Spatial Data Generator on the Web

6 нояб. 2020 г. of Verona Italy. REFERENCES. [1] Louai Alarabi

Cyclotron Produced Radionuclides: Emerging Positron Emitters for

Tin-117m . a generator for 47Sc which can be separated in high specific activity from ...

MHM GEN Tin 12 Petrol Generator

22 avr. 2022 3kVA Tin 12 Petrol Generator ... Tin 12 gas and water applications for butt + electro boxes – 110V CTE. 3kVA (110V) ... built in Italy.

TIN serves as identification number of any person who is involved in

Italy. Information on Tax Identification Numbers. Section I – TIN Description In case of individuals those who do not have a TIN should submit a ...

MHM GEN Tin 12 Petrol Generator

22 avr. 2022 5kVA Tin 12 Petrol Generator ... Tin 12 gas and water applications for butt + electro boxes – 110V CTE. Performance ... built in Italy.

Italy: The Tax Identification Number (codice fiscale) Introduction The

8 juil. 2021 The following note describes the application procedure related to the Italian Tax. Identification Number (TIN) and the TIN card.

Spatial Data Generators

TIN VU Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

Power System Stability Analysis of the Sicilian Network in the 2050

11 mai 2022 Department of Energy Politecnico di Milano

SpiderWeb: A Spatial Data Generator on the Web

Information systems ? Spatial-temporal systems; Web ap- plications. KEYWORDS synthetic data generator

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

13 mai 2020 Down and feathers made in Switzerland. Hair; hunting trophies made in the Russian Federation. Down and feathers made in Italy.

Projected Costs of Generating Electricity – 2020 Edition

9 déc. 2020 variable renewables such as wind and solar PV as well as flexible low-carbon generators such as hydro and nuclear energy (including LTO).

Is a tin valid in Italy?

A TIN is valid if it is registered in the Italian Tax Register managed by the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate). The only acceptable TIN is the one issued by the Revenue Agency Offices (Agenzia delle Entrate). No one else is authorized to produce software programmes for the computation of TINs or to print cards.

How do I get a tax identification number in Italy?

Non-resident individuals who need to obtain the tax identification number can apply for it to the Italian consular authorities in the Country of residence. Non EU citizens can obtain the tax identification number either at the Single desk for immigration “Sportelli Unici per l’immigrazione” or by any Police headquarters “Questure”.

What is a tax code in Italy?

The Fiscal Code Number (Codice Fiscale, Italian taxpayers’ identification number (TIN), tax code, call it what you like) is a unique taxpayer code that identifies all individuals in their dealings with the Italian authorities and is a mandatory requirement for a whole series of activities.

Why do EU countries use tin numbers?

… Most EU countries use Tax Identification Numbers (TINs) to identify taxpayers and facilitate the administration of their national tax affairs. TINs are also useful for identifying taxpayers who invest in other EU countries and are more reliable than other identifiers such as name and address.

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

CountryCodeType (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) DescriptionNoteWebsiteAdditional documentFrom HS codeTo HS codeHS code listLast updated

AFGHANISTANAFPPlease check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and prohibitions https://mof.gov.af/en/dg-customs00000099999913 May 2020 ALBANIAALNPlease check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and prohibitions http://www.dogana.gov.al/0000009999991 January 2016 ALGERIADZNPlease check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and prohibitions http://www.douane.gov.dz/0000009999991 January 2016 ANGOLAAOPAnimals and animal products where there is an epizootic

27 May 2020ANGOLAAORAnimals; remains and animal products27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORBanknotes and coins and securities payable to any currency27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPBooks of national literary property; when they are counterfeit editions in a foreign country

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAOPBoxes which having the same mark; form a single volume containing several goods

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORCasters (roulettes) and other games prohibited by law27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPChlorofluorocarbon-CFCs materials27 May 2020 ANGOLAAORCigarettes and compositions for giving tobacco; perfumes or special tastes27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPCoffee imitations with coffee designation27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPCounterfeit goods or imitation goods27 May 2020 ANGOLAAORDenatured pure alcohol imported only according to the standards of the legislation in force

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORDevices; electronic radios; transceivers and accessories27 May 2020 ANGOLAAORDistillation still and respective parts27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPDistilled beverages containing essences or products considered harmful27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORDogs; cats and other pets27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORElectric cables27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORExplosives and pyrotechnics27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORExplosives used in the mining industry; Paper used for smoking in rolls and materials for cigarette butts

