[PDF] TRIGONOMÉTRIE : FORMULAIRE Unit Circle Trigonometry Coordinates of

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II/ Cercle trigonométrique III/ Cosinus et sinus IV/ Les angles associés en degrés V/ Enroulement autour du cercle trigonométrique VI/ Les quadrants

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Le cercle trigonométrique I/ Rappels du collège II/ Cercle trigonométrique III/ Cosinus et sinus IV/ Les angles associés en degrés V/ Enroulement autour du cercle trigonométrique VI/ Les quadrants VII/ Démonstrations VIII/ Les angles associés en radians IX/ Les fonctions trigonométriques


Unit Circle Trigonometry Coordinates of Quadrantal Angles and First Quadrant Special Angles First we will draw a right triangle that is based on a 30oreference angle (When an angle is drawn in standard position its reference angle is the positive acute angle measured from the x-axis to the angle’s terminal side

leay:block;margin-top:24px;margin-bottom:2px; class=tit wwwlyceedadultesfrTrigonométrie dans le cercle

Définition 1 :On appelle cercle trigonométrique dans un repère orthogonal direct(O;??? ;?? ) le cercle de centreOet de rayon 1 ?1 1 2 Le radian Définition 2 :La radian est une unité de mesure d’un angle comme le degré Il est dé?ni comme la longueur de l’arc entre 2 points du cercle unité

TRIGONOMÉTRIE : FORMULAIRE - Université de Poitiers

TRIGONOMÉTRIE : FORMULAIRE Angles associés Une lecture efficace du cercle trigonométrique permet de retrouver les relations suivantes : Relations entre cos sin et tan cos2(x) + sin2(x) = 1 1 + tan2(x) = 2 1 cos()x Formules d'addition

Searches related to cercle trigo PDF

Cercle trigonométrique et valeurs remarquables Relations à connaître : Trigonométrie et nombres complexes : Formules d’addition : Formules de dupication : Formules de linéarisation : Formules de développement : Formules de factorisation : Formules d’arc de moitié : MPSI 2 Lycée Carnot Dijon page 1 S ROGNERUD

Comment calculer le cercle trigonométrique ?

TRIGONOMÉTRIE : FORMULAIRE Angles associés Une lecture efficace du cercle trigonométrique permet de retrouver les relations suivantes : Relations entre cos, sin et tan cos2(x) + sin2(x) = 1 1 + tan2(x) = 2 1 cos()x

Quels sont les angles remarquables dans le cercle trigonométrique?

2.4 Lignes trigonométriques dans le cercle Voici sur le cercle trigonométriques l’ensembles des lignes trigonométriques des angles remarquables dans le cercle trigonométrique. 0 ? 2 ? -? 2 ? 6 ?

Comment faire un repérage de point dans un cercle trigonométrique ?

Afin de bien maitriser ces fonctions, un outil reste indispensable : le cercle trigonométrique. Le rayon du cercle est égal à 1 Le cercle est orienté « + » dans le sens antihoraire et « - » dans le sens horaire. Il sera donc possible d’effectuer du repérage de point dans ce cercle à l’aide d’un unique paramètre ; l’angle .

Comment enrouler la droite réelle autour du cercle trigonométrique ?

On peut enrouler la droite réelle autour du cercle trigonométrique, à partir de l’origine I, dans les deux sens, positif ou négatif. On crée ainsi une correspondance entre « tous les nombres réels » et « tous les points du cercle trigonométriques ». Théorème 2 et Définition.

Unit Circle Trigonometry Drawing Angles in Standard Position


The Unit Circle is the circle centered at the origin with radius 1 unit (hence, the "unit" circle). The equation of this circle is 22

1xy. A diagram of the unit circle is shown

below: We have previously applied trigonometry to triangles that were drawn with no reference to any coordinate system. Because the radius of the unit circle is 1, we will see that it provides a convenient framework within which we can apply trigonometry to the coordinate plane.

Drawing Angles in Standard Position

We will first learn how angles are drawn within the coordinate plane. An angle is said to be in standard position if the vertex of the angle is at (0, 0) and the initial side of the angle lies along the positive x-axis. If the angle measure is positive, then the angle has been created by a counterclockwise rotation from the initial to the terminal side. If the angle measure is negative, then the angle has been created by a clockwise rotation from the initial to the terminal side. x y

Initial side


side xy

Initial side Terminal

side in standard position, where is positive: in standard position, where is negative: -2-112 -2 -1 1 xy22 1xy Unit Circle Trigonometry Drawing Angles in Standard Position Examples The following angles are drawn in standard position: 1. 40

2. 160

3. 320


Sketch each of the following angles in standard position. (Do not use a protractor; just draw a brief sketch.)

