[PDF] SCOR PROCEEDINGS Volume 56 Virtual meeting – October 2020

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SCOR PROCEEDINGS Volume 56 Virtual meeting – October 2020

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Volume 56

Virtual meeting - October 2020


Executive Committee

Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research



Dr. Marie-Alexandrine Sicre





Prof. Paul G. Myers

Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta


Past President:

Prof. Peter Burkill

Plymouth University,




Dr. David Halpern

University of California San Diego

La Jolla, California


Dr. Sinjae Yoo

Korea Institute of Ocean Science and

Technology (KIOST)



Prof. Jing Zhang

Graduate School of Science and Engineering

University of Toyama



Ex-Officio Members:

Dr. Enrique Montes


College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

St. Petersburg, Florida


Prof. Trevor McDougall (IAPSO)

The School of Mathematics and Statistics

University of New South Wales

Sydney, New South Wales


Prof. Joyce Penner (IAMAS)

Cl imate and Space Sciences and Engineering

Climate & Space Research Building

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, Michigan


Co-opted Members:

Dr. Nuria Casacuberta-Arola

ETH Zurich



Dr. Jacqueline Uku

Kenya Marine and Fisheries

Research Institute




SCOR Secretariat:

Dr. Patricia Miloslavich, Executive Director

College of Marine and Earth Studies

University of Delaware

Newark, Delaware


E-mail: secretariat@scor-int.org





July 2021

Newark, DE, USA



Support for SCOR

projects, hosting of international project offices, and capacity development activities in 2020 came from the membership contributions of national SCOR committees and from the following national and international agencies and organizations:

Agouron Institute (USA)

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)

Dalhousie University (Canada)

East China

Normal University (China)

Future Earth

GEOMAR - Helmholz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Germany) Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) at the University of Tasmania (Australia) Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA) National Science Foundation, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (USA) National Science Foundation, Division of Ocean Sciences (USA) National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs (USA)

Simons Foundation (USA)

Xiamen University (China)


College of Earth, Ocean and Environment

003 Robinson Hall

University of Delaware

Newark, DE 19716 USA

Tel: +1-302-831-7011, Fax: +1-302-831-7012, Email: secretariat@scor-int.org

This report is available in pdf format at

Citation: SCOR (2021). Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. Volume 56. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, University of

Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA, 520 p.

AquaDocs: https://aquadocs.org/handle/1834/41405


SCOR Proceedings, Volume 56

Report of the 2020 Annual SCOR Meeting


SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 10

LOGISTICS OF THE SCOR 2020 VIRTUAL MEETING................................................................................ 12

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 13

1.1. Opening remarks and arrangements .................................................................................... 13

1.2. Report of the President of SCOR ........................................................................................... 13

1.3 Report of SCOR Executive Director ....................................................................................... 14

1.4 Appointment of ad hoc Finance Committee ......................................................................... 14

1.5 Results of the 2020 Elections for SCOR Officers ................................................................... 15

1.6 Results of the 2020 selection of the Early Career Scientist to the SCOR Executive .............. 15

1.7 Changes to the SCOR constitution ........................................................................................ 15

2. WORKING GROUPS ....................................................................................................................... 16

2.1. New Working

Group proposals ................................................................................................. 16

2.1.1. Analysing ocean turbulence observations to quantify mixing (ATOMIX) .......................... 16

2.1.2. TRACE element SAMplers and sensORS (TRACESAMORS) ................................................. 17

2.1.3. Benthic Foraminifera as Ecological Sentinels of Marine Systems Health (FORAM-ECO) ... 17

2.1.4. Elucidating THreats tO Sandy beaches: a global synthesis (ETHOS) .................................. 18

2.1.5. Integration of international ocean acidification research at CO2 seeps (InterSEEP) ......... 18

2.1.6. Mapping climate change refugia for marine conservation (MarCCR) ............................... 19

2.1.7. Respiration in the Mesopelagic Ocean (ReMO): Reconciling ecological, biogeochemical

and model estimates .................................................................................................................... 20

