[PDF] Youre not sick said Mildred. Montag fell back in bed. He reached

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Youre not sick said Mildred. Montag fell back in bed. He reached

Montag fell back in bed. He reached under his pillow. The hidden book was still there. "Mildred how would it be if

2021 Spring Nursing Pinning Program & Insert

16 mai 2021 The Mildred Montag Scholarship Award is given to a Nursing student who demonstrates outstanding scholarship within the Nursing program.

Fahrenheit 451 summary pages 1-12 • Guy Montag is a fireman – he

Montag's house is cold dark & quiet – his wife Mildred has “Seashells” in her ears – an empty pill bottle is on the floor. • jet bombers fly over the house.

Technical Education in Nursing?

characteristics of the junior college program in nursing and the type of graduates it produces. Mildred L. Montag. QUALITY NURSING CARE can never be obtained by 


When Captain Beatty arrived at the Montag household why did Mildred run to the parlor? Because he tells her to “shut the Family up”; in other words turn down 

Fahrenheit 451 Part 3: “Burning Bright” Summary (pages 107 - 119

Mildred ignores Montag and leaves in a cab. •. He burns down the house with a flamethrower directed by Captain Beatty. •. Beatty continues to attack Montag 

Pages 60-80 F451 1. Mildred says “I always like to drive fast when I

What is Montag feeling when he says these words to Mildred? What could this foreshadow? 3. In these pages Montag begins to refer to his wife as Millie

Fahrenheit 451 : résumé complet du livre de Ray Bradbury

4 déc. 2020 Mildred s'agace et prend son témoignage pour un caprice. Le capitaine Beatty arrive chez eux et s'installe face à Montag. Il lui explique que la ...


Why did Captain Beatty believe books should be destroyed? 10. What did Montag show Mildred after the captain had left the house? Reading Assignment 3.

happiness and hedonism in ray bradburys fahrenheit 451

29 jan. 2021 exemplify through the characters Clarisse Montag

Teaching and Learning in Nursing - ResearchGate

Mildred Montag doctor of philosophy was director and founderof the Adelphi College School of Nursing from 1942 to 1948 She is re-nowned for her in?uence on nursing education in the United

What was the relationship between Montag and Mildred?

The relationship between Montag and Mildred is husband, wife. Throughout the first part of this book Montag and Mildred have some issues, like Mildred is beginning to forget a lot of things, like if she took her pills that day or not she overdoses.

What does Montag realize about his relationship with Mildred?

What does Montag realize about his relationship with Mildred? Montag realizes that in all reality they have no relationship..... he forgets to mention Clarisse...... his wife forgot to mention she'd been hot by a car. The two don't communicate at all..... even at the basest level.

Why does Mildred tell on Montag?

Overall, Mildred forgot to inform her husband that his friend and neighbor, Clarisse McClellan, was struck and killed by a speeding car. Mildred tells Montag that she forgot to tell him about the death of Clarisse. They don't talk to each other like regular people, she is always busy watching the TV walls and has the Seashell Radios in her ears.

What does Montag finally remember about Mildred?

What does Montag finally remember? Short answer: Montag suddenly remembers that he met Mildred in Chicago. … Montag shouts “Mildred!” In his mind, he sees her falling, hears her screaming in the hotel where she has gone when their house was burned.

