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Maples and Blissenden "The Proposed Client-Accountant Tax Privilege in Australia: How Does International Arbitration in Switzerland (2013) 131

BulleTin AmericAn SocieTy PAPyrologiSTS The


of T he


A n SocieTy of


Volume 51

editorial committee: Peter van minnen, Timothy renner, Jitse Dijkstra reviews editor: Arthur Verhoogt Advisory Board: Antti Arjava, Paola Davoli, gladys frantz-murphy, ?omas, Dorothy ?ompson, Terry Wilfong copyright © ?e American Society of Papyrologists 2014

Printed in the

united States of America on acid-free paper contents

American Society of Papyrologists

A homeric Papyrus from Tebtynis ?omas A. Wayment and Daniel Becerra......................................................7 A homeric Papyrus at yale

Andrzej Mirończuk

A homeric Papyrus from oxyrhynchus

Simone Oppen ........................................................................π.........................35

A letter from harpalos and Sarapion(?)

Brice C. Jones

A loan of money with interest

Philip Katz ........................................................................π...............................47

An Assessment from Karanis

C. Michael Sampson ........................................................................π...............59

A letter ordering the release of a Prisoner

Stephen M. Bay



fr. 60 m. and the Kassandra

?eodora A. Hadjimichael ........................................................................π.....77

Artabas of

grain or Artabas of grains?

Willy Clarysse

noms doubles et prosopographie ombite

Frédéric Colin ........................................................................π......................109

late Ptolemaic capitation Taxes and the Poll Tax in roman egypt

Andrew Monson ........................................................................π..................127

recognizing greek literacy in early roman Documents from the Judaean


Scott D. Charlesworth

notes on Papyri ........................................................................π...........................191

christian inscriptions from egypt and nubia 1 (2013) Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet .........................199 review Articles locating Arabic Papyrology: fiscal Politics in medieval egypt as a Test-case for Setting Disciplinary Boundaries and Standards

Petra M. Sijpesteijn........................................................................π..............217


coins from excavations in Alexandria

Andrew Meadows ........................................................................π................230



monson, Agriculture and Taxation in Early Ptolemaic Egypt: Demotic

Land Surveys and Accounts (P. Agri)

(Brian muhs ) ........................................................................π......................241

charikleia Armoni, Das Archiv der Taricheuten Amenneus und Onnophris aus

Tanis (P.Tarich.)

(Peter van minnen) ........................................................................π............245

(Katelijn Vandorpe) ........................................................................π............249

Wolfgang habermann (ed.), Die badischen Grabungen in Qarâra und el-Hibeh (P. Heid. X)

(Peter van minnen) ........................................................................π............253

S. r. llewelyn and J.r. harrison (eds.), New Documents Illustrating Early Chris- tianity: A Review of the Greek and Other Inscriptions and Papyri Published

Between 1988 and 1992

(lincoln h. Blumell) ........................................................................π..........257


monson, From the Ptolemies to the Romans: Political and Economic

Change in Egypt

(Arthur Verhoogt) ........................................................................π..............261

Ari Z. Bryen,

Violence in Roman Egypt: A Study in Legal Interpretation

(Peter van minnen) ........................................................................π............265

giuseppina Azzarello. Il dossier della "domus divina" in Egitto

(James g. Keenan) ........................................................................π..............269

grzegorz ochała, Chronological Systems of Christian Nubia

(Jitse h.f. Dijkstra) ........................................................................π.............273


received ........................................................................π...........................279

Papyrological Summer

institutes reports, 2008-2012 ..................................283 Word index to BASP 43-50

Peter van Minnen

American Studies in Papyrology

American Society of Papyrologists

?e American Society of Papyrologists (ASP) was founded in 1961 to further the study of ancient greek and latin papyri and of the materials con- tained in them. ?e Society supports research in papyrology, which is now taken to include Demotic, coptic, and Arabic papyri as well. Since 2003 it also actively supports the teaching of papyrology through the Summer institutes in Papyrology. members of the American Society of Papyrologists may join the Associa- tion internationale de Papyrologues (AiP), which sponsors the triennial inter- national congresses of papyrology and subsidizes such scholarly enterprises as

