[PDF] Coral reef ecology and survey methods

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BIOGRAPHIE PASCAL DAYEZ-BURGEON. Agrégé d'Histoire diplômé de l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris et de l'ENA

Au coeur de la Coree du Nord

Pascal Dayez-Burgeon La dynastie rouge. Corée du Nord


9 oct. 2019 Dayez-Burgeon Pascal Histoire de la Corée. Des origines à nos jours

Les Cahiers dOutre-Mer 263

1 juil. 2013 Londres-New York : ZED Books 160 p. Bernard Calas. Barbe Dominique


blique et la biographie tirée de sa thèse de doc- ques biographies historiques (Antoine Duprat

In Another Country

13 sept. 2013 4 Pascal Dayez Burgeon Les Coréens. 5 Indice de développement humain Corée du Sud. 6 Part de marché national : % du nombre d'entrées ...


19 sept. 2008 10:00 / 10:20 => Coral reef fish and their bio-geographic distribution in ... 19:00 - 21:00 - Dinner sponsored by Mr. Pascal Dayez-Burgeon ...

Coral reef ecology and survey methods

19 sept. 2008 10:00 / 10:20 => Coral reef fish and their bio-geographic distribution in ... 19:00 - 21:00 - Dinner sponsored by Mr. Pascal Dayez-Burgeon ...

Le protectionnisme sud-coréen

1 Pascal Dayez-Burgeon Histoire de la Corée : Des origines à nos jours

Casterman (1919-1999). Une entreprise du livre entre Belgique et

d'Hergé a fait l'objet de plusieurs biographies de références104. 618 Pascal DAYEZ-BURGEON La reine Astrid: histoire d'un mythe




15-19th September 2008

University of the South Pacific

Suva, FIJI

COMPONENT 2A - Project 2A2

Knowledge, monitoring, management and

bene?cial use of coral reef ecosystems

November 2008



Shirleen BALA - USP

This CRISP component is funded by the following agency:


Knowledge, monitoring and management of coral reef ecosytems

CRISP contact person:


School of Marine Studies

Faculty of Islands and Oceans

The University of the South Paci?c

Suva, Fiji

Phone: (679) 3 232 612

Fax: (679) 3 231 526

E-mail: lovell_E@usp.ac.?

T he Initiative for the Protection and Management of Coral Reefs in the Paci?c (CRISP), sponsored by France and prepared by the French Development Agency (AFD) as part of an inter-ministerial project from 2002 onwards, aims to develop a vi- sion for the future of these unique ecosystems and the communities that depend on them and to introduce strategies and projects to conserve their biodiversity, while developing the economic and environmental services that they provide both locally and globally. Also, it is designed as a factor for integration between developed coun- tries (Australia, New Zealand, Japan, USA), French Overseas Territories and Paci?c Is- land developing countries. The CRISP Programme is divided into three major components, which are:

Component 1A:

Integrated Coastal Management and Watershed Management - 1A1:

Marine biodiversity conservation planning

- 1A2:

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

- 1A3:

Institutional strengthening and networking

- 1A4: Integrated coastal reef zone and watershed management

Component 2:

Development of Coral Ecosystems

- 2A: Knowledge, monitoring and management of coral reef ecosystems - 2B:

Reef rehabilitation

- 2C:

Development of active marine substances

- 2D: Development of regional database (ReefBase Paci?c)

Component 3:

Programme Coordination and Development

- 3A: Capitalization, value-adding and extension of CRISP Programme activities - 3B: Coordination, promotion and development of CRISP Programme

The CRISP programme is implemented as part of the

policy developed by the Secretariat of the Paci?c

Regional Environment Programme for a contribution

to conservation and sustainable development of coral reefs in the Paci?c.

CRISP Coordinating Unit (CCU)

Programme manager:


SPC - P.O. Box D5

98848 Noumea Cedex

New Caledonia

Phone/Fax: (687) 26 54 71

E-mail: ericc@spc.int



Postlarvae (?sh and crustacean) capture and culture for aquarium trade and restocking


Improvement of knowledge and capacity for a better management of reef ecosystems


Synopsis and extension work on indicators for monitoring the health of co- ral ecosystems and developing a remote sensing tool


Testing of novel information feedback methods for local communities and users of reef and lagoon resources


Speci?c studies on i) the e?ects on the increase in atmospheric CO2 on the health of coral formation and ii) the development of ecotourism 2 Photo of the participants of "Coral Reef Ecology and Survey Methods workshop" at USP (Fiji,

September 2008). The participants are from :


French Embassy

Fiji Government

University of the South Pacific (IAS and IMR)

