[PDF] (Acts whose publication is obligatory) REGULATION (EC) No 1893

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NACE Rev. 2 - Eurostat

20 déc. 2006 NACE Rev. 2 – Statistical classification of economic activites in the European Community. NACE: Introduction and background. The code for ...

NACE Rév. 2

30 déc. 2006 Vous pouvez également demander la liste des points de vente de notre ... NACE Rév. 2 – Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques ...

NACE-BEL Nomenclature dactivités

Chapitre 4 – Relations entre la NACE REV.2 et d'autres nomenclatures La nomenclature de produits (liste PRODCOM) sur laquelle les.

Introduction à la NACE Rév. 2

Chapitre 4: relations entre la NACE Rév. 2 et d'autres nomenclatures code de la NACE puisse être associé à une unité statistique exerçant l'activité qu' ...

Nomenclature dactivités NACELUX Rév. 2

La version luxembourgeoise de la NACE Rév. 2 la NACELUX Rév. 2

Patent Statistics: Concordance IPC V8 – NACE REV.2 (version 2.0)

30 juin 2015 This exercise has resulted in an allocation of IPC codes to NACE categories. Initiated by Eurostat the IPC-NACE concordance has been updated by ...

List of NACE Rev. 2 codes used for indicator calculation (Private

ANNEX - List of NACE Rev. 2 codes used for indicator calculation (Private investments jobs and gross value added related to circular economy sectors).

Aggregations of manufacturing based on NACE Rev. 2

medium-high-technology medium-low-technology and low-technology. Manufacturing. Industries. NACE Rev. 2 codes – 2-digit level. High-technology.

RÈGLEMENT (CE) No 973/2007 DE LA COMMISSION du 20 août

20 août 2007 la nomenclature statistique des activités économiques NACE Rév. 2 ... (EU-SILC) en ce qui concerne la liste des variables.

(Acts whose publication is obligatory) REGULATION (EC) No 1893

20 déc. 2006 1.1 and. NACE Rev. 2. For each of the Annexes to Regulation (EC Euratom) No 58/97

I (Acts whosepublication isoblig atory) REGULATION(EC)No 1893/2006 OFTHE EUROPEANPARLIAMENT ANDOF THECOUNCIL of 20December 2006 establishingthe statist icalclassificationofeconomicactivities NACERevision2 andamending Council Regulation(EEC) No303 7/90as wellascer tainEC Regulationsonspecific stat isticaldomains (Textwith EEArelevance)



Havingregard to theTreatyestablishing theEuropean Commu- nity,and inpar ticularAr ticle285(1)thereof,

Havingrega rdtothe proposalfromtheCommission,

Havingrega rdtothe opinionoftheEuropean CentralBank ( 1 Actingin accordancewith theprocedure laiddo wnin Article 251 of theT reaty( 2


(1)Council Regulation(EEC) No303 7/90( 3 ) establishedthe statistical classificationofeconomic activitiesin the

European Community(hereinaf terreferredto as'NACE

Rev.1 'or'NACERev .1.1 '). (2)In orderto reflect thetechnologicaldevelopment and structuralch angesoftheeconom y, anup-to-da teclassifica- tion, calledNA CERevision2,should beestablished (hereinafterrefer redtoas 'NACERev .2'). (3)An up-to-dateclassification suchasNACE Rev. 2is central to theCommission's ongoingeff orts tomodernisethe production ofCommunity statistics;it isexpecte dto contribute,through morecomp arableand relevantdata,to better economicgo vernanceatbothCommunityand national level. (4)In orderto function,the internal marketrequires statistical standards applicableto thecollection, transmissionand publication ofnational andCommunity statisticsso that businesses, financialinstitutions, gover nmentsandallother operators inthe internal marketcanhaveaccess to reliable and comparablestatistical data.T othis end,itisvital that the variouscategor iesforclassifyingactivitiesin theCommunity beinterpr eteduniformlyin alltheMember


(5)Reliable andcomparable statisticsare necessary to enable businesses toassesstheir competitiveness, andare usefulto the Communityinstitutions inpreventing distortions of competition. (6)The establishmentof arevised commonstatistical classifi- cation ofeconomic activitiesdoes notoblige MemberStat es to collect,publish orsupply data.Only ifthe MemberStat es use activityclassific ationslinkedto theCommunity classificationis itpossible topro videintegra tedinf ormation with thereliability ,speed,flexibility anddegree ofdetail required forthemanage mentof theinternal market. (7)Provisionshould bemade for theMember Statestobeable, in ordert omeetnationalrequirements, to integrate into their nationalclassifications additionalcate gories basedon the statisticalclassification ofeconomic activitiesin the


