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périodes de production des substances acides et basiques chez les mollusques; molluscs reduce the alkalinity of (and hence acidify) their immediate.

conference conférence conferencia

09-Nov-1991 Président de la Banque européenne pour la reconstruction et le développement ... les insectes les parasites


protection of human health and on emergency action. treatment usually involves heating in nitric acid oxida- ... Des pluies acides avaient.

Supplementation strategies for semi scavenging chickens in Burkina

DM. DMI. EE. FCR. FCS. FM. LSM. ME. MJ. NFE. OM. PDAV. TME. Amino acids des pluies (13.5 MJ 1 kg) et le taux de protéine brute (PB < 12 %) dans.


Organic acids and sugars composition of harvested pomegranate fruit. In: Eur. Food Res. Technol. 211

Groundwater for emergency situations: a methodological guide; IHP

acid that is precipitated as acid rain. The products of volcanoes pose not only such immediate hazards but can as well cause long-term climatic and 


Acid rain. Pluie acide. See Acid precipitation. See also: Acid precipitation. Acidifying potential. (AP). The aggregate measure of the acidifying potential.

Livestock and Sustainable Nutrient Cycling in Mixed Farming

and agropastoral systems of acid-soil savannahs of Latin America saison des pluies il y avait une forte sélectivité entre les unités de paysage dont la ...

Mortars Cemeilts and Grouts used in the Conservation of Historic

Ayant à l'esprit les considérations énoncées l'ICCROM a décidé increasing the amount of polyester



SERIES A: Mediterranean Seminars

2012 - Number 103

II International Symposium

on the Pomegranate

Edited by:

P. Melgarejo, D. Valero


méditerranéennesSERIES A: Mediterranean Seminars

2012 - Number 103

II International Symposium

on the Pomegranate

Edited by:

P. Melgarejo, D. Valero

These Proceedings include 63 scientific papers presented at the II International Symposium on the Pomegranate, held in Madrid (Spain) from 19 to 21 October 2011.

Production and commerce of pomegranate and its derived products have experienced significant

growth everywhere in the world. Progress has been made in cultivation techniques and some traditional

problems have been solved, although new problems such as Xanthomonas axonopodis attacks constitute

a present threat. New public and private institutions in different countries are working to improve the

production and quality of the pomegranate, and new varieties are being commercialized. The cultivar is a determining factor in issues related to nutritional composition and bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity. At the same time, significant advances in postharvest technologies have been made in the past years,

specially focused on the use of technologies with natural compounds of great efficiency in maintaining

the quality and safety of pomegranate fruit during prolonged storage per iods.

Special importance is attached to the advance in the industrialization processes through the technologies

for processing ready-to-eat arils. In the past years, new protocols for quality evaluation using sensory

analysis have been developed. With respect to the relationship between pomegranate and health,

recent clinical studies report that pomegranate juice or extract can reduce the progression of prostate

cancer, although more studies are needed to confirm these experimental r esults.

Prix: 53,36 Euro

ISBN: 2-85352-501-5






A 103

II International Symposium

on the Pomegranate



SERIES A: Mediterranean Seminars

2012 - Number 103

II International Symposium

on the Pomegranate

Edited by:

P. Melgarejo, D. Valero


méditerranéennesSERIES A: Mediterranean Seminars

2012 - Number 103

II International Symposium

on the Pomegranate

Edited by:

P. Melgarejo, D. Valero

These Proceedings include 63 scientific papers presented at the II International Symposium on the Pomegranate, held in Madrid (Spain) from 19 to 21 October 2011.

Production and commerce of pomegranate and its derived products have experienced significant

growth everywhere in the world. Progress has been made in cultivation techniques and some traditional

problems have been solved, although new problems such as Xanthomonas axonopodis attacks constitute

a present threat. New public and private institutions in different countries are working to improve the

production and quality of the pomegranate, and new varieties are being commercialized. The cultivar is a determining factor in issues related to nutritional composition and bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity. At the same time, significant advances in postharvest technologies have been made in the past years,

specially focused on the use of technologies with natural compounds of great efficiency in maintaining

the quality and safety of pomegranate fruit during prolonged storage per iods.