University of Otago, New Zealand

University of Hawaii, USA

World Fish Center, USA


Conservation International, Fiji

Laje Rotuma Initiative, Fiji

Mamanuca Environment Society, Fiji


Partners in Community Development, Fiji

Marine ecology consulting, Fiji

Wildlife Conservation Society, Fiji

US Peace Corps, USA

Blue Ventures Organization, UK


Coral Reef Ecology and Survey Methods workshop

(seminar and field trip) 15 th - 19 th

September, 2008

Faculty of Islands and Oceans (Tutorial Room)

University of the South Pacific - Fiji

The University of the South Pacific (USP), WorldFish Center and the French Institute of Research for the Development (IRD) have joined in a partnership to develop a workshop on coral reef ecology and survey methods. This seminar and training program was funded by "Agence française de développement" through the Coral Reef Initiative in the South Pacific program (CRISP) and by IRD. It was organized into two parts: seminars at USP campus and field trip at

Muaivuso village.

The seminar program provided a knowledge base in the coral reef ecology of marine organisms (coral, crustacean, algae and fish) and in surveys methods (for fisheries, in designation, implementation and management of marine protected areas, and to measuring success in MPAs). Each oral presentation lasted ca. 15 minutes with 5 minutes for open discussion. The seminars were conducted at Faculty of Islands and Oceans (Tutorial Room). The training program was intended to provide a knowledge base in "size estimation of fish inside and outside MPA", "recent techniques for habitat description and monitoring", and "use of emerging methods to sample marine organisms". The training course will be conducted at

Muaivuso site.

This seminar and training program was free and open to all USP undergraduate and graduate students, government and NGO staffs. A pre-registration was required (contacted: shirleen_bala@yahoo.com or david.lecchini@noumea.ird.nc) 4

Abstract in French :

Atelier sur l'écologie des récifs coralliens et les méthodes de suivi (séminaires et formation sur le terrain) L'Université du Pacifique sud (USP), le WorldFish Center et l'Institut de recherche pour

le développement (IRD) se sont associés en partenariat pour organiser un atelier sur l'écologie des

récifs coralliens, comprenant une partie théorique, sous la forme de séminaires (programme des

séminaires ci-dessous) et une partie pratique, où ont été présentés différentes méthodes de suivi in

situ des récifs coralliens. Les séminaires ont été présentés par des chercheurs de l'IRD (Philippe Borsa, Pascal Dumas, David Lecchini, Marc Leopold) , des chercheurs du WorldFish Center de Penang en Malaisie (Pip Cohen, Alex Tewfik) et des enseignants-chercheurs de l'USP de Suva (Shirleen Bala, Teddy Fong, Jeanne de Mazières, Randy Thaman, Kenneth MacKay). Etaient présents dans

le public : le Dr Joeli Veityaki, directeur du Département des sciences marines de l'USP, Priscilla

Govind, observatrice du Gouvernement fidjien et Pascal Dayez-Burgeon, attaché culturel de

l'Ambassade de France à Suva, ainsi qu'une cinquantaine de participants à l'atelier, pour la plupart

des étudiants Fidjiens, Salomonais, Vanuatais et Tongiens de l'USP mais aussi de l'Institut des sciences appliquées (IAS) de Fidji et des membres des ONG présentes dans la région : Conservation International, FLMMA et Mamanuca Environment Society. Les deux journées de travaux pratiques se sont déroulées dans le lagon du village de Nakamala à l'ouest de Suva, avec l'accord des chefs coutumiers. Une partie de ce lagon est

décrétée zone tabou par les coutumiers, ce qui revient à une mise en réserve. La formation a

porté sur les méthodes de comptage et d'estimation des tailles de poissons afin de réaliser des

comparaisons entre zones mises en réserve et zones hors-réserve. De même, des techniques de

description et de suivi de l'habitat récifal ont été présentées aux participants. Deux techniciens de

l'IRD (Gérard Mou Tham, Christophe Peignon) se sont joints aux chercheurs pour organiser cette partie terrain. Le nombre de participants (une cinquantaine aux séminaires, une quarantaine pour les

travaux pratiques sur le terrain) et le fait qu'ils rassemblaient des étudiants et des membres d'ONG

de plusieurs états du sud-ouest Pacifique démontre le succès de cet atelier. C'est un gage pour la

préservation des écosystèmes récifaux de la région. Ceux-ci sont en effet menacés par la

surpêche, par la dégradation du littoral, par la pollution urbaine, par l'érosion des bassins versants

due au défrichage, aux activités agricoles et minières et aux feux de brousse, et par l'hyper-

sédimentation qui en est la conséquence. 5

Workshop Program

Day 1 - Monday 15

th September, 2008 (Faculty of Islands & Oceans - Tutorial Room)

9:00 - 10:00 - Welcome to USP Dr Joeli Veitayaki (USP)

Introduction and briefing IRD (D. Lecchini) / USP

Introduction of participants IRD / USP

10:00 - 13:00 - New Information on Biology and Ecology of Marine Organisms

Chairs: Dr M. Sobey and D. Lecchini

1. 10:00 / 10:20 => Coral reef fish and their bio-geographic distribution in the Pacific (P.