(8)The internationalcomparability ofeconomicstatistics requires thatthe MemberStates andthe Community institutions useclassif icationsofeconomicactivities which are directlylinked to theInternationalStandard Industrial Classificationof alleconomic activities(ISIC) Rev. 4,as adoptedby theStatistical Commissionof theU nited


(9)Use ofthe classification ofeconomicactivitiesin the Community requiresthat theCommission beassist edby the StatisticalProgramme Committee setupbyCoun- cil Decision89/382/EEC, Euratom ( 4 ) inpar ticularas regards:the examinationof problemsar isingfrom implementationof NACE Rev.2;ensur ingafully coordinatedtransition fromNA CERev .1to NACERev. 2; and, thepreparation offuture amendmentsto NACE Rev. 2.

30.12.2006ENOfficialJour naloftheEuropean UnionL 393/1

1 ) OJC 79,1 .4.2006,p. 31. 2 ) Opinionof theEuropean Parliamentof 12 October 2006(not yet published inthe OfficialJour nal)and theCouncilDecisionof

19December 2006.

3 ) OJL 293,2 4.1 0.1990,p.1.Regulationaslastamendedby Regulation (EC)No 1882/2003 oftheEuropeanParliament andof the Council(OJ L284, 31 .1 0.2003,p.1.). 4 ) OJL 18 1,28.6.1989,p.47 . (10)Council Regulation(EEC) No2 186/93 ( 1 ) establisheda common frameworkfor settingupstatisticalbusiness registerswith harmonised definitions,characteristics, scope and updatingprocedures. (11)The establishmentof arevised statisticalclassif icationof economic activitiesmakes itnecessar yto modifyspecific- ally variousreferences toNACERev .1 aswellast oamenda number ofrelevant instruments. Itistherefore necessary to amend thef ollowinginstruments:Regulation(EEC)

No 3037/90;CouncilRegulation (EEC)No 3924/9 1of

19December 199 1ontheestablishmentofa Community

surveyof industrial production( 2 ); CouncilRegulation (EC,

Euratom)No 58/97 of20December1 996concer ning

structuralbusiness statistics( 3 ); CouncilRegulation (EC)

No 1165/98of19 May 1998concerning shortter m

statistics ( 4 ); CouncilRegulation (EC)No 11 72/98 of

25 May1998 onstatisticalreturns inrespect ofthe

carriageofgoods byroad ( 5 ); CouncilRegulation (EC)

No 530/1999of9 March1 999concer ningstr uctural

statistics onear ningsandonlabour costs( 6 ); Regulation (EC) No2 150/2002oftheEuropeanParliament andof the

Council of25 November 2002onwaste statistics(

7 Regulation (EC)No 450/2003of theEuropean Parliament and ofthe Councilof 27 Februar y2003concerning the labour costindex ( 8 ); Regulation(EC) No48/2004 ofthe

European Parliamentand ofthe Councilof 5December

2003 onthe productionof annualCommunity statisticson

the steelindustr yforthe referenceyears2003-2009 ( 9 Regulation (EC)No 808/2004of theEuropean Parliament and ofthe Councilof 21 April 2004concerning

Community statisticson theinf ormation society(

10 ); and, Regulation (EC)No 1552/2005 oftheEuropeanPar liament and ofthe Councilof 7Sept ember2005 onstatistics relating tovo cationaltraininginenterp rises ( 11 (12)A numberof Communityinstr umentsneed tobeamended, according tothe specific proceduresapplicabletothem, beforetransition to NACERev. 2,namely:Council Regulation (EC)No 2223/96of 25June 1996 onthe European systemof nationaland regionalaccounts inthe

Community (

12 ); Regulation(EC) No1 38/2004of the

European Parliamentand ofthe Councilof 5December

2003 onthe economicaccounts for agriculture inthe

Community (

13 ); andRegulation (EC)No 184/2005 ofthe European Parliamentandthe Councilof 12 January 2005 on Communitystatistics concerning balanceofpayments, internationaltrade inser vicesand foreigndirectinvest- ment ( 14 (13)The measuresnecessar yforthe implementationofthis Regulation shouldbe adopted inaccordancewithCouncil

Decision 1999/468/ECof28 June1 999la yingdo wnthe

procedures fortheex erciseof implementingpowers conferredon theCommission ( 15 (14)In particular,powershould beconferred onthe Commis- sion toamendor supplementNA CERev .2 inordertotake account oftec hnologicaloreconomicdevelopments orto align itwith othereconomic andsocial classifications.Since these measuresare ofgeneral scopeand designedt oamend non-essential elementsof thisRegulation ort osupplement this Regulationby theaddition ofnew non-essential elements, theyshould beadopt edin accordancewiththe regulatory procedurewith scrutiny providedfor in

Article5a ofDecision 1999/468/EC.