Special importance is attached to the advance in the industrialization processes through the technologies

for processing ready-to-eat arils. In the past years, new protocols for quality evaluation using sensory

analysis have been developed. With respect to the relationship between pomegranate and health,

recent clinical studies report that pomegranate juice or extract can reduce the progression of prostate

cancer, although more studies are needed to confirm these experimental r esults.

Prix: 53,36 Euro

ISBN: 2-85352-501-5






A 103

II International Symposium

on the Pomegranate 1

Les opinions, les données et les faits exposés dans ce numéro sont sous la responsabilité des

auteurs et n'engagent ni le CIHEAM, ni les Pays membres. Opinions, data and information presented in this edition are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and neither CIHEAM nor the Member Countries accept any liability therefore.

II International Symposium

on the Pomegranate

Editors: P. Melgarejo and D. Valero

Proceedings of the II International Symposium on the Pomegranate, organized by the Department of Plant

Production and Microbiology, the Department of Food Technology of the University Miguel Hernández, and the

Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza, of the Centre International for Advanced Mediterranean

Agronomic Studies (IAMZ-CIHEAM), with the sponsorship of Fruit Attraction, FEPEX and BASF.

Madrid and Orihuela (Spain), 19 - 21 October 2011



Head of publication: Francisco Mombiela

Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies

2012Series A: Mediterranean SeminarsNumber 103

L'édition technique, la maquette et la mise en page de ce numéro d'Options Méditerranéennes ont été réalisées par l'Atelier d'Édition de l'IAM de Zaragoza (CIHEAM) Technical editing, layout and formatting of this edition of Options Méditerranéennes was carried out by the Editorial Board of MAI Zaragoza (CIHEAM) Crédits des photos de couverture / Cover photo credits:

P. Melgarejo, P. Legua

Tirage / Copy number: 420 ex.

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Fiche bibliographique / Cataloguing data:

II International Symposium on the Pomegranate. P. Melgarejo, D. Valero (eds). Zaragoza: CIHEAM / Universidad Miguel Hernández. 2012, 337 p. (Options Méditerranéennes, Series A: Mediterranean Seminars, No. 103) Catalogue des numéros d'Options Méditerranéennes sur / Catalogue of Options Méditerranéennes issues on: www.ciheam.org/publications ISSN: 1016-121-X - ISBN: 2-85352-501-5 © CIHEAM, 2012

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Options Méditerranéennes, A, no. 103, 2012

II International Symposium on the Pomegranate


List of contents

Preface..................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Inaugural conference

The pomegranate tree in the world: Its problems and uses - P. Melgarejo, J.J. Martínez,

F. Hernández, P. Legua, P. Melgarejo-Sánchez and R. Martínez Font..........................................................11


Oral presentations

Economic prospects of pomegranate growing in the Spanish Mediterranean region -

M.D. De-Miguel, A. Melián, and M.A. Fernández-Zamudio..........................................................................29

Analysis of the production structure and crop costs of pomegranates in Spain -

M.A. Fernández- Zamudio, J. Bartual and A. Melián.......................................................................................33

The prices in Europe of pomegranates and arils - D. Rymón..................................................................37

A comprehensive industrialization of the processing of the pomegranate fruit:

The key to its economic viability - Y. Sarig and A. Galili............................................................................43


The Argentinean experience in the cultivation of 1000 ha of pomegranates (5 provinces).

Test of varieties and management of crop - M.F. Zavala and F. Cozza..................................................47


Oral presentations

Diversity of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) germplasm in Spain - J.J. Martínez,

P. Melgarejo, P. Legua, R. Martínez and F. Hernández..................................................................................53

The Pomegranate National Collection of Afghanistan - A.M. Saeedi, G. Mohammad,

G.R. Samadi, S. Abdiani and E. Giordani.........................................................................................................57

Breeding Mexican pomegranates to improve productivity and quality and increase

versatility of uses - C. Mondragón Jacobo....................................................................................................61

Morphological and physiological characteristics in pomegranate cultivars

with different yields - P. Drogoudi, G. Pantelidis and A. Manganaris......................................................67

Options Méditerranéennes, A, no. 103, 2012



Pomegranate improvement through clonal selection and hybridization in Elche - J. Bartual,

G. Valdés, J. Andreu, A. Lozoya, J. García and M.L. Badenes.......................................................................71

A preliminary survey on pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) genotypes localized in Apulia region, south eastern Italy - G. Ferrara, I. Cavoski, A. Pacifico, C. Pacucci and