2.1.8. Are global indicators of COastal and Nearshore benthic fish assemblage status in

agreement if derived from disparate visual CENSUS techniques? (CoNCENSUS)........................ 20

2.1.9. Developing an Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) ....................................... 21

2.1.10. Atmospheric aerosol deposition as forcing factor for microbial ecology and

biogeochemistry in the ocean (AEROS) ........................................................................................ 21

2.2. Current Working Groups ........................................................................................................... 23

2.2.1. WG 143 on Dissolved N

2O and CH4 measurements: Working towards a global network

of ocean time series measurements of N

2O and CH4 ................................................................... 23

2.2.2. WG 145 on Chemical Speciation Modelling in Seawater to Meet 21st Century Needs

(MARCHEMSPEC).......................................................................................................................... 24

2.2.3. WG 148 on International Quality Controlled Ocean Database: Subsurface temperature

profiles (IQuOD) ........................................................................................................................... 24

2.2.4. WG 150 on Translation of Optical Measurements into particle Content, Aggregation &

Transfer (TOMCAT) ....................................................................................................................... 25


2.2.5. WG 151: Iron Model Intercomparison Project (FeMIP) ................................................ 25

2.2.6. WG 152 on Measuring Essential Climate Variables in Sea Ice (ECV-Ice) ...................... 25

2.2.7. WG 153 on Floating Litter and its Oceanic TranSport Analysis and Modelling

(FLOTSAM) .................................................................................................................................... 26

2.2.8. WG 154 on Integration of Plankton-Observing Sensor Systems to Existing Global

Sampling Programs (P-OBS) ......................................................................................................... 26

2.2.9. WG 155 on Eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS): diversity, coupled dynamics and

sensitivity to climate change ........................................................................................................ 27

2.2.10. WG 156 on Active Chlorophyll fluorescence for autonomous measurements of global

marine primary productivity ........................................................................................................ 27

2.2.11. WG 157: Toward a new global view of marine zooplankton biodiversity based on DNA

metabarcoding and reference DNA sequence databases (MetaZooGene) ................................. 28

2.2.12. WG 158: Coordinated Global Research Assessment of Seagrass System (C-GRASS)....... 28

2.2.13. WG 159: Roadmap for a Standardised Global Approach to Deep-Sea Biology for the

Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (DeepSeaDecade) ............................... 29

3. LARGE-SCALE OCEAN RESEARCH PROJECTS ................................................................................. 29

3.1. GEOTRACES ........................................................................................................................... 29

3.2. Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) ............................................................. 30

3.3. Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) .................................................................. 30

3.4. International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE) ..................................................................... 31

3.5 Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) ....................................................... 31

4. INFRASTRUCTURAL PROJECTS ...................................................................................................... 31

4.1. Changing Ocean Biological Systems (COBS) .......................................................................... 32

4.2. GlobalHAB ............................................................................................................................. 32

4.3. International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP) .................................................. 32

4.4. The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) ................................................................... 32

4.5. Joint Committee on Seawater (JCS) (IAPWS/SCOR/IAPSO) .................................................. 33

5. AFFILIATED PROJECTS AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS ........................................ 33

5.1. International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG)......................................................... 33

5.2. InterRidge

- International, Interdisciplinary Ridge Studies ........................................................ 34

5.3. Global Alliance of CPR Surveys (GACS) ...................................................................................... 34

5.4. International Association for Biological Oceanography (IABO) ................................................. 34

5.5. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) .............................. 35

5.6. International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) ...................... 35

6. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS ............................................................ 35

6.1. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) .............................................................. 35

6.2. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) ................................................................... 36

6.3. Joint Group of Experts on the

Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP

WG38) ............................................................................................................................................... 36

6.4. Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) ...................................................... 36


6.5. International Science Council (ISC) ............................................................................................ 37

6.6. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) ................................................................. 37

6.7. Future Earth - Ocean ................................................................................................................. 38

6.8. World Climate Research Program (WCRP) ................................................................................ 38

7. CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES .......................................................................................... 39

7.1. SCOR Committee on Capacity Development ............................................................................. 39

7.2. SCOR Visiting Scholars ............................................................................................................... 39