(15)Since theobjective ofthis Regulation,namely thecreation of commonstatistical standardsthat permit theproduction of harmoniseddata,cannot besuff icientlyac hievedby the

Member Statesandcan therefore bebetter achievedat

Community level,the Communityma yadopt measures,

in accordancewith thepr incipleof subsidiarityasset outin Article5 ofthe Treaty .In accordancewiththeprincipleof proportionality,asset outin thatAr ticle,this Regulation does notgo bey ondwhatisnecessaryto achieve that objective. (16)The StatisticalProgramme Committeehas beenconsulted ,





Subject matterand scope

1.This Regulationestablishes acommon statisticalclassifica-

tion ofeconomic activitiesin theEuropean Community, hereinafterrefer redtoas 'NACERev .2'. Thisclassification ensures thatCommunity classificationsare relevantto the L 393/2ENOfficialJour naloftheEuropean Union30. 12.2006 1 ) OJL 196, 5.8.1993,p. 1.Regulationaslastamended byRegulation (EC) No1 882/2003. 2 ) OJL 37 4,31.12. 1991,p.1.RegulationasamendedbyRegulation (EC) No1 882/2003. 3 ) OJL 14, 17.1 .1997,p.1.RegulationaslastamendedbyRegulation (EC) No1 882/2003. 4 ) OJL 162, 5.6.1998,p. 1.Regulationaslastamended byRegulation (EC) No1 503/2006oftheEuropean Parliamentand ofthe Council (OJ L28 1,12.10.2006,p.15). 5 ) OJL 163, 6.6.1998,p. 1.Regulationaslastamended byRegulation (EC) No1 882/2003. 6 ) OJL 63,1 2.3.1 999,p.6.Regulationaslastamendedby Regulation (EC) No1 882/2003. 7 ) OJL 332,9. 12.2002, p.1.Regulationaslast amendedby Commission Regulation(EC) No7 83/2005(OJ L131 ,25.5.2005, p. 38). 8 ) OJL 69,1 3.3.2003,p. 1. 9 ) OJL 7, 13.1.2004, p.1. 10 ) OJL 143, 30.4.2004,p.49. 11 ) OJL 255,30.9.2005, p.1 . 12 ) OJL 31 0,30.11.1 996,p.1.RegulationaslastamendedbyRegulation (EC) No1 267/2003oftheEuropeanParliament andof theCouncil (OJ L1 80,18.7.2003, p.1). 13 ) OJL 33,5.2.2004, p.1 .Regulation asamended byCommission Regulation (EC)No 909/2006(OJ L1 68,2 1.6.2006, p.14). 14 ) OJL 35,8.2.2005, p.23. Regulationas amendedb yCommission Regulation (EC)No 602/2006(OJ L1 06,1 9.4.2006,p. 10). 15 ) OJL 184, 17.7. 1999,p.23.DecisionasamendedbyDecision

2006/512/EC(OJL 200,22.7 .2006,p. 11).

economic realityand enhancesthe comparabilityof national, Community andinterna tionalclassificationsand,hence, of national, Communityand international statistics.

2. ThisRegulation shallapply onlyto theuse ofthe

classificationf orstatisticalpurposes.


NACERev .2

1.NA CERev.2 shallinclude:

(a) af irstlevelconsistingof headingsidentif iedb yan alphabetical code(sections); (b) asecond levelconsisting ofheadings identifiedb ya two- digit numericalcode(divisions); (c) athird levelconsisting ofheadings identified bya three- digit numericalcode(groups); and (d) af ourthlevelconsistingofheadings identifiedb ya four - digit numericalcode(classes).

2. NACERev. 2issetout inAnnex I.


Use ofNA CERev.2

The Commissionshall useNA CERev .2for allstatisticsclassified according toeconomic activities.


