[PDF] Triply Supervised Decoder Networks for Joint Detection and

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Triply Supervised Decoder Networks for Joint Detection and

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Triply Supervised Decoder Networks for Joint Detection and Segmentation

Jiale Cao

1, Yanwei Pang1, Xuelong Li2

1School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tianjin University

2Xi"an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

connor@tju.edu.cn, pyw@tju.edu.cn, xuelongli@opt.ac.cn


Joint object detection and semantic segmentation can be applied to many fields, such as self-driving cars and un- manned surface vessels. An initial and important progress towards this goal has been achieved by simply sharing the deep convolutional features for the two tasks. How- ever, this simple scheme is unable to make full use of the fact that detection and segmentation are mutually benefi- cial. To overcome this drawback, we propose a frame- work called TripleNet where triple supervisions including detection-oriented supervision, class-aware segmentation supervision, and class-agnostic segmentation supervision are imposed on each layer of the decoder network. Class- agnostic segmentation supervision provides an objectness prior knowledge for both semantic segmentation and ob- ject detection. Besides the three types of supervisions, two light-weight modules (i.e., inner-connected module and at- tention skip-layer fusion) are also incorporated into each layer of the decoder. In the proposed framework, detection and segmentation can sufficiently boost each other. More- over, class-agnostic and class-aware segmentation on each decoder layer are not performed at the test stage. There- fore, no extra computational costs are introduced at the test stage. Experimental results on the VOC2007 and VOC2012 datasets demonstrate that the proposed TripleNet is able to improve both the detection and segmentation accuracies without adding extra computational costs.

1. Introduction

Object detection and semantic segmentation are two fun- damental and important tasks in the field of computer vi- sion. In recent few years, object detection [36, 29, 26] and semantic segmentation [30, 5, 1] with deep convolutional networks [20, 39, 14, 17] have achieved great progress, re- spectively. Most state-of-the-art methods only focus on one single task, which does not join object detection and se- mantic segmentation together. However, joint object detec- tion and semantic segmentation is very necessary and im-det seg det det seg seg det seg det seg detdetdetdet segsegsegseg D S D S DDDDD S DDDDD SSSSS DDDDD S SS S S S (a) naive joint network(b) refined joint network(c) blitznet (d) deeply joint pyramid (e) deeply refined joint pyramid fffff D S D DDDD S S S S S res2 res3 res4 res5 res6 res7 fffff D S DDDDD SSSSS res2 res3 res4 res5 res6 res7 r S S a S a S a S a S a S a r r r r r r f 1 x 1 conv upsample concat 3 x 3 conv 1 x 1 conv sum f

Skip-layer fusion

Skip-layer fusion

refined module concatenation 3 x 3 conv 3 x 3 conv 3 x 3 conv concat 3 x 3 conv logits cls reg 1 x 1 conv 1 x 1 conv segmentation detection fffff det seg res2 res3 res4 res5 res6 res7 1 x 1 conv upsample concat 3 x 3 conv 1 x 1 conv sum f skip-layer fusion detdetdetdetdet segsegsegsegseg res1 conv1

Input Image



The decoder

feature map

The encoder

feature map (a) PairNet(b) skip-layer fusion DDDDD S DDDDD SSSSS DDDDD S S S S (a) naive joint network(b) refined joint network(c) Blitznet (d) PairNet (e) TripleNet D S D S fffff seg res2 res3 res4 res5 res6 res7 r seg a r r r r r r f attentionskip-layer fusion inner-connected module concatenation 3 x 3 conv 3 x 3 conv 3 x 3 conv concat 3 x 3 conv logits cls reg 1 x 1 conv 1 x 1 conv segmentation detection res1 conv1 seg detdetdetdetdet seg seg a seg seg a seg seg a seg seg a seg seg a

Input Image




(a) TripleNet (b) inner-connected module

The decoder

feature map fffff seg res2 res3 res4 res5 res6 res7 r r r r r r r f

Skip-layer fusion

refined module concatenation 3 x 3 conv 3 x 3 conv 3 x 3 conv concat 3 x 3 conv logits cls reg 1 x 1 conv 1 x 1 conv segmentation detection res1 conv1 seg detdetdetdetdet segsegsegseg

Input Image




(a) Deeply refined pyramid network(b) The refined moduel

The decoder

feature map fffff seg res2 res3 res4 res5 res6 res7 r seg a r r r r r r f

Skip-layer fusion

refined module concatenation 3 x 3 conv 3 x 3 conv 3 x 3 conv concat 3 x 3 conv logits cls reg 1 x 1 conv 1 x 1 conv segmentation detection res1 conv1 seg detdetdetdetdet seg a seg seg a seg seg a seg seg a seg seg a

Input Image




(a) Deeply refined pyramid network(b) The refined moduel

The decoder

feature map SS S a S a S a S a S a 1 x 1 conv upsample 1 x 1 conv 3 x 3 conv 1 x 1 conv sum

The decoder

feature map

The encoder

feature map (c) attention skip-layer fusion 3 x 3 conv SE concatFigure 1. Some architectures of joint detection and segmenta- tion. (a) The last layer of the encoder is used for detection and segmentation[2]. (b) The branch for detection is refined by the branch for segmentation [31, 47]. (c) Each layer of the decoder de- tects objects of different scales, and the fused layer is for segmen- tation [7]. (d) The proposed PairNet. Each layer of the decoder is simultaneously for detection and segmentation. (e) The proposed TripleNet, which has three types of supervisions and some light- weight modules. portant in many applications, such as self-driving cars and unmanned surface vessels. In fact, object detection and semantic segmentation are highly related. On the one hand, semantic segmentation usually used as a multi-task supervision can help improve object detection [31, 24]. On the other hand, object de- tection can be used as a prior knowledge to help improve performance of semantic segmentation [14, 34]. Due to application requirements and task relevance, joint object detection and semantic segmentation has gradually attracted the attention of researchers. Fig. 1 summarizes three typical methods of joint object detection and seman-quotesdbs_dbs35.pdfusesText_40
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