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Ex Post Evaluation of the Macro- Financial Assistance to Serbia

Evolution of Serbia's external financial sustainability Ministry of Finance and Economy Bulletin Public Finances January 2013 ... November 2013 131.

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Demande d'interprétation de l'arrêt du 20 novembre 1950 en (In : Commonwealth Law Bulletin 2012

BulleTin AmericAn SocieTy PAPyrologiSTS

late Ptolemaic capitation Taxes and the Poll Tax in roman egypt Bauplastik Textilien und Keramik (Berlin 2013) 131-154

WA WallVision AB (publ) corp. no. 556809-6191 Year-end report

01-Jan-2014 in the 2013 fiscal year unless otherwise stated. Fourth quarter (October 2014 – December 2014). • Net Sales amounted to SEK 131.6 million ...


French piracy from (published in 2013 as Ports Piracy and Maritime War: Pi- finally thwarted these ambitions

Annexe A Publique CIV-OTP-0042-0686 Final report of the Group of

30-May-2012 Financial support for military operations in Cote d'Ivoire ... ICC-02/11-01/11-445-AnxA 03-07-2013 131/298 NM PT ...


Bulletin d'information. Edition N° 7 du 29 Août 2013. Le document est consultable sur le site internet de la préfecture http://cantal.gouv . fr (rubrique 


Bulletin d'information. Edition N° 7 du 29 Août 2013. Le document est consultable sur le site internet de la préfecture http://cantal.gouv . fr (rubrique 


11-Dec-2014 Six such films came out in 2012 and only two in 2013. ... UFG Asset Management ; en novembre 2014

Book Reference

Maples and Blissenden "The Proposed Client-Accountant Tax Privilege in Australia: How Does International Arbitration in Switzerland (2013) 131

Untitled brill.com/ cim

Cultural Interactions

inthe Mediterranean

Editor inChief

Utrecht University


Cambridge University

Radboud University

Maritime Power Networks in World History


Rolf Strootman, Floris van den Eijnde and Roy vanWijk

The terms of the

(indicated by a reference) such as diagrams, illustrations, photos and text samples may require further

An electronic version of this book is fr

eely available, thanks to the support of libraries

List of Illustrations

Notes on Contributors


Introduction:Maritime Empires in World History1

Rolf Strootman

The Middle Sea

2 A Thousand Black Ships:Maritime Trade, Diplomatic Relations, and the

Rise of Mycenae


Jorrit M.Kelder

3 The “First Athenian Empire"? Athenian Overseas Interests in the Archaic Period52

Floris van denEijnde

4 Contested Hegemonies:Thebes, Athens and Persia in the Aegean of the 360s81

Roy vanWijk


The Ptolemaic Sea Empire113

Rolf Strootman


The Republic of Genoa and Its Maritime Empire153


The Northern Seas

7 Linguistics of Contact in the Northern Seas179

Marco Mostert


Medieval Denmark as a Maritime Empire194

Thomas K. Heebøll- Holm

Dominium Maris Baltici

The Oceans



Peter Borschberg

Cátia Antunes



2.1 The Gurob ship- cart model (photo J.Kelder)48

3.1 Late Geometric Ispouted crater (louterion) from Athens. Cat. No. 1899.2- 19.1

(photo courtesy of The British Museum) 56

3.2 Coin from Sigeion, ca. 500, with Athena on the obverse and an owl with the

lettering (Hippias) on the reverse (Babelon 1906,8) 61

3.3 Coin from the Thracian Chersonese, ca. 595- 594, with Milesian lion on

the obverse and the head of Athena on the reverse (photo courtesy of

ClassicalNumismatics Group (source:

https:// www.cngcoins.com/ Article .aspx?ArticleID=27 66

3.4 Athenian casualty list from Lemnos, ca. 495 (source:Berti etal. 2017, 215, g.8)


3.5 Map of the Aegean. Peisistratid holdings indicated in bold. Philaid holdings indicated in italics.


4.1 The Athenian League (from P.Rhodes ed., Brill"s Neue Pauly online, 2006)83

4.2 Boiotian networks (© R.van Wijk; Ancient World Mapping Center)94

5.1 The Ptolemaic World (© R.Strootman, after Cohen 2006; Müller 2006)127

5.2 Gold Stater of Ptolemy , ca. 313- 306 (drawing Leonoor Strootman)138

11.1 Map of Melaka (© P. Borschberg)264

Cátia Antunes

PhD (2004), Leiden University, is associate professor of Early Modern Econom- ic and Social History at Leiden University, The Netherlands. She is the author of Globalization in the Early Modern Period (2004), with Francesca Trivellato and Leor Halevi (eds.), Religion and Trade (2014) and with Jos Gommans (eds.), Exploring the Dutch Empire (2015). She has been awarded a several research grants and is now workingon.

Peter Borschberg

teaches history at the National University of Singapore and has held visiting appointments in Europe and Asia. He has published widely on early maritime commerce and diplomacy with a focus on the Singapore and Melaka straits region during the period 1400- 1800.