"You'renotsick,"saidMildred.Montagfellbackinbed.Hereachedunderhispillow.Thehiddenbookwasstillthere."Mildred,howwoulditbeif,well,maybe,Iquitmyjobawhile?""Youwanttogiveupeverything?Afteralltheseyearsofworking,because,onenight,somewomanandherbooks--"5"Youshouldhaveseenher,Millie!""She'snothingtome;sheshouldn'thavehadbooks.Itwasherresponsibility,sheshouldhavethoughtofthat.Ihateher.She'sgotyougoingandnextthingyouknowwe'llbeout,nohouse,nojob,nothing.""Youweren'tthere,youdidn'tsee,"hesaid."Theremustbesomethinginbooks,thingswe10can'timagine,tomakeawomanstayinaburninghouse;theremustbesomethingthere.Youdon'tstayfornothing.""Shewassimple-minded.""ShewasasrationalasyouandI,moresoperhaps,andweburnedher.""That'swaterunderthebridge."15"No,notwater;fire.Youeverseenaburnedhouse?Itsmoldersfordays.Well,thisfire'lllastmetherestofmylife.God!I'vebeentryingtoputitout,inmymind,allnight.I'mcrazywithtrying.""Youshouldhavethoughtofthatbeforebecomingafireman.""Thought!"hesaid."WasIgivenachoice?Mygrandfatherandfatherwerefiremen.Inmysleep,Iranafterthem."20Theparlorwasplayingadancetune."Thisisthedayyougoontheearlyshift,"saidMildred."Youshouldhavegonetwohoursago.Ijustnoticed.""It'snotjustthewomanthatdied,"saidMontag."LastnightIthoughtaboutallthekeroseneI'veusedinthepasttenyears.AndIthoughtaboutbooks.AndforthefirsttimeIrealizedthata25manwasbehindeachoneofthebooks.Amanhadtothinkthemup.Amanhadtotakealongtimetoputthemdownonpaper.AndI'dnevereventhoughtthatthoughtbefore."Hegotoutofbed."Ittooksomemanalifetimemaybetoputsomeofhisthoughtsdown,lookingaroundattheworldandlife,andthenIcamealongintwominutesandboom!it'sallover.""Letmealone,"saidMildred."Ididn'tdoanything."30"Letyoualone!That'sallverywell,buthowcanIleavemyselfalone?Weneednottobeletalone.Weneedtobereallybotheredonceinawhile.Howlongisitsinceyouwerereallybothered?Aboutsomethingimportant,aboutsomethingreal?"Andthenheshutup,forherememberedlastweekandthetwowhitestonesstaringupattheceilingandthepump-snakewiththeprobingeyeandthetwosoap-facedmenwiththe35cigarettesmovingintheirmouthswhentheytalked.ButthatwasanotherMildred,thatwasaMildredsodeepinsidethisone,andsobothered,reallybothered,thatthetwowomenhadnevermet.Heturnedaway.Mildredsaid,"Well,nowyou'vedoneit.Outfrontofthehouse.Lookwho'shere.""Idon'tcare."40"There'saPhoenixcarjustdrivenupandamaninablackshirtwithanorangesnakestitchedonhisarmcomingupthefrontwalk.""CaptainBeauty?"hesaid,"CaptainBeatty."Montagdidnotmove,butstoodlookingintothecoldwhitenessofthewallimmediatelybeforehim.45"Golethimin,willyou?TellhimI'msick.""Tellhimyourself!"Sheranafewstepsthisway,afewstepsthat,andstopped,eyeswide,whenthefrontdoorspeakercalledhername,softly,softly,Mrs.Montag,Mrs.Montag,someonehere,someonehere,Mrs.Montag,Mrs.Montag,someone'shere.Fading.Montagmadesurethebookwaswellhiddenbehindthepillow,climbedslowlybackinto50bed,arrangedthecoversoverhiskneesandacrosshischest,half-sitting,andafterawhileMildredmovedandwentoutoftheroomandCaptainBeattystrolledin,hishandsinhispockets.(ExcerptfromFahrenheit451byRayBradbury,1953)Page 2 sur 6

READING COMPREHENSION Please read the whole passage first and then answer all the questions in full sentences. Part 1: Setting the scene 1. Where does this scene take place? ............................................................................................ 2. Say how the three main characters are related to each other: Characters Relationship Montag and Mildred Montag and Captain Beatty 3. Give four pieces of information about the fourth character who is mentioned but not named in this passage: .............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... Part 2: Montag and his job 4. Look for information in the passage to fill in the chart Where is Montag for most of this scene? Why is he there? Where should Montag be at that time? 5. Quote a line from the text to show that Montag didn't sleep well and explain why. ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ 6. Complete the chart with information about Montag's job. (Use your own words or quote from the text.) What is Montag's profession? In lines 24, 25, 28 and 29, Montag talks about what his job involves. Summarize this in your own words. (What does Montag have to do?) How does this compare to your expectations of this profession? How long has he been doing this job? Why did he choose this profession? Page 3 sur 6

Part 3: Mildred 7. What nickname does Montag give Mildred? ................................................................................. 8. What is Mildred worried about? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... 9. "That's water under the bridge" (line 15) • Which figure of speech does Mildred use here? ......................................................................... • Explain what Mildred means when she says this and what it shows about her personality. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... • Explain the irony in this quote. ................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 10. "Tell him yourself!" She ran a few steps this way, a few steps that, and stopped, eyes wide, when the front door speaker called her name . . . (lines 47 - 48) • Explain Mildred's emotional state in this passage. How does she feel and why? ............................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... Part 4. The society in which Montag and Mildred live. 11. Why is Montag hiding a book under his pillow? ........................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... 12. Where do you think this book might have come from? .................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................... 13. "We need to be really bothered once in a while." (line 32) What does this quote suggest about Montag's character compared to other people in the society? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Page 4 sur 6

14. Which definition best fits their society? Tick the appropriate box and then justify your choice. □ a utopia: the idea of a perfect society in which everyone works well with each other and is happy □ a dystopia: an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic. WRITTEN EXPRESSION Choose ONE subject and write approximately 300 - 350 words. The mark you will be given will take into account the quality of your writing as well as the content of your answer. Please do not write your name anywhere in your answers. A. Do you think that books and reading belong to the past? Give arguments to justify your answer and include your own personal experience and opinion. B. What happened next? Continue the story, imagining the conversation between Captain Beatty and Montag and also the following events of that day. .......................................................................................... ....................................................................................... .......................................................................................

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