1. 120

2. 45

3. 130

4. 270

6. 750

x y

Notice that the terminal sides in examples

1 and 3 are in the same position, but they

do not represent the same angle (because the amount and direction of the rotation in each is different). Such angles are said to be coterminal. xy xyxy xy xyxy x y x y

Unit Circle Trigonometry

Labeling Special Angles on the Unit Circle Labeling Special Angles on the Unit Circle We are going to deal primarily with special angles around the unit circle, namely the multiples of 30 o , 45 o , 60 o , and 90 o . All angles throughout this unit will be drawn in standard position. First, we will draw a unit circle and label the angles that are multiples of 90 o . These angles, known as quadrantal angles , have their terminal side on either the x-axis or the y- axis. (We have limited our diagram to the quadrantal angles from 0 o to 360 o Next, we will repeat the same process for multiples of 30 o , 45 o , and 60 o . (Notice that there is a great deal of overlap between the diagrams.)

Multiples of 45

o x y

1 -1 1

-1 0 o 90
o 180
o 270
o 360
o 45
o 135
o 225
o 315

Multiples of 30


Multiples of 60

o xy

1 -1 1

-1 0 o 90
o 180
o 270
o 360
o 30
o 60
o 120
o 150
o 210
o 240
o 300
o 330
o xy

1 -1 1

-1 0 o 180
o 360
o 60
o 120
o 240
o 300
o xy

1 -1 1

-1 0 o 90
o 180
o 270
o 360

Note: The 0

o angle is said to be coterminal with the 360 o angle. (Coterminal angles are angles drawn in standard position that share a terminal side.) Multiples of 90 o

Unit Circle Trigonometry

Coordinates of Quadrantal Angles

and First Quadrant Special Angles x y 1 -1 1 -1 0 o 90
o 180
o 270
o 360
o 30
o 60
o 120
o 150
o 210
o 240
o 300
o 330
o 45
o 135
o 315
o 225
o Putting it all together, we obtain the following unit circle with all special angles labeled: Coordinates of Quadrantal Angles and First Quadrant Angles We want to find the coordinates of the points where the terminal side of each of the quadrantal angles intersects the unit circle. Since the unit circle has radius 1, these coordinates are easy to identify; they are listed in the table below. We will now look at the first quadrant and find the coordinates where the terminal side of the 30 o , 45 o , and 60 o angles intersects the unit circle.

Angle Coordinates

0 o (1, 0) 90
o (0, 1) 180
o (-1, 0) 270
o (0, -1) 360
o (1, 0) xy

1 -1 1

-1 0 o (1, 0) 90
o (0, 1) (-1, 0) 180
o 270
o (0, -1) 360

Unit Circle Trigonometry

Coordinates of Quadrantal Angles

and First Quadrant Special Angles First, we will draw a right triangle that is based on a 30 o reference angle. (When an angle is drawn in standard position, its reference angle is the positive acute angle measured from the x-axis to the angle's terminal side. The concept of a reference angle is crucial when working with angles in other quadrants and will be discussed in detail later in this unit.)

Notice that the above triangle is a 30

o -60 o -90 o triangle. Since the radius of the unit circle is 1, the hypotenuse of the triangle has length 1. Let us call the horizontal side of the triangle x, and the vertical side of the triangle y, as shown below. (Only the first quadrant is shown, since the triangle is located in the first quadrant.)

We want to find the values of

x and y, so that we can ultimately find the coordinates of the point ( , ) xywhere the terminal side of the 30 o angle intersects the unit circle. Recall our theorem about 30 o -60 o -90 o triangles:

In a 30

o -60 o -90 o triangle, the length of the hypotenuse is twice the length of the shorter leg, and the length of the longer leg is

3 times the length of the shorter leg.

xy 1 -1 1 -1 30
o xy 1 1 30
o xy1 60
o (, )xy Unit Circle Trigonometry Coordinates of Quadrantal Angles

and First Quadrant Special Angles Since the length of the hypotenuse is 1 and it is twice the length of the shorter leg, y, we

can say that 1 2 y. Since the longer leg, x, is 3 times the length of the shorter leg, we can say thatquotesdbs_dbs21.pdfusesText_27
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