Borsa - data from M. Kulbicki)

2. 10:20 / 10:40 => Ecological Importance of Parrotfish (T. Fong)

3. 10:40 / 11:00 => Phylogeography of Indo-pacific coral reef fish (P. Borsa)

Coffee break => 11:00 / 11:20

4. 11:20 / 11:40 => Measuring, protection and application of indigenous knowledge on

coral reefs and marine biodiversity (R. Thaman)

5. 11:40 / 12:00 => ReefBase Pacific Information Portal - Livelihoods, Fisheries,

Biodiversity (presentation includes overviews of SeaLifeBase and FishBase) (P. Cohen)

6. 12:00 / 12:20 => An introduction of life cycle of coral reef fish, crustacean and coral and

the importance of settlement success in the regulation of adult stocks (D. Lecchini)

7. 12:20 / 12:40 => Post larval reef fish capture, culture and release: Effects of culture conditions on post release survival (S. Bala)

8. Followed by a general discussion until 13:00

14:00 - 17:00 - New Approaches to Fisheries and Management in Coral Reefs

Chairs: Dr R. Dunsmore and P. Borsa

1. 14:00 / 14:20 => Putting into practice the ecosystem-based approaches to coral reef

fisheries (M. Léopold, J. Ferraris)

2. 14:20 / 14:40 => Role of community based management in fisheries and coral reef

management in Fiji (A. Tawake)

3. 14:40 / 15:00 => Assessment of Earthquake and Tsunami Impact on Fisheries-dependent

Coastal Communities of Western Province, Solomon Islands (A. Tewfik)

Coffee break => 15:00 / 15:20

4. 15:20 / 15:40 => Managing the impacts of fisheries on reef and lagoon resources (M.


5. 15:40 / 16:00 => Preliminary evaluation of village based CPUE data collection (FLMMA

and J. Comley)

6. 16:00 / 16:20 => Estimating population connectivity using genetic marker for

conservation and management purposes (P. Borsa - data from C. Fauvelot)

7. 16:20 / 16:40 => An investigation of coral reef community modelling with geostatistical

methods (Jeanne de Mazieres)

8. Followed by a general discussion until 17:00

17:00 - 19:00 - Welcome Cocktail - seafood village at USP (sponsored by WorldFish Center)


Day 2 - Tuesday 16

th September, 2008 (Faculty of Islands & Oceans - Tutorial Room)

9:00 - 13:00 - Indicators for Measuring Success in MPAs & Biological monitoring

in coral reefs - Chairs: Dr R. Dunsmore and P. Dumas

1. 9:00 / 9:30 => Simple indicators for monitoring MPA effects in coral reefs: example of

giant clams and trochus shells in New Caledonia and Vanuatu (P. Dumas)

2. 9:30 / 10:00 => 10 years of changes in a community managed marine protected area -Waitabu (K. Mackay / H. Sykes)

3. 10:00 / 10:30 => Invertebrate stock assessment using in-situ and remote sensing data (M.


4. 10:30 / 11:00 => Ecological Connectivity (R. Dunsmore)

Coffee break => 11:00 / 11h30

5. 11:30 / 12:00 => A quick and clean photographic method for habitat description and

mapping in coral reefs (P. Dumas)

6. 12:00 / 12:30 => Temperature and coral bleaching in Fiji experience of the last 10 years -

(K. Mackay / H. Sykes)

7. Followed by a general discussion until 13:00

13:30 - 16:00 - General discussion about Mobilization of results to policy, decision making

and planning - Chairs: K. MacKay and M. Leopold

1. 13:30 / 14:00 => Papaha naumokuakea Marine National Monument, Hawaii Islands (M.


2. 14:00 / 14:20 => Community-based monitoring of invertebrates in taboo areas : case of

North Efate, Vanuatu (P. Dumas)

3. 14:20 / 14:40 => Evaluation of the effectiveness of three underwater reef fish monitoring methods in Fiji (D. Lecchini)

4. Followed by a general discussion until 16:00

16:00 - 17:00 - Presentation of the training course: "Size estimation, recent techniques for

habitat description and monitoring, and use of emerging methods to sample marine organisms" (D. Lecchini, P. Dumas, G. Mou-Tham, C. Peignon, P. Borsa & M.



Day 3 - Wednesday 17

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