7.3. POGO-SCOR Fellowships for Oceanographic Observations ...................................................... 39

7.4. NSF Travel Support for Developing Country Scientists.............................................................. 40

7.5. Research Discovery Camps at the University of Namibia .......................................................... 40

8. SCOR ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................... 40

8.1. Membership .............................................................................................................................. 40

8.2. Publications Arising from SCOR Activities ................................................................................. 42

8.3. SCOR Finances

- Ad Hoc Finance Committee ............................................................................ 42

9. SCOR RELATED MEETINGS ............................................................................................................ 43

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................... 44


PARTICIPANTS OF THE SCOR 2020 VIRTUAL MEETING ............................................... 44


MEETING AGENDA ...................................................................................................... 51


WORKING GROUP PROPOSALS ................................................................................... 54

ATOMIX: Analysing Ocean turbulence observations to quantify mixing ..................................... 54

TRACEAMORS: TRACE element SAMplers and sensORS .............................................................. 72

FORAM-ECO: Benthic Foraminifera as Ecological Sentinels of Marine Systems Health .............. 87

ETHOS: Elucidating THreats tO Sandy beaches: a global synthesis ............................................ 105

InterSEEP: Integration of international ocean acidification research at CO2 seeps .................. 117

MarCCR: Mapping climate change refugia for marine conservation ......................................... 135

ReMO: Respiration in the Mesopelagic Ocean: Reconciling ecological, biogeochemical and

model estimates ......................................................................................................................... 150

CONCENSUS: Are global indicators of COastal and

Nearshore benthic fish assemblage status in

agreement if derived from disparate visual CENSUS techniques?............................................. 169

OASIS: Developing an Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy ................................................. 183

AEROS: Atmospheric aerosol deposition as forcing factor for microbial ecology and

biogeochemistry in the ocean .................................................................................................... 199


WORKING GROUP REPORTS ...................................................................................... 214

WG 143. Dissolved N2O and CH4 measurements: a global network of ocean time series

measurements ........................................................................................................................... 214

WG 145. Chemical Speciation Modelling in Seawater to Meet 21st Century Needs

(MARCHEMSPEC)........................................................................................................................ 216

WG 148. International Quality Controlled Ocean Database: Subsurface temperature profiles

(IQuOD) ...................................................................................................................................... 219

8 WG 150. Translation of Optical Measurements into particle Content, Aggregation & Transfer

(TOMCAT) ................................................................................................................................... 223

WG 151. Iron Model Intercomparison Project (FeMIP) ............................................................. 226

WG 152. Measuring Essential Climate Variables in Sea Ice (ECV-Ice) ........................................ 229

WG 153. Floating Litter and its Oceanic TranSport Analysis and Modelling (FLOTSAM) ........... 234 WG 154. Integration of Plankton-Observing Sensor Systems to Existing Global Sampling

Programs (P-OBS) ....................................................................................................................... 241

WG 155. Eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS) .............................................................. 243

WG 156. Active Chlorophyll fluorescence for autonomous measurements of global marine

primary productivity ................................................................................................................... 246

WG 157. Marine zooplankton biodiversity based on DNA (MetaZooGene) .............................. 250

WG 158. Coordinated Global Research Assessment of Seagrass System (C-GRASS) ................. 253 WG 159. Deep-Sea Biology for the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

(DeepSeaDecade) ....................................................................................................................... 257

APPENDIX 5. RESEARCH PROJECT REPORTS ................................................................................... 259

GEOTRACES - Trace elements and isotopes .............................................................................. 259

SOLAS - Ocean/atmosphere interactions .................................................................................. 289

IMBeR - Marine biosphere research.......................................................................................... 301

IQOE - Quiet Ocean ................................................................................................................... 340

IIOE-2 - Indian Ocean expedition II ............................................................................................ 341

APPENDIX 6. INFRASTRUCTURAL PROJECT REPORTS ..................................................................... 346

COBS - Changing ocean on biota ............................................................................................... 346

GlobalHAB - Harmful Algal Blooms ............................................................................................ 349