Society of Papyrologists receive the annual

Bulletin of the American Society

of Papyrologists , currently in its ??y-?rst year, and through their dues help support the American Studies in Papyrology monograph series (??y-three volumes published so far), the papyrology panels at the annual meetings of the American Philological Association (early January) and the Society of Biblical literature (late november), and the Summer institutes in Papyrology. you can join the American Society of Papyrologists individually or insti- tutionally online at http://papyrology.org/index.php/membership. ?e rates for 2014 (excluding postage) are: $35 for individuals (reduced for students) and $65 for institutions. individuals can add membership of the Association internationale de Papyrologues ($15) and a tax-deductible gi? to the Summer institutes in Papyrology endowment. ?e goal of the endowment is to make it possible to support a Summer institute in Papyrology every other year from the endowment's income.Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 51 (2014) 5

A homeric Papyrus from Tebtynis

1 ?omas A. Wayment and Daniel Becerra

Brigham Young University


full edition of P.Tebt. 3.2.899 descr., a second-century Bc papyrus retrieved from mummy cartonnage, containing homer, Iliad 6. P.Tebt. 3.2.899, published in 1938 as a descriptum, preserves fragments of a second century Bce papyrus roll of homer, Iliad 6. ?e fragments, which were recovered from cartonnage, belong to the Tebtynis papyrus collection at the university of california, Berkeley, and carry uc (university of california) call numbers. 2 ?e papyrus is listed in mertens-Pack 3 as no. 773 and has also informed m l . West's edition of the

Iliad (1998-2000) as well as his Studies in

the Text and Transmission of the Iliad (2001). Although they have been con sulted by scholars, the fragments, which preserve portions of verses 2-347 and represent eleven columns, have yet to receive a formal edition. ?ere are in total 43 catalogued fragments, some without any discernible text. e ight small fragments remain unplaced in the current edition.

Two of the unplaced fragments now catalogued as

P.Tebt. 3.2.899, al-

though they are admittedly rather small with only a few visible letters, are likely not from homer; they were perhaps included with the homeric frag- ments because they are also written in a Ptolemaic literary hand. ?ese two fragments are inventoried as uc

2074 (P.Tebt. 0899) -b)

homer, Iliad Vi and uc

2077 (P.Tebt. 0899) -d)

homer, Iliad Vi and are transcribed at the end of this article, together with the remaining six unplaced ones. ?e reverse of P.Tebt. 3.2.899 contains a badly mutilated register with measurements of land speci?cally mentioned. ?e register is written in a documentary hand, but no information as to date survives in it. 3 1

We would also like to thank Professor Todd

hickey for granting access to the pa- pyrus and for encouragement along the way. 2 images of the papyri according to these inventory numbers are available at http:// tebtunis.berkeley.edu/form. ?ere the caption for frs. 2075 and 2076 mistakenly refer to 1075, 1076. 3 o n frr. 1053a, 1053b, 2065a, and 2065b the documentary writing is upside down with respect to the homer text.

Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists

51 (2014) 7-26

8 ?omas A. Wayment and Daniel Becerra

?e original size of the bookroll may be estimated to be about 30 cm in height. A column of writing is on average 9-10 cm wide, or about average for a hexameter column. 4 ?e number of lines per column is on average 33. ?e hand is practiced and consistent, with few ligatured letters, and is the work of a professional scribe. hunt ascribed the text to a?er 150 Bce, and probably we should assign it to the late second century Bce based on palaeographical parallels. 5 with three strokes, the middle stroke being rather small. Π is also formed in three strokes with an elongated or broad top. ?e center of θ is sometimes written closer to a dot than a line. ?e two strokes of λ meet at the top with a slight extension of the right member, and τ has a curved top. ?e handwriting is closest to that of P.Tebt. 3.1.697 (Odyssey 4.796-5.264), particularly in the papyri are found in P.Tebt. 3.1.728 (o?cial letter dating to ii B.c.), and P.mich. inv. 6947 (a royal decree dated January 7, 197 Bce). like in other Ptolemaic homeric papyri, terminal nu is o?en missing, even when the following line begins with a vowel (see ll. 11, 20, 114, 140, 142, 204, 235, 237). 6 o f the 346 lines of text preserved by