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAOPFood products not satisfying the conditions established in the law or having a poor state of preservation

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAOPFood substances containing sacancia27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPGoods produced or manufactured with copyright infringement27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPGoods produced or produced with violation of industrial property rights27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPGoods which may be confused with goods used by the defense; security and internal order bodies; by reason of their nature; characteristics; functions and similarity

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORGoods without country of origin label

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAOPImitations of national postage formulas27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPManufactured boxes used as packaging for products other than mineral oils27 May 2020 ANGOLAAORMedicine whose labels contain the active substances that compose it27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPMedicines and foodstuffs harmful to public health27 May 2020 ANGOLAAORPharmaceutical specialties which import requires authorization from the

Ministry of Health

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAOPPlants and parts of plants from regions affected by phylloxera or other epiphyties

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORPlants; roots; tubers; bulbs; branches; stakes; oils; buds; frios and seeds27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORPlaying cards27 May 2020

ANGOLAAOPPlease check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and prohibitions https://www.agt.minfin.gov.ao/PortalAGT /#!/servicos/aduaneiros/procedimentos- aduaneiros

00000099999913 May 2020

ANGOLAAORPoison or poisonous substances and drugs; narcotics or preparations27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPPornographic texts; publications and objects27 May 2020 ANGOLAAORPostage stamps and tax stamps imported only by the state27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPRefined petroleum products on the subsidized market27 May 2020 ANGOLAAORRough; polished or cut diamonds27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORSanaria and similar sweetening products; imported only with the authorization of the Ministry of Health

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAOPSexual stimulus drink or pills; photos; books; prints; movies; drawings and prints27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORSpecies of fish for aquaculture and quilapia type fish27 May 2020 ANGOLAAOPSubversive propaganda material; for example: Books; DVDs and CDs containing music; pictures or other information

27 May 2020

ANGOLAAOPUsed batteries27 May 2020

ANGOLAAOPUsed vehicle engines27 May 2020

ANGOLAAOPUsed vehicle tires27 May 2020

ANGOLAAORWeapons and ammunition27 May 2020

ANTIGUA AND BARBUDAAGNPlease check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and prohibitions

http://customs.gov.ag/customs- procedures/goods-requiring-import- license/

0000009999991 January 2016

ARGENTINAARPFresh and frozen fish products and fresh and frozen vegatable productsRes. Nº 12/92 (SS),




9 August 2022

ARGENTINAARPThe entry into the Provinces of Jujuy; Salta;Tucuman and Catamarca of citrus plants and/or their parts (buds; fruits; etc.) is prohibited; whatever their origin. Res. Nº 657/93 (SAGyP)60210602200602.10.00; 0602.20.00; 08.05;


9 August 2022

Page 1 of 225 21 June 2023

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

CountryCodeType (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) DescriptionNoteWebsiteAdditional documentFrom HS codeTo HS codeHS code listLast updated

ARGENTINAARPLive cattle; genetic material (semen; ova and embryos) and animal products; of the bovine; ovine and caprine species.

Res. Nº 429/90

(SAGyP), Art° 1


01.02 ; 01.04; 02.01; 02.02; 02.04;

0206.10.00; 0206.21.00; 0206.22.00;

0206.29.10; 0206.29.90; 0206.80.00;

0206.90.00; 0210.20.00; 0210.99.20;

0210.99.90; 04.01; 04.02; 04.03; 04.04;

04.05; 04.06; 0504.00.11; 0504.00.12;

0504.00.19; 0504.00.90; 0511.10.00;

0511.99.10; 0511.99.20; 0511.99.99.

9 August 2022

ARGENTINAARPPlease check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and prohibitions https://www.afip.gob.ar/aduana/instituci onal/

00000099999913 May 2020

ARMENIAAMPAlcoholic beverages from trademarks registered in the Republic of Armenia and subject to labeling; but not labeled.

1 January 2016

ARMENIAAMPAll kinds of wastes; except those having the positive conclusion of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Armenia and wastes imported on the basis of the permission issued by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the

Republic of Armenia.