IOCCP - Ocean carbon................................................................................................................ 371

SOOS - Southern Ocean observing ............................................................................................ 411

JCS - Joint Committee on Seawater ........................................................................................... 445

APPENDIX 8. AFFILIATED PROJECT REPORTS .................................................................................. 448

IOCCG - Ocean colour ................................................................................................................ 448

InterRidge - Ridge studies .......................................................................................................... 454

GACS - Alliance of Plankton Recorders ...................................................................................... 460

APPENDIX 9. AFFILIATED ORGANIZATION REPORTS ...................................................................... 461

IABO - Biological Oceanography ................................................................................................ 461

IAMAS - Meteorology and Atmosphere .................................................................................... 464

IAPSO - Physical Oceanography ................................................................................................. 466

APPENDIX 10. PARTNER ORGANIZATION UPDATES ....................................................................... 470

IOC - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission .............................................................. 470

PICES - North Pacific Marine Science Organization .................................................................... 478

GESAMP - Group on marine environmental protection ............................................................ 487

POGO - Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean ........................................................ 490


ISC - International Science Council ............................................................................................ 495

SCAR - Scientific Committee Antarctic Research ....................................................................... 498

Future Earth-Ocean .................................................................................................................... 502

WCRP - World Climate Research Program ................................................................................ 505

APPENDIX 11. REPORT ON SCOR CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES ....................................... 510

APPENDIX 12. 2019 AUDITED SCOR STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES ................................................... 518

APPENDIX 13. SCOR RELATED MEETINGS (2020-2021) .................................................................. 519



This proceeding summarizes the discussions during the 2020 SCOR Annual

Meeting held virtually

between the 20-22 of October of 2020. Following a decision from the SCOR Executive, this proceeding also compiles all the background information for the meeting, including the proposals for new working groups, the reports from current SCOR working groups, projects, capacity development activities, and the reports of affiliated and partner organizations all of which were traditionally included in the SCOR Annual meeting background book. All of these can also be accessed online through the SCOR website at: https://scor-int.org/events/2020-scor-annual-meeting/. Following this decision, from this year onwards, the SCOR Annual Meeting Background Book, and the SCOR Annual Meeting Proceedings will be merged in one document. The SCOR 2020 Annual Meeting was attended by 121 participants from 34 countries representing all continents. All SCOR Working Groups, research, infrastructural, and affiliated projects, along with

the affiliated and partner organizations reported on their activities. Some of the main highlights of

the SCOR 2020 Annual Meeting include: (1) the approval of a SCOR revised Constitution, (2) the renovation of the SCOR Executive Committee, (3) the incorporation of a new member to SCOR, and (4) the approval of three new Working Groups. Following recommendations from SCOR's parent organization the International Science Council (ISC), the SCOR constitution was revised and updated by a Review Committee composed by Peter Burkill (UK Nominated Member and SCOR Past-President), Bob Duce (USA, SCOR Past-President), Julie Hall (New Zealand Nominated Member and SCOR Past-Secretary), Danielle Su (France / Australia), and

Xiaoxia Sun (China

-Beijing). This revised constitution was unanimously approved by all SCOR nominated members and representative members. The revised constitution can be found at The SCOR Executive Committee (https://scor-int.org/scor/about/officers/) was renovated. Sinjae Yoo (Korea) is the new SCOR President replacing Marie -Alexandrine Sicre who has become Past- President and the co-chair of the IIOE-2 project. Peter Burkill (UK, SCOR Past-President), David Halpern (USA, SCOR Vice-President) and Nuria Casacuberta-Arola (Switzerland, Early Career representative) stepped down from their roles, and three new members were engaged: Stefano