P.Tebt. 3.2.899, many are badly mu-

tilated, but some are quite legible and complete. ?e text of these fragments is attested in 48 other papyri, including 13 currently unpublished fragments from the Ashmolean collection. 7

Although the published description indicates

that the ?rst 3 columns (through l. 108) are written parallel to the papyrus ?bers, the ?ber orientation is actually vertical ( ) to the writing for all of the homeric fragments, except for the ?nal column where the papyrus has been repaired ( uc


8 ?e text is restored exempli gratia to m.l. West, Homeri Ilias, Volumen prius rhapsodias I-XII continens (Stuttgart and leipzig 1998). Alternate readings from the available papyri are also listed in the notes, using

West's simpli?ed numeric notation.


W.A. Johnson,

Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus

(Toronto 2004) 166. 5 ?e second century Bce date of the papyrus seems to have achieved broad ac- ceptance; see S.A. West, ?e Ptolemaic Papyri of Homer opladen 1967) 73. 6 c f. West (n. 5) 17. 7 for a list of currently catalogued homeric papyri, see m.l. West, Studies in the

Text and Transmission of the Iliad

munich and leipzig 2001) 88-138, and the online database of homeric papyri maintained through the center for hellenic Studies in Washington, Dc: http://chs.harvard.edu/wa/pager?tn=ArticleWrapper&bdc=12& mn=1168. for a careless quotation of verse 264 at herodium, Palestine, see now ZPE

183 (2012) 15-20.

8 ?e captions of the online images (cf. above, n. 1) refer to the side with the homeric text as "recto" and that with the documentary text as "verso."

A homeric Papyrus from Tebtynis 9

?e papyrus is remarkable for several reasons. A later reading (μεσσηγὺς nal is attested here in l. 4. Additionally, the papyrus is evidence of a unique reading at ll. 156-157 where the plural θεοί is attested in the singular and the verb in l. 157 is altered to agree with the singular noun. ?e change seems uncharacteristic of homer. Several lines (ll. 222-223) that were considered dubious in the scholia are attested here, thus providing an early date for their attestation. o f interest also are several scribal omissions, namely the loss of one of the epithets describing hector in l. 263 and the loss of an entire line at 283.
f inally, an early date for the reading πύργον is attested in this papyrus (l.

237), giving further support that the reading φηγόν arose later.

To the right of the transcribed greek text below are indicated the points where the testimony of the various fragments (arabic numbers = uc call num bers) begins and ends. i liad


P.Tebt. 3.2.899 descr. late second century Bce

m P 3 773,
collart 270 column 1

2062b begins

2062a begins

5 10

2062b ends


10 ?omas A. Wayment and Daniel Becerra


2062a ends

2063a begins


2063a ends

lines 29-35 missing 36

2063b begins


2063b ends

column 2 upper margin preserved

2064 begins


2062a (2nd

col.) begins 50

2062a (2nd col.) ends


2064 ends; 2063c beg.

A homeric Papyrus from Tebtynis 11

2063 c, d end

lines 60-62 missing

2065a begins


2065a ends

lines 71-73 missing column 3

2065b begins


2065b ends

lines 79-82 missing

1053a begins


12 ?omas A. Wayment and Daniel Becerra


1053b (1st col.)


1053a, b (2nd col.) end

lower margin preserved column 4 upper margin

2066a begins


2066c begins

120 ] μεσο

2066c ends


2067b begins

A homeric Papyrus from Tebtynis 13


2067a ends

2067b ends; 2068a beg.


1053b (2nd col.) begins


1053b (2nd col.) ends

lower margin preserved column 5 lines 149-150 missing

1054 (1) begins

1054 (2) begins


1054 (1) ends


1054 (3) begins

14 ?omas A. Wayment and Daniel Becerra

1054 (2), (3) end

lower margin preserved column 6 upper margin preserved 175

2069 begins


190 κ]α

2069 ends

lines 192-198 missing

2071a begins

200 ]


2071a ends

lower margin preserved

A homeric Papyrus from Tebtynis 15

column 7 upper margin preserved

2070 begins


2070 ends

lines 225-228 missing

2072 begins


2071a begins


2071a, 2072 end

lower margin preserved column 8 upper margin preservedquotesdbs_dbs33.pdfusesText_39
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