[PDF] Workshop 1: Introduction to UNIX command-line

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Introduction à lenvironnement Unix

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Workshop 1: Introduction to UNIX command-line

Introduction to UNIX command-line. Peter Scott PhD

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Workshop 1: Introduction to UNIX command-line

Workshop 1:

Introduction toUNIX command-line

Peter Scott, PhD | pscott17@ucla.edu


Thanks to SergheiMangulfor base slides!

Peter Scott,PhD



Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of California, Los Angeles

Collaboratory Website


Workshop 1: Introduction to UNIX

commandline Day 1

Unix -Learning theessentials

Unix fundamentals, syntax,andusage

Day 2


Day 3

Useful shellcommands

UNIX Shell Scripting


As biological data sets have grown larger and

biological problems have become more complex, the requirements for computing power have also grown.

Computers that can provide this power generally


information and gethelp

Unix is very stable ʹcomputers running

Unix almost never crash

manage extremely huge amounts ofdata

Most new bioinformatics software is

created forUnix

Command lineinterface


Due to a higher degreeof

memorizationandBecause a GUI ismuch familiarity neededformore visually intuitive,new

Easeoperation andnavigation,

users almost always pick up this interfacefaster command lineinterface than aCLI.

Command lineinterface


Users have more control

operating systems inaample access to theĮůĞ

Controlcommand lineinterface.

For example, userscan

and operating systems, advanced tasks maystill one location toanothercommand line.

Command lineinterface


Although manycommandGUI users have windows

that enable a user toview, control, manipulate, and toggle through multiple programs and folders at same time. line environmentsare capable ofmultitasking, ease and ability toview multiple things at onceon onescreen.

Command lineinterface


Command line usersonlyUsing both a mouseand

need to utilizetheirkeyboard to navigateand keyboards to navigateacontrol your operatingor

Speedthe interface. Additionally,

they oaen only needto

ĮůĞsystem is going tobe

much slower than execute a few linestosomeone who is workingin perform atask.a commandline.

Command lineinterface


Although A GUI enablesa

A command lineinterfaceuser to createshortcuts,

enables a user to scriptatasks, or othersimilar

Scriptingsequence of commands to

perform a task or executea actions, it doesn'teven come close incomparison program.to what isavailable through a commandline.

Command lineinterface


design and structure when it comes to performing same GUI, such as

Windows, can have

changes between each version. to navigate and usea command line, it'snot going to change as muchas

Diversitya new GUI. Althoughnew

commands maybe introduced, the original commands alwaysremain thesame.

Command lineinterface


The command lineallows

Although shortcut keyscan

help reduce the amount of times you have move from the keyboard to the mouse, you will still be moving much more between devices in aGUI. the user to keeptheir hands on thekeyboard, almost never touchingthe

Strainmouse. Moving back and

forth between akeyboard and mouse cancause additional strain andmay help contributeto

Carpal TunnelSyndrome.

Do biologists needto become

programmers? *provided inthe class *free and easy touse

Open a SSH program on yourcomputer

Type your username andpassword

sshpscott17@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu pscott17@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu's password:

Notice that when you type a password, nothing

shows up on the screen, this is for yoursecurity

Open SSHprogram

putty, Cygwin, Ubuntu for

Windows (new app Windows 10)



The UnixShell

A shell is a program that waits for you to type

a command and then executesit.

The UnixShell

A shell is a program that waits for you to type

a command and then executesit.

Uses a general basic syntax:

The UnixShell

A shell is a program that waits for you to type

a command and then executesit.

Uses a general basic syntax:

$ ls l *.txt Translates to: list (ls); modify display to long (-l); all text files (*.txt)


Unix is cAsEsEnsItiVe!

/home/john/portfolio/ /home/mary/




my homedirectory


always start in your Homedirectory. projects or groups ofinformation cryptic names in your Homedirectory


A very good idea after you got a defaultone.

[pscott17@login3 ~]$passwd

Changing password for userpscott17.

Please enter your currentpassword:


To display current directory

[pscott17@login3 ~]$pwd /u/home/p/pscott17


To create a new directory use䇾mkdir䇿

[pscott17@login3 ~]$mkdirtest

If no error message is displayed

means the command was run successfully


cd changes your current workingdirectory [pscott17@login3 ~]$ cdtest [pscott17@login3 test]$pwd /u/home/p/pscott17/test


䇾~䇿㻌is the location of your homedirectory 䇾..䇿㻌is the location of the directory above the currentone pscott17 project /u/home/p/pscott17/project/ my homedirectory [pscott17@login3test]$ cd~ [pscott17 @login3 ~]$pwd /u/home/p/pscott17 [pscott17 @login3~]$ cd .. [pscott17@login3 s]$pwd /u/home/p [pscott17@login3 s]$cdpscott17/test /u/home/p/pscott17 to go back to previously entered commands, use the up and down arrows tabkey if you are stuck within a command/ process/program, try ctrl-Ͳnj(Mac) or ctrl-c (Linux/Windows) to terminateit [pscott17@login3~]$ cdtest [pscott17@login3test]$ mkdirnewdir [pscott17@login3 test]$cdnewdir pscott17@login3 newdir]$cd ..