1 January 2016

ARMENIAAMPExpired goods1 January 2016

ARMENIAAMPItems representing historic; cultural and archeological values1 January 2016

ARMENIAAMRLive wild animalsPermission issued by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia.1 January 2016

ARMENIAAMPMaterials containing a secret of state1 January 2016

ARMENIAAMRMedicines and medicinal preparationsImport certificate issued by the Ministry of Health Protection of the Republic of

Armenia. This action does not cover: a) live vaccines; sera and diagnostic means; used in the field of veterinary medicine; b) those medicines and/or medicinal preparations imported in to the Republic of Armenia and exported from hte Republic of Armenia; which are meant for the treatment or private use of a person leaving abroad or arriving from abroad and which do not exceed the quantity 10 titles; three consumer packages from each one; unless the corresponding documentation motivates the need in a larger quantity for the treatment; c) medicines and/or medicinal preparations imported into the Republic of Armenia by the representatives of international organizations in the Republic of Armenia; foreign diplomatic and consular representatives; the staff thereof and members of the families living together with the staff thereof; used for personal needs.

1 January 2016

ARMENIAAMPNot-iodized edible salt for use in food1 January 2016 ARMENIAAMRPlantsThe import; export; re-exports and transit transportation of plants; plant production and items under regulation is carried out upon the availability of the plant sanitary certificate issued by the State Food Security Service at the Ministry of

Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia.

1 January 2016

ARMENIAAMPPlease check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and prohibitions https://www.petekamutner.am/00000099999913 May 2020

ARMENIAAMRWild plantsPermission issued by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia.1 January 2016

ARMENIAAMPWood1 January 2016

ARUBAAWPPlease check on the destination customs website; for any other restrictions and prohibitions https://www.douane.aw/en/19 May 2020 AUSTRALIAAUPItems of any kind containing bullion or bank notes.UPU Convention Protocol

Article VIII/IX

25 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAUPItems containing valuables such as jewellery, precious metals, precious or semi- precious stones, securities, coins or any form of negotiable financial instrument.

UPU Convention Protocol

Article VIII/IX

25 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURAgricultural machinery/ToolsPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAUPA wide range of food; plant and animal products; including the use of such products (such as straw and other plant materials) in the packing of parcels. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

26 April 2017

AUSTRALIAAURAlmondPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


20081940200819405 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURAllspice (pimenta)Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


904218090421805 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURAlcoholic beverages are not subject to the durty free threshold of AUD 1000 and will incur duty and taxes. Where value exceeds AUD 1000; an Import Declaration is required. If the duty and GST on the alcohol products is not paid within 30 days of the payment advice; the goods may be returned to sender. https://www.abf.gov.au/importing- exporting-and-manufacturing/prohibited- goods/list-of-items

31 May 2019

Page 2 of 225 21 June 2023

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

CountryCodeType (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) DescriptionNoteWebsiteAdditional documentFrom HS codeTo HS codeHS code listLast updated

AUSTRALIAAURAnimal EquipmentUsed veterinary equipment requires treatment on arrival with the appropriate

disinfection treatment or gamma irradiation at 50 kGray. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

17 December 2019

AUSTRALIAAURAnimal hormonesImport permit required. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to


https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

5 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURAnimal productsMajority of pet products require an import permit. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

24 January 2021

AUSTRALIAAURAnimal Tissues/Fluids/Urine/FaecesImport permit required. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to


https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

24 January 2021

AUSTRALIAAURAntler/Bone/HornPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


17 December 2019

AUSTRALIAAURAppleFresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

5 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURApricotFresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

5 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURAquaculture feed and aquatic mealsPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


17 December 2019

AUSTRALIAAURAsparagusFresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

0709200709205 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURAvocadoFresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

080408045 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURBananaFresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

5 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURBanana leaf/fibrePlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURBarleyPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


100310035 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURBarkPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


14019014049924 January 2021

AUSTRALIAAURBeansFresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

0708200708205 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAUPBean seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that are

thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived from vegetables or seed. https://www.agriculture.gov.au/pests- diseases-weeds/plant/khapra- beetle/urgent-actions

5 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURBee productsBee products present a biosecurity risk due to the possibility of the presence of

exotic bee pests such as Varroa mites. In addition, products that contain bee- collected pollen could also introduce plant diseases. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

24 January 2021

AUSTRALIAAURBetel nutPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURBlueberryFresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

5 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURBlack fungus (Auricularia)Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