D. Mondelli...........................................................................................................................................................75

La culture du grenadier (Punica granatum L.) au Maroc - A. Haddioui...............................................79

Characterization of six varieties of Moroccan pomegranate - P. Legua, P. Melgarejo,

A. Haddioui, J.J. Martínez, R. Martínez, I. Hmid, H. Hanine and F. Hernández........................................83

Chemical composition of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars grown in Croatia -

M. Raduni, M. Juki Špika, S. Goreta Ban, J. Gadže and D. Mac Lean......................................................87

The pomegranate, Punica granatum L.: sustainability and improvement of biodiversity

in Apulia, Italy - G. Russo, C. Pacucci, A. Pacifico and A.M.S. Matarrese................................................91


Keynote presentation

The cultivation of Pomegramate cv. Wonderful in Chile - N. Franck...................................................97

Oral presentations

Regulated deficit irrigation in pomegranate (Punica granatum) trees. Yield and its components - D.S. Intrigliolo, J. García, A. Lozoya, L. Bonet, E. Nicolas,

J.J. Alarcón and J. Bartual..................................................................................................................................101

Efficacy and residues of selected insecticides for control of cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) and mealybug (Planococcus citri) in pomegranates - J. Bartual, A. Lozoya,

J. García and G. Valdés.....................................................................................................................................107

Threat of bacterial blight on pomegranate in India - Mitigation by an

integrated approach - V.I.Benagi, M.R. Ravikumar and V.B. Nargund...................................................113

Status and management of anthracnose of pomegranate in Karnataka State of India -

V.B. Nargund, K. Jayalakshmi, V.I. Benagi, A.S. Byadgi and R.V. Patil........................................................117


Usefulness of maximum diurnal trunk shrinkage as a continuous water stress indicators of pomegranate (Punica granatum) trees - E. Badal, I. Bues, D. Guerra, H. Puerto,

L. Bonet, F. Perán, E. Nicolas, J. Bartual and D.S. Intrigliolo........................................................................121

II International Symposium on the Pomegranate

3 Inhibition of carob moth damage using Ferula assafoetida essential oil in pomegranate

orchards of Iran - S.H. Goldansaz, L. Talaei, N. Poorjavad and Y.H. Dehghani....................................129

Effect of chemicals on control of fruit cracking in pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)

var. Ganesh - M. K. Sheikh and N. Manjula................................................................................................133

Effects of different periods and levels of water deficit on physiological, productive and quality parameters of pomegranate cv. Wonderful fruits - N. Franck, F. Alfaro,

M. Castillo, C. Kremer, I. Opazo and P. Mundaca........................................................................................137

Development of an irrigation scheduling recommendation for pomegranate trees (Punica granatum) - I. Buesa, E. Badal, D. Guerra, J. García, A. Lozoya, J. Bartual,

D.S. Intrigliolo and L. Bonet..............................................................................................................................141

La culture du grenadier dans la région du Tadla (Maroc) - S. Fakhour..............................................147

Contrôle intégré d'Aphis punicae Passerini en grenadier dans la région du Tadla (Maroc) -

S. Fakhour............................................................................................................................................................151

Effets de quelques pulvérisations foliaires sur l'éclatement des grenades sous

les conditions du Tadla (Maroc) - Z. Messaoudi, Z. Il-Idrissi et F. Khatib..............................................155

Besoins en eau du grenadier cultivé sous les conditions de la plaine du Tadla (Maroc) -

Z. Messaoudi, M. Segmani et F. Khatib...........................................................................................................159


Keynote presentations

Pomegranate fruit ripening: nutritional and bioactive compounds - M. Serrano............................165

Advances in postharvest and refrigeration techniques in whole and minimally processed

pomegranate - F. Artés and F. Artés-Hernández.........................................................................................169

Oral presentations

UV-C light and mild hot water for keeping overall quality of fresh-cut pomegranate arils -

M. Maghoumi, P.A. Gómez, F. Artés-Hernández, Y. Mostofi, Z. Zamani and F. Artés............................179

Preharvest foliar application of methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid and potassium sulfate on improving the quality of pomegranate fruit - S.H. Mirdehghan, G. Vatanparast,

H.R. Karimi and M.H. Vazifeshenas.................................................................................................................183