Thomas K. Heebøll- Holm

received his PhD in 2011 at the University of Copenhagen for a thesis on Anglo- French piracy from (published in 2013 as Ports, Piracy and Maritime War:Pi- racy in the English Channel and the Atlantic, c.1280- c. 1330). Since 2012 he is director of the project ‘Danish Historical Writing before 1225. He is current research interests includes medieval piracy, Franco- Danish and Anglo- Danish relations in the Middle Ages, knighthood, and the history of emotions in the


Jorrit M.Kelder

works for Leiden University and is an associate of the Oriental Studies depart- ment at Oxford University. He has a background in Classical Archaeology, with a special interest in the eastern Mediterranean. For his PhD he compared the Mycenaean state with other political entities in the Late Bronze Age Orient. His current research integrates textual and archaeological evidence, and fo- cuses on i.a. (ruler) iconography, interactions between cultures and regions, and long- distance trade and exchange. He worked for a number of eldwork projects in Egypt, Syria, Greece and Romania, and served as a consultant for various exhibitions.


has published extensively on the political and economic history of the Repub- lic of Genoa, including the 2005 monograph Genoa and the Sea:Policy and


Marco Mostert



Rolf Strootman

Floris van denEijnde

Roy vanWijk


Nomadic Empires:A

World Historical Perspective

overlappolycentrismbrokerage entrepreneurship

Looking at Diversity and Change:the ImperialTurn

diversity entangled systems composite entities passim diferent now

Maritime Networks:the Mediterranean Paradigm

i.a and mare nostrum and complex dynamic etal passim


Maritime Empires, Sea Power, and Naval Warfare

thalassokratia thalassokratia thalassokratia id cum specialized maritime more polis

The Influence of Sea Power Upon History


The Inluence of Sea Power upon History

Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations Im- perium Poenorum hegemonia hegemoniaarch epikrateia

Overlapping Empires in Early Modern SouthAsia

and etal

From the Black Ships of Mycenae to Buccaneers

Going Dutch:Sea Empires in World History

Empires of the Seas

lingua franca lingua franca


um Maris Baltici dominium monarchia mixta rajas


overlapping imperial spheres interimperial competition multipolarity

“freelance" entrepreneur



A Companion to Mediterranean History

Journal of World History

Exchange Networks and Local Transforma-

tions:Interaction and Local Change in Europe and the Mediterranean from the Bronze

Age to the Iron Age


spectives From Archaeology and History


From Archaeology and History

Conquest and Culture in Mongol Eurasia

Empires and Diversity:On the Crossroads of Ar-

chaeology, Anthropology, and History (Ideas, Debates, and Perspectives 7)

The Ideological Origins of the British Empire

Les Routes de la Navigation Antique:Itinéraires en Méditerranée Maritime Archaeology and Ancient Trade in the Mediterranean In frastruktur und Herrschaftsorganisation im Imperium Romanum. Herrschaftsstruk- turen und Herrschaftspraxis III:Akten der Tagung in Zürich 19.- 20.10.2012, Webs of Empire:Locating New Zealand"s Colonial past

Seemacht, Seeherrschaft und die An-

tike (Historia Einzelschriften 244)

Tributary Empires in History:Comparative Per-

spectives From Antiquity to the Late Medieval World

Tributary Empires in Global History

Tributary Empires in Global History

Universal Empire:A Comparative Approach to Imperial

Culture and Representation in Eurasian History

Trade and Empire in Muscat and Zanzibar:The Roots of British


The Perilous Frontier:Nomadic Empires and China

Empires:Perspectives from Archaeology and History

etal Empire of Diference:The Ottomans in Comparative Perspective

Tributary Empires in Global History

Indian Society and the Making of the British Empire

The Sea in Greek Imagination

The Ancient Sailing Season (Mnemosyne Supplements 351)

The British Seaborne Empire

Rethinking Military History

Social Networks and Regional Identity in Bronze Age Italy

The Psychology of Culture Shock

Coastal Hinterlands:Site Patterns, Microregions and Coast- Inland In- terconnections by the Corinthian Gulf, c.600- 300 BC

Acta Orientalia

La Méditerranée et le Monde Méditerranéen à l"Époque de Philippe II The Making of the Middle Sea:A History of the Mediterranean From the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World Ottoman Seapower and Levantine Diplomacy in the Age of Discovery

The Early Modern Ottoman:Remapping the Empire

Empires in World History:Power and the Politics of Dif- ference Honour, Family and Patronage:A Study of Institutions and Moral

Values in a Greek Mountain Community

The Ottoman Age of Exploration

The English East India Company:The Study of an Early Joint- Stock

Company, 1600- 1640

The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company,

1660- 1760

Trade and Civilization in the Indian Ocean:An Economic History from the Rise of Islam to 1750 Asia Before Europe:Economy and Civilization of the Indian Ocean from the Rise of Islam to 1750 Day of Empire:How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance- And Why

They Fall

Mercenaries, Pirates, Bandits, and Empires:Private

Violence in Historical Context.