National classificationsofeconomic activities

1.Member States'statistics presentedaccording toeconomic

activities shallbe producedusing NACE Rev. 2oranational classificationder ivedtherefrom.

2. Thenational classification mayintroduceadditional head-

ings andlevels anda differentcoding may beused. Each ofthe levels, exceptfor thehighest,shallconsist ofeither thesame headings asthe corresponding NACERev. 2levelorheadings constituting anexact breakdown thereof.

3. MemberState sshallfor wardto theCommission,forits

approvalpr iortotheir publication,thedrafts definingor modifying theirnational classifications. TheCommissionshall checkthe confor mityofthesedraftswith paragraph2 within two months.The Commissionshall transmitthe approved national classificationtothe otherMember Statesf orinf orma- tion. TheMember States' nationalclassificationsshallinclude a table ofcor respondencebetweenthenational classificationsand

NACERev .2.

4. Inthe eventof incompatibilitybetween certain NACE Rev. 2

headings andthe nationaleconomic structure, theCommission mayauthor iseaMemberStat eto usean aggregationofNACE

Rev.2 headingsin aspecific sector .

Toobtain suchan authorisation, theMember Stateconcerned

must providetheCommission withall thenecessar yinf ormation to considerits request.The Commissionshall decidewithin

three months. However,notwithstandingthe provisions ofparagraph 2,such an authorisationshallnot entitlethe MemberStat econcer nedto subdivide theaggregat edheadingsina way different fromNA CE


5. TheCommission shall,tog etherwith theMemberState

concerned,per iodicallyreviewtheauthor isationsgranted under paragraph 4to verify whethertheyremain justified.


Commission activities

The Commission,in cooperationwith theMember States, shall ensure thedissemination, maintenance andpromotionofNA CE

Rev.2, inpar ticularby:

(a) drafting,updatingand publishingexplanatory notesf or

NACERev .2;

(b) drawingup andpublishing guidelinesf orclassifying statistical unitsin accordancewith NACE Rev. 2; (c) publishingcor respondencetablesbetweenNA CERev .1 .1 and NACERev. 2andbetweenNA CERev .2 andNA CE

Rev.1 .1;and

(d) workingtoimpro veconsistency withothersocialand economic classifications.


Implementing measures

1.The follo wingmeasuresforimplementing NACE Rev.2shall

be adoptedinaccordance withthe regulatoryprocedure refer red to inAr ticle7(2): (a) decisionsrequired incase ofproblems arising from implementationof NACE Rev.2,including theassignment of economicactivities to specificclasses;and (b) technicalmeasuresensur inga fullycoordinatedtransition from NACERev. 1.1toNACERev.2, especiallywithrespect to issuesrelat edtobreaks intimeseries, includingdouble reportingand back-casting oftimeseries.

2. Measuresrelating toNA CERev .2witha viewtoamending

or supplementingnon-essential elementsof thisRegulation, which aredesigned for thefollowing purposes, shallbeadopted in accordancewith theregulatory procedurewith scrutiny referredt oinArticle 7(3): (a) totake accountof technolo gicalor economicdevelop- ments; or (b) toalign itwith othereconomic andsocial classifications.

3. Considerationshall begiven tothe principle thatthe

benefits ofupdating NACE Rev.2must outweighitscosts,and to

30.12.2006ENOfficialJour naloftheEuropean UnionL 393/3

the principlethatadditional costsand burdensremain withina reasonable limit.



1.The Commissionshall beassist edb ythe Statistical

Programme Committee,establishedby Decision89/382/EEC,


2. Whereref erenceismadeto thisparagraph, theprocedure

laid downinAr ticles5 and7ofDecision 1999/468/EC shall apply,having regard tothepro visionsofArticle 8thereof. The periodlaiddo wnin Article5(6)of Decision1 999/468/EC shall beset atthree months.

3. Whereref erenceismadeto thisparagraph, theprocedure

laid downinAr ticle5a(1) to(4)andAr ticle7 ofDecision 1999/

468/EC shallapply ,havingregard tothe provisionsofAr ticle8



Implementation ofNA CERev.2

1.Statistical unitsrefer redto inbusinessregisters, asset up

according toRegulation (EEC)No 21 86/93,shall beclassified according toNA CERev.2.

2. Statisticsrefer ringtoeconomicactivitiesper for medfrom

1 January2008onwards shallbe producedby MemberStat es

using NACERev. 2orwitha nationalclassif icationder ived therefrom pursuantto Article 4.quotesdbs_dbs47.pdfusesText_47
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