New insights on the postharvest technologies to maintain the overall quality of

pomegranate fruits - D. Valero, S.H Mirdehghan, M. Sayyari and M. Serrano......................................191

Effects of calcium chloride dip and 1-methylcyclopropene on quality changes in arils

from stored pomegranates - E. Aguayo, R. Jansasithorn and A. Kader..................................................195

Options Méditerranéennes, A, no. 103, 2012



Harvest maturity and postharvest storage condition effects on pomegranate fruit quality -

H.S. Sidhu, J.C. Díaz-Pérez and D. MacLean.................................................................................................201

Changes in some free sugars and phenolic contents of pomegranate fruits

(Punica granatum L.) in three development stages - S. Gozlekci, E. Kafkas and S. Ercisli................205

Effects of salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and calcium chloride treatments on reduction

of chilling injury in pomegranate fruit - S.H. Mirdehghan, F. Ghotbi and H. Dashti.........................209

Acetyl salicylic acid alleviates chilling injury and maintains nutritive and bioactive compounds during cold storage - H.M. Díaz-Mula, S. Castillo, M. Sayyari,

M. Serrano and D. Valero.................................................................................................................................217

Effect of oxalic acid treatment on maintaining pomegranate fruit quality and antioxidant

potential - F. Guillén, M. Sayyari, P.J. Zapata, D. Valero and M. Serrano................................................221

Reduction of chilling injury and maintenance of fruit quality after pre-storage salicylic acid application on Iranian pomegranates - M. Serrano, M. Sayyari, H.M. Díaz-Mula,

J.M. Valverde and D. Valero.............................................................................................................................225

Polyamines applied by immersion or pressure maintain 'Mollar de Elche' pomegranate quality stored at chilling temperatures - D. Valero, S.H. Mirdehghan, P.J. Zapata,

S. Castillo and D. Martínez-Romero................................................................................................................229

Chilling injury is reduced and the content of bioactive compounds enhanced by methyl salicylate treatment - P.J. Zapata, F. Guillén, D. Martínez-Romero,

M. Sayyari and S. Castillo..................................................................................................................................233

Methyl jasmonate treatment reduces chilling injury and improves antioxidant activity -

S. Castillo, D. Martínez-Romero, F. Guillén, M. Sayyari and P.J. Zapata....................................................237

Reduction of chilling injury of pomegranate by heat treatment before cold storage -

D. Martínez-Romero, S.M. Mirdehghan, J.M. Valverde, M. Serrano and F. Guillén................................241

Influence of the temperature in the evolution of the coordinates of color in pomegranate -

F.J. Manera, P. Legua, P. Melgarejo, R. Martínez, Fca. Hernández, and J.J. Martínez..............................245



Keynote presentation

Sensory quality of pomegranate products - Á.A. Carbonell-Barrachina, Á. Calín-Sanchez,

F. Hernández, L. Vázquez-Araújo, P. Legua, P. Melgarejo and E. Chambers IV.......................................251

II International Symposium on the Pomegranate


Oral presentations

Convective and microwave drying influence on the chemical composition, functional properties and sensory quality of pomegranate arils and rind - Á. Calín-Sanchez, A. Figiel,

F. Hernandez, P. Melgarejo and Á.A. Carbonell-Barrachina........................................................................255

The Pomegranate Industry in China - Current Status and Future Challenges -

Y. Sarig and A. Galili..........................................................................................................................................261

Acceptance characteristics of pomegranate juice for four countries: Spain, United States, Estonia, and Thailand - K. Koppel, E. Chambers IV, L. Vázquez-Araújo,

Á. Carbonell-Barrachina and S. Suwonsichon...............................................................................................265


Potential of Spanish sour-sweet pomegranates for juice industry - Á. Calín-Sanchez,

F. Hernandez, P. Melgarejo, P. Legua and Á.A. Carbonell-Barrachina.......................................................269

Authentication of pomegranate juices using their volatile compositions - Á. Calín-Sanchez,

F. Hernandez, P.J. Szychowski, P. Legua, P. Melgarejo and Á.A. Carbonell-Barrachina..........................273

Optimization of pomegranate jam preservation conditions - P. Legua, P. Melgarejo,

J.J. Martínez, R. Martínez and F. Hernández..................................................................................................277