07123200071232005 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURBirds nestBird's nest products MUST meet the conditions for retorted goods. Unretorted products will be destroyed as they do not meet import requirements. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

17 December 2019

AUSTRALIAAURBirdseedPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


17 December 2019

AUSTRALIAAURBonsaiLive plants are prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURBrazil nutPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


080108015 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURBroccoli/Cauliflower/CabbageFresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian

import conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURButterPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


040504055 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCamping equipmentPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecuri

ty-trade/pests-diseases- weeds/animal/fmd

5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCarrotFresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCardamonPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


090809085 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCashewPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


080108015 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCeleryFresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

5 September 2022

Page 3 of 225 21 June 2023

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

CountryCodeType (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) DescriptionNoteWebsiteAdditional documentFrom HS codeTo HS codeHS code listLast updated

AUSTRALIAAUPCelery seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that are

thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived from vegetables or seed. https://www.agriculture.gov.au/pests- diseases-weeds/plant/khapra- beetle/urgent-actions

12099120120991205 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCheesePlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCharcoal; wood pellets; briquettes and firewoodPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


44010044019924 January 2021

AUSTRALIAAURCherryFresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURChestnutPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAUPChickpeasProhibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that are

thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived from vegetables or seed. https://www.agriculture.gov.au/pests- diseases-weeds/plant/khapra- beetle/urgent-actions

708900570890055 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCinnamonPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


09061100090611005 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCitrus peel/pomander/leafPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURClovesPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


090709075 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCoconutFresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

080108015 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCoffee beanPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCoffeePlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


09010009019024 January 2021

AUSTRALIAAURCoir/Coconut fibrePlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCoir peatPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


17 December 2019

AUSTRALIAAURConfectionaryPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


17 December 2019

AUSTRALIAAURConifer foliagePlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCooked items (biscuits; breads; pastries; cakes) cheesecakes; mooncakesImport permit may be required. Mooncakes containing meat or meat-based

ingredients are prohibited. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

24 January 2021

AUSTRALIAAUPCoriander seedProhibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that are

thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived from vegetables or seed. https://www.agriculture.gov.au/pests- diseases-weeds/plant/khapra- beetle/urgent-actions

090909095 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCranberryFresh fruit is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import

conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

810400081040005 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCrustaceanFresh seafood is prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia. https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

030603065 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCulture Media/Lab ReagentsImport permit required. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to


https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe b4.0/ImportConditions/Search/

24 January 2021

AUSTRALIAAUPCucurbit seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that are

thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived from vegetables or seed. https://www.agriculture.gov.au/pests- diseases-weeds/plant/khapra- beetle/urgent-actions

5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAUPCumin seed Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that are

thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived from vegetables or seed. https://www.agriculture.gov.au/pests- diseases-weeds/plant/khapra- beetle/urgent-actions

090909095 August 2022

AUSTRALIAAURCut flowersPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


06030006039024 January 2021

AUSTRALIAAURDaily based sweetsPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURDatesPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


080408045 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURDairy productsDairy products are prohibited into Australia from FMD-infected countries. Please verify Australian import conditions before mailing to


https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecuri ty-trade/pests-diseases- weeds/animal/fmdt

04010004100024 January 2021

AUSTRALIAAURDeer productsPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


5 September 2022

Page 4 of 225 21 June 2023

Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles

CountryCodeType (P -Prohibition, R - Restriction, N - Note) DescriptionNoteWebsiteAdditional documentFrom HS codeTo HS codeHS code listLast updated

AUSTRALIAAUPDried chillies/capsicum Prohibited through the mail pathway. The following exclusions apply: goods that are

thermally processed that are commercially manufactured and packaged such as retorted, blanched, roasted, fried, boiled, puffed or pasteurised goods, and commercially manufactured frozen food and frozen plant products or oils derived from vegetables or seed. https://www.agriculture.gov.au/pests- diseases-weeds/plant/khapra- beetle/urgent-actions

090409045 September 2022

AUSTRALIAAURDried - Herb products other than for human consumptionPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


17 December 2019

AUSTRALIAAURDried fruitPlease verify Australian import conditions before mailing to Australia.https://bicon.agriculture.gov.au/BiconWe


17 December 2019

AUSTRALIAAURDuruka/Fijian AsparagusFresh vegetables prohibited through the mail pathway. Please verify Australian

import conditions before mailing to Australia.quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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