Create a textĮůĞ

1.[pscott@login3 test]$ nanotest.txt

2.Type something (My first text file!).

3.Pressctrl-o (write out ʹthis saves the file).

4.Press ctrl-x (exit ʹthis will also give you options to save).

5.Lots of other text editors (vi is very popular ʹsteeper learning curve).

Command :ls

to list the files in the currentdirectory [pscott17@login3]$ls test.txt newdir

Command :ls

ls has manyoptions -l long list (display lots of info) -s sort by modification time -S sort by size -h human readable -r reverse order

Options can be combined: ls -lh

[pscott17@login3 test]$ls newdirtest.txt pscott17@login3 test]$ls-l total8 drwxr-xr-x2pscott17 hbshaffe4096Sep809:35 newdir -rw-r--r--1pscott17 hbshaffe80Sep809:50test.txt [pscott17@login3 test]$ls-lh total8.0K drwxr-xr-x2pscott17 hbshaffe4.0KSep809:35 newdir -rw-r--r--1pscott17 hbshaffe80Sep809:50test.txt

How to knowmore?



Command :man

displays manualpages ctrl-Ͳnjtoexit(mac) [pscott17@login3 test]$ manls q toexit(windows)


䇾*䇿㻌can be used as a wildcard inUnix [pscott17@login3 test.txt test]$ls*txt [pscott17@login3 test.txt test]$lst*t [pscott17@login3test]$lst* test.txt


cat less head tail


dumps an entire file to standardoutput good for displaying short, simplefiles [pscott17@login3 test]$ cattest.txt

My first txtfile!


Scrolling through a file without a mouse

Up and downkeys

Scroll oneline

spaceor ctrl-b

Scroll onepage

ctrl-Ͳnjtoexit(mac) qtoexit(windows) -300 [pscott17@login3test]$ printf\ [pscott17@login3test]$headlarge.txt 1 2 9 10 [pscot17@login3test]$taillarge.txt 291
[pscott17@login3test]$tail-n 3large.txt 298


Copying ĂĮůĞ͗cp

Move or rename ĂĮůĞ͗mv

Remove ĂĮůĞ͗rm

There is NO going back!!!!

although see: Copy cp

Tocopy a file use cp

-ͲI (interactive) -Ͳf(force) -Ͳǀ(verbose) practice [pscott17@login3 test]$cp test.txt text1.txt [pscott17@login3 test]$ls large.txtnewdirtest1.txttest.txtest.txt [pscott17@login3 test]$mkdirnew [pscott17@login3 test]$cp r new new2 [pscott17@login3 test]$ls [pscott17@login3 test]$cp test.txt new2 [pscott17 @login3test]$ cp test.txt new2/test_new.txt [pscott17@login3 test]$ cdnew2 [pscott17@login3 new]$ ls test_new.txttest.txt


mv moves a file/directory to a differentlocation renames afile/directory [pscott17@login3 new2]$ cd.. [pscott17@login3 test]$pwd /u/home/p/pscott17/test [pscott17@login3 test]$mvtest1.txtnew [pscott17@login3test]$ mvtest.txttest_rename.txt [pscott17@login3 test]$ls large.txtnewnew2newdirtest_rename.txt test.tx [pscott17@login3test]$ mvtest.txnew/test2.txt




Data on the harddisc

is a special kind of ĮůĞthat points to anotherĮůĞ ln existing ĮůĞfor which you want to create the symbolic linkname of the symboliclink

Good toknow

You can perform an operation on LINK_NAME, just as you could with theORIGINAL_FILE You can use normal ĮůĞmanagement commands (e.g., cp, rm) on the symboliclink.


[pscott17@login3 new2]$cd new [pscott17@login3 new2]$ln -s /u/home/p/pscot17/test/new2/new2 [pscott17@login3 new2]$ ls [pscott17@login3 new2]$ less new2/test.txt

New name


to remove a file userm to remove a directory use rm-r Files and directories deleted with rm are gone forever and cannot be recovered!!! [pscott17@login3new]$ cd ~/test/new2 [pscott17@login3test]$ rmtest.txt [pscott17@login3test]$ cd .. [pscott17@login3 test]$rm-r new2 [pscott17@login3 test]$ ls large.txtnewnewdirtest_rename.txt

Good toknow

cpfile1 file2 new/ rmfile1 file2file27 cp/mv/rm can work with*: mv f*new/ rm rml*s rm*txt


Modify your personal Linuxenvironment

change or delete (Day 2)


compressed tarformat

Copy to your laptop/harddrive

new.tgznew/[pscott17@login3 test]$ tar -czvf [pscott17@login3 test]$ ls -l total12

Remote copying :scp

scp user@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu:/./ Run scp from the local session of the terminal. To open a local session:

Control-Ͳto open a newtab

New tab be default corresponds to a local session

File locatedon

the laptop, in the current directory

Where on thecluster

willbe copied

File locatedon

the cluster, in the directory localFile remoteFile [users-MacBook-Air]$ scp pscott17@hoffman2.idre.ucla.edu:~/test/new.tar ./



Lots of Mac/Linux folks use this too!!!








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