Aliani (Italy) and Bradley Moran (USA) as Vice-Presidents, and Charlotte Laufkoetter (Switzerland) as

the early career co-opted member. A new country, Colombia, joined SCOR through the Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras de Colombia (INVEMAR: http://www.invemar.org.co/). INVEMAR is the Colombian national institute of marine science aimed at conducting scientific research on na tural renewable resources and marine and coastal ecosystems to support policy and management of marine natural resources. INVEMAR is also a Regional Training Center for the Ocean Teacher Global Academy committed to building capacity in the Latin American a nd Caribbean region. The competition among proposals was strong this year, with 10 proposals submitted and three funded. The three proposals approved were: Analysing ocean turbulence observations to quantify mixing (ATOMIX), co-chaired by Cynthia Bluteau (Canada), Ilker Fer (Norway), and Yueng-Djern Lenn (UK) (https://scor- int.org/group/analysing Respiration in the Mesopelagic Ocean (ReMO): Reconciling ecological, biogeochemical and model estimates, co-chaired by Carol Robinson (UK), Iris Kriest (Germany), and Javier Arístegui (Spain) 11 Developing an Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS), co-chaired by Meghan Cronin (USA) and Sebastiaan Swart (Sweden) (https://scor-int.org/group/developing-an-observing-air-sea- interactions-state-oasis/) SCOR continued to support capacity development activities by sponsoring 5 Visiting Scholars in 2019 and approving 6 for 2020, and by co-sponsoring with POGO 5 POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellows. All the travel of the Visiting Scholars and POG O-SCOR fellows has been postponed until further notice due to COVID-19. The 2021 SCOR meeting is scheduled for the week of 25-29 of October 2021 in Busan, Korea, hosted by the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIOST). The 2022 SCOR meeting is scheduled to

take place in Guayaquil, Ecuador, hosted by the Instituto Oceanográfico y Antártico de la Armada del

Ecuador (INOCAR) between September-October.

Narrated presentations reporting on SCOR project and working group activities and progress in 2020 can be found in YouTube (https://youtube.com/channel/UCv-dZLizFYDOC2UTweiWj0Q ) 12


The SCOR 2020 Annual Meeting was

the first SCOR annual meeting to be held virtually due to the

COVID-19 global pandemic and all the associated travel restrictions. In this new virtual modality, the

time of interaction was reduced from three 8-hour days to three 3-hour connections. This required significant preparation and performing previous actions along with special logistics. The meeting was organized in three sessions, one for each day. On the first day, the agenda topics included the reports from the SCOR President and from the Executive Director, the results of the

2020 election for SCOR Officers, the results of the 2020 selection of Early Career Scientist, the

approval of the revised SCOR constitution and the presentation and discussion of new SCOR working group (WG) proposals. On the second day, the agenda topics included the reporting of all current SCOR working groups, research projects and infrastructural projects. On the third day, the agenda topics included the report of the Ad Hoc Finance Committee, the reports from the affiliated projects and partner organizations, the report on SCOR capacity development activities and setting the venue for the next SCOR annual meeting. In preparation for the virtual meeting, the logistics were organized in the following way: All written reports and documents were available in advance at the SCOR website (https://scor- In preparation for Session 1, SCOR Executive Committee (SCOR EC) monitors for the proposed new WGs produced a 10-15-minute narrated presentation of the WG proposal summarizing the proposal and the recommendations from the reviews. These were available for all the Executive Committee and Nominated Members on-line prior to the meeting for everyone to watch at its own convenient time. In preparation for Session 2, SCOR WGs and project chairs produced a 10-15-minute narrated presentation that was available on-line on the SCOR website prior to the meeting. In preparation for Session 3, representatives of affiliated projects and affiliated/partner organizations were also invited to produce a 10-15-minute presentation to be available on-line prior to the meeting. For the virtual sessions, each of the groups mentioned above (SCOR EC monitors of new WG proposals, current WG and project chairs/representatives and representatives of affiliated organizations, projects, and partner organizations) provided a synthesis of 1-3 slides with the main highlights and the required actions for a maximum of a 5-minute intervention to allow time for discussions. The summary slides for the new WGs included the Terms of Refence, membership and a summary of the reviews/recommendations by the national SCOR committees and affiliated organizations. All the summary slides for each session were compiled by the

SCOR Executive Director in one single

file (one summary file /session) to facilitate the discussions during the virtual sessions and avoiding

the sharing of multiple screens. All participants had to register for the meeting and this gave an indication of how many people would be connecting for each of the sessions, helping to plan the connection platform (e.g.,

GoToMeeting, Zoom).