Mediterranean Historical Review


Journal ofArchaeological MethodandTheory

Great Empires, Small Nations. The Uncertain Future of the Sovereign State The Dance of the Islands:Insularity, Networks, the Athe- nian Empire, and the Aegean World

Empires:Perspectives From Archae-

ology and History etal Culture et mobilité dans le Pont- Euxin (Scripta Antiqua 37) After Tamerlane:The Rise & Fall of Global Empires, 1400- 2000 Hoogtij:maritieme identiteit in feesten, tradities en vermaak

Parole in Movimento. Linguag-

gio Politicoe Lessico Storiograco nel Mondo Ellenistico (Studi Ellenistici 27)

Piracy in the Graeco- Roman World

Words of the World:The Global Language System

Ancient China and its Enemies:The Rise of Nomadic Power in East

Asian History

The New Imperial History Reader

The Cultures Within Ancient Greek Culture:Con

tact, Conlict, Collaboration Rescuing History From the Nation:Questioning Narratives of Modern Chi- na Myths of Power:Norbert Elias and the Early Modern European Court

The Political System of Empires

The Causal Power of Social Structures:Emergence, Structure and



Parole in Movimento.

Linguaggio Politicoe Lessico Storiograco nel Mondo Ellenistico (Studi Ellenistici 27)

The Ottoman Empire and the World Around It

The Princes of the Mughal Empire, 1504- 1719

Networks in the Hellenistic World According

to Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean (BAR International Series 2539) Empire:The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Les- sons for Global Power The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane (Cambridge Studies in Islamic

Civilization 10)

The Near West:Medieval North Africa, Latin Europe and the Medi- terranean in the Second Axial Age

Maritime History as Global History


The International Journal of Maritime History

The Naval Aristocracy of Hellenistic Rhodes (Studies in Hellenistic

Civilization 6)

A Companion to the Hellenistic


Imperien und Reiche in der Weltgeschichte.

Epochenübergreifende und globalhistorische Vergleiche Empires and Diversity:On the Crossroads of Archaeology, Anthropology, and History Imperialisms:Historical and Literary Investigations, 1500- 1900
Trade and Institutions in the Medieval Mediterranean:The Geniza

Merchants and their Business World

Past and Present

American Journal of Sociology

A Shared World:Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern Mediter- ranean Catholic Pirates and Greek Merchants:A Maritime History of the Early

Modern Mediterranean

Malabar in Asian Trade:1740- 1800

Indian Merchants and the Decline of Surat: c. 1700- 1750

Merchants of Maritime India, 1500- 1800

India and the Indian Ocean, 1500- 1800

The Comanche Empire

Pirate Nests and the Rise of the British Empire, 1570- 1740


Rethinking the Mediterranean

Kingdoms and Principalities in the Roman Near East (Occidens et

Oriens 19)

The Mughal Empire and Its Decline

Ancient Ports:The Geogra-

phy of Connections. Proceedings of an International Conference at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, 23- 25 September 2010 (BOREAS:Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations 34)

Journal of World History

Power, Politics, and Tradition in the Mongol Empire and the Ilkhnate of Iran The Corrupting Sea:A Study of Mediterranean Histo- ry

The Corrupting Sea:A Study of Medi-

terranean History

Les Empires. Antiquité et Moyen Âge

Understanding Social Networks:Theories, Concepts, and Findings Hegemony to Empire:The Development of the Roman Imperium in the East from 148 to 62 B.C. The Kingdom of Mycenae:A Great Kingdom in the Late Bronze Age



Arung Samudra; Persembahan Memperingati Sembilan Win- du A.B. Lapian

Oorlogen Overzee; Mil-

itair optreden door compagnie en staat buiten Europa, 1595- 1814 (Militaire Geschie- denis van Nederland 5) Network Analysis in Archaeology:New Approaches to Regional


Cosmopolitanism and Empire:Uni-

versal Rulers, Local Elites, and Cultural Integration in the Ancient Near East and


Multiple Mediterranean Realities:Cur-

rent Approaches to Spaces, Resources, and Connectivities (Mittelmeerstudien 6)

Empire:The Russian Empire and its Rivals

Maritieme identiteit (Holland

48.3- 4)

Power and Propaganda.

ASymposium on Ancient Empires

Battle:A History of Combat and Culture From Ancient Greece to Modern


Antiochos III and the Cities of Western Asia Minor The Inluence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660- 1783


nean Paradigms and Classical Antiquity A Small Greek World:Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean

Greek and Roman

Networks in the Mediterranean

The Sources of Social Power. Volume 1:A History of Power From the Begin- ning to A.D. 1760 The Economies of Hellenistic Societies, Third to First Centuries BC JESHO


of Common Market Studies Among Empires:American Ascendency and Its Predecessors Datini, Majorque et le Maghreb (14e- 15e siècles):Réseaux, espac- es méditerranéens et stratégies marchandes

Comparative Studies in Society and History

The Dynamics of Ancient Empires:State

Power from Assyria to Byzantium

Mediterranean Paradigms and Classical An-

tiquity Imperial Ends. The Decay, Collapse and Revival of Empire

Asian Review of

World Histories

Imperien. Die Logik der Weltherrschaft:vom alten Rom bis zu denquotesdbs_dbs33.pdfusesText_39
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