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Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America

that year Fabricio Alvarado an Evangelical legislator

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2 mai 2016 According to V.G. Hakov (Hakov V.G. 1993)

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José Luis Pérez Guadalupe is a professor

and researcher at the Universidad del Pacífico

Postgraduate School, an advisor to the

Peruvian Episcopal Conference (Conferencia

Episcopal Peruana) and Vice-President of the

Institute of Social-Christian Studies of Peru (Instituto de Estudios Social Cristianos - IESC).

He has also been in public office as the Minis-

ter of Interior (2015-2016) and President of the

National Penitentiary Institute of Peru (Institu-

to Nacional Penitenciario del Perú) (2011-2014).

He is the author of several books on evangeli-

cal churches in Latin America:

Evangélicos y

Poder en América Latina (2018) (co-edited

with S. Grundberger); Entre Dios y el César: el

impacto político de los evangélicos en el Perú y América Latina (2017); La Iglesia después de

'Aparecida': cifras y proyecciones (2008) (co-written with Mons. N. Strotmann); Baja a

Dios de la nubes (2004); Ecumenismo, sectas

y nuevos movimientos religiosos (2002), and others. Since 1987, he has worked in various sectors of the Catholic Church, and until 2011 he was director of the Social Pastoral for the diocese of Chosica and of the 'Fray Martín'

Pastoral Theology Institute.

He is a Doctor of Political Science and Socio-

logy (Universidad de Deusto), and holds

Masters degrees in Criminology (Universidad

del País Vasco), Administration and Manage- ment (CENTRUM-EADA), and Anthropology (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), and is a Bachelor of Education (Pontificia Universi- dad Católica del Perú), of Social Science (ILADES-Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana) and of Canonical Sacred Theology (Facultad de Teología Pontifica y Civil de Lima). One of the most noticeable changes in Latin America during recent decades has been the rise of the Evangeli cal churches from a minority to a powerful factor. This applies not only to their cultural and social role but increa singly also to their involvement in politics. While this development has been evident to observers for quite a while, it especially caught the world´s attention in 2018 when an Evangelical pastor, Fabricio Alvarado, won the first round of the presidential elections in Costa Rica and - even more so - when Jair Bolsonaro became Presi dent of Brazil relying heavily on his close ties to the coun try´s main Evangelical leaders. Touching on ten country cases, José Luis Pérez Guadalu pe analyzes the impact of Evangelical churches and their leaders in the political sphere across the region. In parti cular, he examines their political strategies, evaluates the ambiguous success of Evangelical political parties and draws conclusions about patterns of Evangelical voting behavior. Distinguishing between three models of Evan gelical political participation, the Central American, South American and Brazilian, the author counters simplifica tions and generalizations about monolithic patterns of political action by Evangelicals. The book also seeks to contribute to the debate about the Catholic Church's loss of hegemony, Latin America's alleged secularization, a re-sacralization of the political sphere and the emergence of more diverse societies on a religious, social and politi cal level. JOSÉ LUIS PÉREZ GUADALUPEEvangelicals and PoliticalPower in Latin America

We are a political foundation that is active

in 18 forums for civic education and regional offices throughout Germany.

Around 100 offices abroad oversee

projects in more than 120 countries. Our headquarters are split between Sankt

Augustin near Bonn and Berlin.

Konrad Adenauer and his principles

define our guidelines, our duty and our mission. The foundation adopted the name of the first German Federal Chan cellor in 1964 after it emerged from the

Society for Christian Democratic Educa

tion, which was founded in 1955.

We are committed to peace, freedom and

justice at the national and international level. Our primary concerns are strengthe ning democracy, the rule of law and personal responsibility at home and throughout the world, as well as promo ting European integration and internatio nal cooperation.

The "Instituto de Estudios Social Cristia

nos del Perú" (Institute of Social-Christian

Studies of Peru, IESC) is a civic non-profit

association founded in 1974. Its main goal is to spread the principles of Christian social thinking. The IESC organizes works hops, conferences and training programs and engages in academic research.

Through these activities, the IESC aims to

contribute to the education of responsible citizens who are committed to building strong democratic institutions and a more just and solidary society. Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America 2019

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Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America

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José Luis Pérez Guadalupe

With contributions from

Oscar Amat y León

Álvaro Bermúdez

José Mario Brasiliense

Claudia Dary

Carlos Garma Navarro

Sebastian Grundberger

Andrés Hildebrandt

Fabio Lacerda

Claire Nevache

Guillermo Sandoval

Juan David Velasco Montoya

Hilario Wynarcyzk

César Zúñiga Ramírez


Evangelicals and Political

Power in Latin America

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Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America

Issue: 1000 copies

1st ed., June 2019

Statutory Deposit at the National Library of Peru Number 2019-06661

© Konrad Adenauer Stiftung e.V. (KAS)

Av. Larco 109, 2º Piso, Lima 18 - Perú

Email: kasperu@kas.de


Phone: (51-1) 416-6100 © Instituto de Estudios Social Cristianos (IESC)

Bolívar 298, of. 301, Lima 18 - Perú

Email: iescperu@gmail.com

URL: < http://www.iesc.org.pe/ >

Phone: (51-1) 242-1698


José Luis Pérez Guadalupe


Judy Butler

Cover Design

Shirley Cjahua

the views and opinion of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. or the Institute of Social-

Christian Studies of Peru (IESC).