The sessions were recorded, both in video and audio, and the transcripts of the chat comments were saved to help in the production of the proceedings. The co-chairing and note taking for each of the three sessions involved several members of the SCOR EC. 13


1.1. Opening remarks and arrangements

Marie Alexandrine Sicre, the SCOR President welcomed the participants and provided an overview of the logistic arrangements. No further additions to the agenda were suggested. Sicre pointed out that all written reports, documents, and narrated presentations from WGs, projects and affiliated organizations were available at the SCOR website (https://scor-int.org/events/2020-scor-annual- meeting/). She thanked the new Executive Director for organizing the virtual meeting. SCOR pays tribute to the life and contributions of members of the oceanographic community who

pass away. Sicre noted those that had died in the past year along with their scientific contributions

and involvement with SCOR. See document: https://scor-int.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Tab-


Sir Anthony Laughton (1927-2019) (UK) - Nominated member to SCOR for the UK and associate member of Working Group 107 on Improved Global Bathymetry Robert (Bob) Dickson (1941-2019) (UK) - Nominated member to SCOR for the UK, a full member of WG 68 on North Atlantic Circulation, and a member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC) project. Taro Takahashi (1930-2019) (Japan / USA) - A member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) and a full member of the Joint Committee on

Climatic Changes and the Ocean (CCCO).

Trevor Platt (1942-2020) (UK) - Vice-chair of WG 73 on Ecological Theory in Relation to

Biological Ocea

nography, the chair and a member of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) between SCOR and the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), a full member of the Joint SCOR/IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) Committee on Climatic Changes and the Ocean (CCCO) with SCOR, IAMAP, and IAPSO, and a member of the SCOR/IGBP/WCRP ad Working Group For the Global Ocean Euphotic Zone Study. Ron O'Dor (1944-2020) (Canada) - Senior Scientist for the Census of Marine Life, a SCOR affiliated project 2000-2010. George Hemmen (1926-2020) (UK) - The first Executive Director of SCOR from 1972-1980 (called Executive Secretary then). He also served the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) for more than 27 years, first as Assistant Secretary then as Executive Secretary. In the picture below, three generations of SCOR Executive Directors. Jacco Kromkamp (1956-2020) (The Netherlands) - Full Member of SCOR Working Group 156 on Active Chlorophyll fluorescence for autonomous measurements of global marine primary productivity.

A minute of silence was observed.

1.2. Report of the President of SCOR

The SCOR President briefly reported on her activities for SCOR since the SCOR Annual Meeting in September 2019 in Toyama, Japan. In January 2020 she participated and co-chaired the special session "Harnessing the Resources of International Ocean Science Organizations to develop Sustainable Ocean Science and Actions in the Indian Ocean" at the Regional Consultation Workshop for Africa and the Adjacent Island States of the United Nation Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development held in Nairobi, Kenya. With Ed Urban and later with Patricia Miloslavich, she continued to participate in the monthly webinars of Future Earth Ocean Knowledge Action 14 Network (O-KAN) Development Team that has now produced its "Guidelines and Strategic Plan". She

indicated that as sponsors, SCOR is now part of the selection committee for the International Project

Office (IPO) host of the

O-KAN. Due to the Covid-19 situation, several meetings that she should have attended were cancelled, these included: the IIOE-2 meeting scheduled 22-26 March 2020 in Goa,

India; the International Science Council (ISC) meeting scheduled 27-28 March 2020 in Paris, France;

the Ocean Conference scheduled 2-6June, 2020 in Lisbon, Portugal; and the IOC session scheduled

30June-3 July 2020 in Paris, France. She participated in parts of the virtual SCAR conference 3-7 July


See document:

1.3 Report of SCOR Executive Director

The new SCOR Executive Director (SCOR ED), Patricia Miloslavich reported on the current condition of SCOR and on her activities for SCOR since taking the position in January 2020. Miloslavich reported that the SCOR community currently has more than 400 active members involved in WGsquotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_13
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