[PDF] Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise (GUCE) (Business

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REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO Guichet Unique de Création d'Entreprise ... Création d'Entreprise la constitution de la S.A.R.L suivante :.

AVIS DE CONSTITUTION DE SOCIETE Il résulte des Statuts reçus

3 sept. 2013 REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO. Ministère de la Justice et Droits Humains. Guichet Unique de Création d'Entreprise. L'OFFICE NOTARIAL.

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Congo. HT. : Haute Tension. GUCE. : Guichet Unique de Création d'Entreprise Allied Insurance Brokers SARL (AIB) (Société multinationale de courtage en.


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25 avr. 2017 Monsieur le Gouverneur de la Banque Centrale du Congo. Le Guichet ... Le Guichet Unique de Création d'Entreprise à l'avantage de porter à la ...

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Confédération des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises du Congo Guichet Unique de Création d'Entreprise ... La Société A Responsabilité Limitée (SARL) ;.

La procédure de création d entreprise L’agence congolaise

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La mission principale du Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise consiste à faciliter le processus de création d’entreprises en RDC conformément aux textes en vigueur en ce compris le présent Manuel de procédures Et plus spécifiquement : Recevoir les demandes de création d’entreprise et de modification des actes y compris celles

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Guichet unique de création d’entreprise 6 les marchés de travaux et de fournitures d’un montant égal ou supérieur à 500 000 000 de francs congolais Le montant prévu à l’alinéa précédent peut être actualisé par arrêté du Ministre ayant les finances dans ses attributions Art 24

Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise (GUCE) (Business

Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise (GUCE) (Business registration single window) Intervention Factsheet Dashboard summary Contributes to the following World Bank Doing Business Indicators Starting a Business Contributes to the following Essor programme results Reduced poverty through (enabling) improved incomes of poor women and men

Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise - WordPresscom

Institution partenaire Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise (GUCE) Autres parties prenantes clés Ministère de la Justice (MdJ) ; Banque Centrale du Congo (BCC) ; Ministère des Affaires Foncières (MAF) ; Direction Générale des Recettes Administratives Judiciaires Domaniales et de Participations


*Si vous comptez déclarer un travailleur à la CNPS au moment de la création d’entreprise il faut remplir la fiche d’immatriculation travailleur disponible sur le site www 225invest ci * Les modèles types de documents (Statuts ; Déclaration de Souscription et de Versement ; Liste de dirigeant ; Déclaration sur l’honneur ; Formulaire


Un (1) certificat de résidence datant de moins de six (6) mois 10 Plan de localisation du lieu d’exercice de l’activité 11 Un Formulaire unique d’immatriculation « Personne Physique » dûment rempli et signé par le Dirigeant ou mandataire à télécharger sur le site www 225invest ci; 12 Autres

Arrêté ministériel n° 028/CAB/MIN/J&DH/2013 du 25 janvier

Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise ; ARRETE : Section I Dispositions générales Article 1 : Le présent Arrêté a pour objet de fixer les procédures applicables au Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise Article 2 : Le traitement des dossiers d’enregistrement des entreprises au Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise


Le Guichet Unique des Opérations Transfrontalières a été créé en 2013 How did the SW interface with legacy systems (systems that existed prior to the SW project – if applicable)? Le Guichet Unique est interopérable avec les systèmes existant tel que : SYDONIA de la Douane le système PCCI de COTECNA le système BESC du Conseil

LegaLife et iBanFirst ouvrent un guichet unique de la

Le guichet unique de la création d’entreprise en ligne 1 Création de son entreprise sur LegaLife L’entrepreneur ouvre son dossier de création d’en-treprise (EURL SARL SAS SASU) sur LegaLife et est automatiquement guidé par un ques-tionnaire très simple lui permettant de créer en quelques minutes l’ensemble de son dossier


A compter de cette communication l'associé unique à la possibilité de poser par écrit des questions auxquelles le gérant sera tenu de répondre L'associé unique est tenu de statuer sur les comptes de l'exercice écoulé dans les six mois de la clôture de l'exercice ou en cas de prolongation dans le délai fixé par décision de justice

Quelle est la mission du guichet unique de création d’entreprise?

  • La mission principale du Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise consiste à faciliter le processus de création d’entreprises en RDC conformément aux textes en vigueur en ce compris le présent Manuel de procédures.

Qu'est-ce que le guichet unique de création d'entreprise en province?

  • D’ENTREPRISE EN PROVINCES 2.1. Principe Le Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise est appelé à se déployer au niveau provincial, sous la responsabilité de la Direction Générale, à travers les Antennes provinciales.

Comment évaluer le délai de création d’une entreprise au Congo ?