All rights reserved. Reproducing this book totally or partially is allowed if the bibliographical quote is properly quoted.

Free Distribution

Tax Payer Number: 20125831410

Pasaje María Auxiliadora N° 156, Lima 5


Printed in Peru

June, 2019

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Table of contents






1.1. Religious characteristics of Evangelicals in Latin America 18

1.2. Unusual numerical growth 21



2.1. The different waves of the Evangelical movement and their

political priorities 31

2.2. The two classic lines of Evangelical political thinking in

Latin America 36

2.3. ġļŃļ 39

ļġ 45

ļ 52


3.1. The three historical models of political participation by Evangelicals 60

3.2. The new Evangelical political ideology 65

3.3. The political conquest of 10 Latin American countries 68




Chile 84

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Colombia 90

Costa Rica


El Salvador


Guatemala 106




Peru 124


Central American, South American and Brazilian 136

4.2. ġļ


4.3. The new religious look of the political parties 145



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T he political transition of the Evangelical churches in Latin America over from Europe wanted to improve society through the Gospel, without really playing a fundamental political role, today's Evangelicals no longer talk sizeable voting power, to the extent that they can tip the electoral bal ance, as the recent past demonstrates. In this new political and religious environment, governments and political parties in various Latin American countries are considering the pros and cons of an informal or formal rapprochement with Evangelical churches, be it through incorporating Evangelical leaders on their electoral slates or through concessions in their programmatic platforms, for Given the importance of this phenomenon for understanding Latin America's current political panorama, it is rather surprising how little thorough and comparative academic research on the issue is available so far. As Konrad- of Evangelicals with a regional perspective. We found a highly knowledge able ally for this undertaking in the former Peruvian Interior Minister and schola r José Luis Perez Guadalupe, who in 2017 published the groundbreaking study: "Entre Dios y el César - El impacto politico de los evangélicos en el Perú y

América Latina."

We were able to build a regional network of scholars and

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ł"Evangélicos y

Poder en América Latina", published in October 2018 in Lima. It includes an in-depth comparative synthesis by José Luis Pérez Guadalupe and articles by countries. The book has so far been presented with great success in different countries such as Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Germany and Peru. As a next step, we are now very pleased to present the main results of this work

Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America

contains an enriched version of the introductory chapter of "Evangelicos y Poder en América Latina" featuring contributions by the group's different authors and some new concepts based on intense group discussions during conferences in Lima, Peru, and Berlin, Germany, in October and November

2018, respectively. In that way, the present publication, albeit having one lead

author, is a team effort. I would thus like to thank especially the following members of this team for their contributions on the respective countries: Oscar Amat y León (Peru), Álvaro Bermúdez (El Salvador), Claudia

Dary (Guatemala),

Carlos Garma (Mexico), Fabio Lacerda and José Mario Brasiliense (Brazil), Claire Nevache (Panama), Guillermo Sandoval (Chile), Juan David Velasco (Colombia), Hilario Wynarczyk (Argentina) and César Zuñiga (Costa Rica). A special thanks also goes to Judy Butler in Nicaragua for her translation and to Andrés Hildebrandt in the KAS Peru for coordinating this project.

Special credit also goes to the

Instituto de Estudios Social Cristianos (IESC)

in Lima, which is co-publishing this publication and co-owns the project. As KAS and IESC we share the aspiration of societies based on the values of freedom, democracy, justice and solidarity. It is our conviction that persons of faith can play an important role in constructing them. In this sense, we to the international debate not only on the relations between Evangelicals and politics in Latin America but also between faith and politics in general

Lima, May 2019

Sebastian Grundberger

Resident Representative of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Peru

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The accelerated growth of Evangelical churches starting in the 1970s has in Latin America in recent decades. It has come at the cost of a decline in Catholicism on the continent, where the Catholic faith is the strongest in the world. Moreover, the past few years have revealed equally clear evidence of a related new phenomenon starting in the 1980s: a massive entry of Evangelical leaders into the political party arena, making the Evangelical movement one of the region's new political actors, although with diverse manifestations and unequal impact in each country. Is this new political-religious - or religious-political - reality in Latin America only a new chapter in a well-known history of the instrumental utilization of religious sentiments for political ends? Or is it rather a novel political instrumentalization for religious ends? Are the Latin American Evangelicals who are currently participating in politics essentially 'political leaders' or do they continue to be and feel like 'religious leaders'? Put another way: is their Some years ago, Edir Macedo, leader and founder of the largest and most widespread Pentecostal church on the continent, published a suggestive book titled Plan for Power-God, Christians and Politics, in which he shows the religious backdrop to this new political wave of Evangelicals ("political

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