Évolution et stabilité d'un jus fonctionnel à base de grenade et de kaki - P. Melgarejo-Sánchez,

P. Melgarejo Juan, M.A. Sánchez, L. Valory, G. Ignatieva, D. Saura, M. Valero and N. Martí................283

Evolution of sugars and organic acids patterns during the elaboration of pomegranate

varietal wines - P. Mena-Parreño, A. Gironés-Vilaplana, N. Martí and C. García-Viguera....................287

Influence of pasteurization treatment and storage in the red colour and microbiological stability of pomegranate juice - S. Vegara, L. Funes, P. Mena, N. Martí,

D. Saura and M. Valero.....................................................................................................................................293

Probiotic and antioxidant properties of synbiotic yoghurt supplemented with Australian-grown 'Wonderful' pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice - A. Arjmand,

K. Shamsi, N.P. Shah and F. Sherkat................................................................................................................295


Keynote presentation

Usefulness of pomegranate in prostate cancer - G.E. Chéchile............................................................311

Oral presentations

Influence of pasteurization treatment and storage in antioxidant activity of

pomegranate juice - S. Vegara, L. Funes, P. Mena, N. Martí, D. Saura and M. Valero.........................321

Options Méditerranéennes, A, no. 103, 2012

6 Main pomegranate phytochemicals and their contribution to the antioxidant potencies

of pomegranate juice - W. Elfalleh, Y. Yahia and A. Ferchichi.................................................................325


Effect of drying process on phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fry flowers - R. Reynoso Camacho,

L.P. Meillón Alcántara, R.I. Servin Uribe and C. Mondragón Jacobo........................................................331

Physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of pomegranate genotypes in Greece -

G. Pantelidis, P. Drogoudi, A. Manganaris.....................................................................................................335

Options Méditerranéennes, A, no. 103, 2012

II International Symposium on the Pomegranate



The current Proceedings include the scientific papers presented at the II International Symposium on the Pomegranate. The Symposium was organized by the Department of Plant Production and Microbiology and the Department of Food Technology of the University Miguel Hernández (Spain), and by the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza, of the Centre International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (IAMZ-CIHEAM). The Symposium was held in Madrid from 19 to 21 October 2011 within the framework of Fruit

Attraction, IFEMA.

The researchers and technicians involved in pomegranate are aware of the importance of this fruit, its genetic resources as well as its health implications. The total number of papers in this volume is 63, distributed into 6 subtopics. According to the scientific papers, production and commerce, not only of the fresh product but also of pomegranate-derived products, have experience significant growth everywhere in the world. Progress has been made in cultivation techniques and some traditional problems have been solved, although new problems such as Xanthomonas axonopodis attacks (bacterial-type disease) constitute a present threat in Indian orchards and also in the rest of the world. On the other hand, new public and private institutions in different countries are working to improve the production and quality of the pomegranate, and as a result new varieties are being commercialized. In addition, the cultivar is a determining factor in issues related to nutritional composition and bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity. At the same time, significant advances in the postharvest technologies have been made in the past years, specially focused on the use of technologies with natural compounds of great efficiency in maintaining the quality and safety of pomegranate fruit during prolonged storage periods. These technologies have shown their effectiveness in reducing the chilling injury symptoms when the fruit is stored under refrigeration conditions. Special importance is attached to the advance in the industrialization processes through the technologies for processing ready-to-eat arils, which have been developed at industrial scale to assure the overall quality and safety of the product. In the past years, new protocols for quality evaluation using sensory analysis have been developed. With respect to the relationship between pomegranate and health, recent clinical studies report that pomegranate juice or extract can reduce the progression of prostate cancer, although more studies are needed to confirm these experimental results.

Dr. Pablo Melgarejo and Dr. Daniel Valero

Inaugural conference

Options Méditerranéennes, A, no. 103, 2012

II International Symposium on the Pomegranate

11 Options Méditerranéennes, A, no. 103, 201212

Source: S·nchez-Monge (1974).

II International Symposium on the Pomegranate13

Sources: MAPA (1999); MMARM (2010).




In production

Options Méditerranéennes, A, no. 103, 201214

Sources: MAPA (1999); MMARM (2010).

Source: MMARM, 2010.

0,00 /Kg



II International Symposium on the Pomegranate15

Source: Melgarejo and Salazar (2003);

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