[PDF] bash-parameter-expansion-cheatsheet.pdf

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Bash has a powerful parameter syntax. The examples below show a command on the left the result (if any) in the center

Bash parameter expansion Cheat Sheet by Jenzopr - Cheatography

Bash parameter expansion Cheat Sheet by Jens Preußner (Jenzopr) via cheatography.com/18621/cs/2387/. Basic parameter usage. FRUIT=​"​kiw​i". FRUITS​=(o​ranges 

BASH cheat sheet - Level 2

The syntax. $(command) is generally preferable. $. It introduces parameter expansion command substitution

Bash scripting cheatsheet

Aug 31 2019 See: Parameter expansion. STR="/path/to/foo.cpp" echo ${STR%.cpp} # /path/to/foo echo ${STR%.cpp}.o # /path/to/foo.o echo ${STR##*.} # cpp ...


arguments is executed in the current process (replacing this shell) pwd. Output ... expansion parameter expansion

Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

Apr 5 2012 ... parameter substitution. #!/bin/bash. # patt-matching.sh. # Pattern matching using the # ## % %% parameter substitution operators. var1 ...

Bash Guide for Beginners

Within an expression shell variables may also be referenced by name without using the parameter expansion As you can see

Linux Bash



Bash has a powerful parameter syntax. The examples below show a command on the left the result (if any) in the center

BASH cheat sheet - Level 2

The syntax. $(command) is generally preferable. $. It introduces parameter expansion command substitution

Page 1 Zsh Reference Card Version 4.2

Expansion: variables: forms and flags. 8. Shell variables: set by shell used by shell references to this card they expand on the brief hints here.


The shell script is read as standard input until word is encountered. Unless a character of word is quoted parameter and command substitution occur.

Bash Programming Pocket Reference

A quick cheat sheet for programmers who want to do shell scripting. uses some of the more advanced bash features like parameter substitution a.s.o..

PDF Bash Reference Manual

21 ?.?. 2563 After expansion when executing a command

OWASP Cheat Sheets

27 ?.?. 2552 parameter and hence inferring a valid user ID. Error Codes and URLs. The application may return a different HTTP Error code ...

bash 12

Bash (Bourne Again Shell) is a shell language build on-top of the orignal Bourne Shell Some are a subset of parameter substitution and others.

GNU Emacs Reference Card

execute a shell command asynchronously add mode-local expansion for this abbrev. C-x a i l ... The interactive spec says how to read arguments interac-.

The Z Shell Manual

16 ?.?. 2555 explanations and hints on issues where the manual can be cabbalistic ... See the description of the shell variables (referred to.

Bash has a powerful parameter syntax. The examples below show a command on the left, the result (if

any) in the center, and an explanation on the right. See "Parameter Expansion" in the bash man page.Set Up the Test Directory$ mkdir test$ cd test$ touch file1 file2 file3Basic Parameter Expansion$ param1=hello$ echo $param1hello$ echo ${param1}ahelloathe braces separate the name$ echo ${param2}nothing thereDefault Values$ echo ${param2:-file*}file1 file2 file3all files in the directory$ echo ${param2:-$param1}hellouses $param1's value...$ echo $param2(nothing)... but didn't change $param2$ echo ${param3:=$param1}hellouses $param1's value...$ echo $param3hello... and assigns it to $param3Substring ManipulationsKeep in mind that the substitutions etc are expanded, not literals, so you can use wildcards and other

pattern syntaxes in them (for example, the "he*l" below used to strip "hell" from the value).$ echo ${param1:2}llosubstring from 2$ echo ${param1:2:2}llsubstring from 2, len 2$ echo ${param1#he}llostrip shortest match from start$ echo ${param1#hel*}lostrip shortest match from start$ echo ${param1#he*l}lostrip shortest match from start$ echo ${param1##he*l}ostrip longest match from start$ echo ${param1%l*o}helstrip shortest match from end$ echo ${param1%%l*o}hestrip longest match from end$ echo ${param1/l/p}heploreplace as few as possible$ echo ${param1//l/p}hepporeplace as many as possibleMiscellaneous$ echo ${!param*}param1 param2 param3parameter names starting with...$ echo ${#param1}5length of parameter valueExample Uses# Rename all .GIF files to .giffor file in *.GIF; do mv $file ${file%GIF}gif; done# Now number the files sequentiallycnt=0;for file in *.gif; do mv $file $cnt$file; let cnt=cnt++; done# Oops, I didn't mean that... get rid of the numbers.for file in *.gif; do mv $file ${file##[0-9]}; done

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