  • Elles ne peuvent être prises en compte pour évaluer le délai de création d’une entreprise au Congo.
1 (Business registration single window)

Intervention Factsheet

Dashboard summary

Contributes to the

following World Bank

Doing Business


Starting a Business

Contributes to the

following Essor programme results Reduced poverty through (enabling) improved incomes of poor women and men Improved systems sustainably managed by public or private institutions

Government supported to reform legal frameworks

Partner institution(s) (GUCE - Business registration single window)

Other key

stakeholder(s) Ministère de la Justice (MoJ - Ministry of Justice), Banque Central du Congo (BCC - Central Bank of DRC), Ministère des Affaires Foncières (MAF - Ministry of Land Affairs)

DRC Government

agencies involved in the business registration process Direction Générale des Recettes Administratives, Judiciaires, Domaniales, et de Participations (DGRAD - National and Administrative Incomes Head Office), Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI - Directorate-General for Taxation), Ministre de l'Économie (MoE - Ministry of Economy), Institut National de la Sécurité Sociale (INSS - The National Social Security Institute), Institut National de

Préparation Professionnelle, (ONEM - National

Employment Office), Inspection du Travail (Labour Inspection Office), Office du

Journal Officiel (Office for Legal Information)

Timeframe 2015 2021

Key achievements Reduced the time and cost involved in creating a business in the DRC; brought greater confidence in government services; reported a reduction in the corruption of registering a business; cmprovement in the 'World Bank Starting a Business' indicator; established a digitised Registre de Commerce et de Crédit mobilier (RCCM - Commercial Registry), with backups and internal controls; expanded the GUCE from one site to ten providing services to nine of Appeal Courts domains (60% geographical coverage); provided technical support to a decree making the GUCE an autonomous public institution; increased GUCE organisational capacity across a broad range of areas, including financial management and control systems, human resources, services and operations and interagency coordination. 2

Business case

The DRC is a member state of the Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA

- Organisation for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa). Under OHADA Law, members are required

to have a business registration single window. To comply with this requirement, the GoDRC opened its first

GUCE office in Kinshasa in 2014 (which became fully operational in 2015). Before the establishment of this

one-stop shop, registering a business entailed separate visits to nine different government agencies.

This process was time-consuming, costly and the requirements of side payments were often reported.

Before Essor began its intervention to support the GUCE, it consisted of only a single office in Kinshasa

where the different government departments involved in registering a business were co-located but processes

were not integrated. The GUCE had limited geographic coverage, limited organisational capacity and a paper-based information system.

vision with its GUCE intervention was to help the agency to build a financially sustainable network of

functional and efficient sites which: share a fully digitalised and operational database; maintain or improve

current levels of service to business; and, are overseen by GUCE leadership which can independently manage the organisation after the phasing out of Essor support. Essor and the GUCE-term goal was to establish services that:

1. Made the registration process simple and easy for micro and small enterprises;

2. Reduced opportunities for corruption;

3. Were accessible from anywhere across the DRC;

4. Were cost efficient and affordable;

5. Were accurate and of high quality; and

6. Were supported by a GUCE information system containing details on businesses, property and

collaterals (as such, serving the information needs of multiple clients, including DRC businesses, financial institutions, and GoDRC actors, such as the BCC).

Intervention description

Since 2015, Essor has worked to achieve the above goal through the following activities: Strategic, technical and financial support to GUCE sites This has included start-up cost support and the temporary subsidisation of running costs to varying levels in different sites; IT support for the database, monitoring and other functionalities This has entailed (a) the digitalisation of the GUCE database called the Registre de Commerce et de Crédit Mobilier (RCCM - Commercial Registry), 1 including the uploading of paper archive records, and (b) the development of software that includes central control systems for registrations, data exchange tools, enhanced stability, quality and functionality; Legal framework reform This has included drafting and advocating for bylaws that support GUCE financial autonomy; Organisational capacity building and strategic support This has included supporting the GUCE

to transition to an autonomous agency, which requires (a) staff restructuring, recruitment and training, (b)

development of a new business model, and (c) strengthening financial/ accounting systems; and, Support for communications activities This has included the development of flyers, a website, awareness raising short-clips, radio campaigns and billboard campaigns. However, it is important to note that such activities have been reliant on Essor support. Substantial progress has been achieved under the intervention. Essor supported the expansion of GUCE

sites to a total of nine localities in the DRC Bukavu, Goma, Gombe, Isiro, Kananga, Kisangani, Kolwezi,

1 https://rccm.cd/rccm/


Lubumbashi, Mbuji Mayi and Matete. The RCCM is now fully digital and to date has registered over 70,000

businesses since the new system came online in 2018. The RCCM has robust control and backup systems with a dedicated IT team in place at the GUCE for its maintenance. There is growing demand for RCCM data and the database has expanded functionalities to serve as a

DRC financial institutions and the Ministry of Land Affairs (to include property deeds in the Collateral Registry

portal). RCCM data also feeds into the Banque Central du Congo (BCC - Central Bank of DRC) Centrale des Risques (credit bureau). drafting a decree

that will transition the agency to a public autonomous institution (Établissement Public), which the DRC

Office established a special

commission to operationalise the decree and the GUCE is now expected to become operationally independent in early 2022. As Essor has explored in an internal study2, GUCE has been a contributing factor to the dramatic improvement in the World Bank's Starting a Business

indicator on the Ease of Doing Business Index. This indicator has improved markedly in the past decade,

moving the DRC from one of the poorer to one of the better performers on this metric amongst OHADA

nations. No other DBI indicator has shown anything approaching this level of progress in the country. An

independent study has demonstrated that establishment of new GUCE sites has achieved a substantial

decrease in the cost and time of business registration, as well as improvements in client experience.3

2 See Essor's briefing note Starting a Business in t


3 See the report Impact Assessment Of The Introduction Of

available at www.en.essorrdc.com/home-2/publications.

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