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Un monument l Ara Pacis A) Un monument pour Rome

pierre (contrairement à la ronde bosse qui désigne une sculpture détachée du support

Sans titre

L'Ara Pacis Augustae (Autel de la Paix d'Auguste) est un monument dédié à la Paix (Les trois dernières images comportent à la fois le bas-relief et une ...


L'Ara Pacis monument de la paix


DE VARA PACIS AUGUST AE par Gilles Sauron. L'Ara Pacts continue de susciter une abondante littérature concentrée en particulier sur l'analyse des reliefs 

III. Histoire des arts : Auguste et lAra pacis

Ara Pacis : vue d'ensemble. 4) Interprétation des bas-reliefs. Cliquez sur l'icône ''Bas-reliefs''. A) ''Les bas-reliefs'' a. Qu'est-ce qu'un bas-relief ?

Dossier PéDagogique

19 mar. 2014 Bas-Relief : ARA PACIS AUGVSTAE. Bas-Relief : BovclieR HonoRifiqve D'aRles. covPe en aRGent : covPe De HoBY. fResqve De PomPéi : maRs et ...

La propagande augustéenne I-LAuguste de la prima porta :

Les armes sont bel et bien présentes sur le bas-relief mais la posture de la statue n'est pas guerrière: elle est assise


Dessin : reproduction d'un bas-relief de l'Ara. Pacis représentant l'abondance retrouvée grâce à la paix d'Auguste

Un fragment au personnage voilé dans les collections de lInstitut

buste d'un personnage jusqu'à hauteur de la taille. général des bas-reliefs

The Goddess Ceres in the Ara Pacis Augustae and the - JSTOR

the Ara Pacis relief the type and attributes of the central figure point to her identification as Ceres with possible polysemantic reference to this divinity's cultic connections with Tellus and Venus The two side figures in the Ara Pacis relief are identified as a Nereid (sea nymph) and a Naiad (freshwater nymph) These divinities were associ-

Augustan Genealogy and the 'Ara Pacis' - JSTOR

Galinsky Venus in a Relief of the Ara Pads Augustae in American Journal of Archaeology 70 (1966) p 223-243 ; a revised version of this appears in his book Aeneas Sicily and Rome Princeton N J 1969 p 181-241 (3) For recent detailed studies of the altar consult Giuseppe Moretti Ara Pads

Ara Pacis - willkarpcom

The Ara Pacis is a commemorative monument that was built between the years 13 and 9 B C to celebrate peace in the Mediterranean after the victorious battles of Emperor Augustus in Hispania and Gaul The monument which is an altar located in the interior of a closed structure carved in Carrara marble stands out with

What are the reliefs on the Ara Pacis Augustae?

The east and west sides of the Ara Pacis Augustae in Rome, Italy each bears two main reliefs, although the reliefs themselves have survived to differing degrees. The interpretation of the reliefs has been the subject of scholarly debate.

Why was the Ara Pacis Augustae built?

Voted by Sena to , the Ara Pacis Augustae or Altar of Peace of Augustus was built to celebrate the return of the Emperor from his campaigns in Spain and Gaul and is decorated in profusion. All the work, including the reliefs, would originally have been richly painted in color and with touches of gilding.

Who is Ara Pacis Augustae?

A member of the Priestly college (association) of Septemviri epulones, carries an incense box, processional scene (north side), Ara Pacis Augustae (AAltar of Augustan Peace) 9 B.C.E. (Ara Pacis Museum, Rome) (photo: Steven Zucker, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Where did the Ara Pacis come from?

The first fragments of the Ara Pacis emerged in 1568 beneath Rome’s Palazzo Chigi near the basilica of San Lorenzo in Lucina. These initial fragments came to be dispersed among various museums, including the Villa Medici, the Vatican Museums, the Louvre, and the Uffizi.

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