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PDF The Black Atlantic - Kemet Development

things that black intellectuals had said-sometimes as defenders of the cult and complex questions as W. E. B. Du Bois's childhood interest in.

Arizona Adult Protective Services Registry

26 oct. 2016 ANDERSON (date of birth 02/09/1958) exploited a vulnerable adult by ... paid caregiver for the vulnerable adult who had behavioral issues ...

Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences

This course will explore the black male experi- King Jr.


30 juin 2008 suite aux activités de Marcus Garvey ce travail s'interroge sur les ... 52 A ce propos

Century of Eugenics in America

ing in unlikely places: among the writings of W.E.B. du Bois in the Na- liam A. Edwards “Racial Purity in Black and White: The Case of Marcus Garvey ...

List of participants

23 nov. 2021 Mr. Mario Castro Grande. Senior External Affairs Officer ... Principal Editor and Web Content. Coordinator ... Mr. Rory Kirkby Anderson.

ASCAP/BMI Comment - 2015: BMI Songwriters and Publishers

20 nov. 2015 John Cafferty: "On The Dark Side" -Eddie And The Cruisers ... Christina Gaudet: Music for Wild Things Album Heart On Fire Album

REPORTS OF Cases Argued and Determined IN THE COURT of

439.1 et seq. The Court of Claims has exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine the following matters: (a) all claims against the State of Illinois founded 

Civilisations 58-1

31 août 2012 du sociologue afro-américain W.E.B. Du Bois en 1962. ... continues to render subject matter derived from African American experiences and.

Courses offered fall, spring and/or summer are

so noted. To determine availability of courses not so designated, please check with appropriate department chair.




Department of Social Sciences

and History


3 Credits

Introduction to African-American


An overview of African-American life in the

United States, past and present. Interdiscipli -

nary exploration of aspects of Black America including such topics as: African-American iden- tity, defining experiences in the United States,

African-American contribution to American cul-

ture and society and connections to Africa and other African diaspora communities.


3 Credits

The Black Diaspora and


Examination of events, movements, theories and

texts that have shaped the development of the

African diaspora. Topics include slavery, aboli-

tionism; Pan-Africanism; the culture/politics nexus; hip-hop, AIDS; linkages among gender, sexuality and diasporic sensibilities.


3 Credits

The New Jim Crow

This course will explore modern state of affairs

for its sociopolitical interrelations with race, gender, civil rights, poverty, policing and the prison industrial complex, drawing from

Michelle Alexander"s influential book, The New

Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Col-

orblindedness, as well as scholarship from

Derek Bell, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, Presi-

dent Barack Obama, Angela Davis and Wally

Lamb, among others. Students will learn about

and critically analyze specific cases of wrongful imprisonment and the exponential growth of in- mates, largely minority men and women.


3 Credits

Black Male Experiences

This course will explore the black male experi-

ence in America from both sociological and interdisciplinary perspectives. In order for stu- dents to develop a comprehensive understand- ing of this experience, theories, strategies and perspectives regarding racial conflict, class, gen- der, religion and sexuality will be analyzed. The various roles inhabited by African-American men will be evaluated and students will discover the challenges and contributions of black men during significant periods in American history and the new millennium. The speeches, litera- ture and artistic works of Dr. Martin Luther

King, Jr., Malcolm X, W.E.B. DuBois, Marcus

Garvey, James Baldwin, August Wilson, Presi-

dent Barack Obama, Elijah Anderson and con- temporary hip-hop lyrics will be reviewed.

Lectures from invited guests, a trip to Harlem,

N.Y., and the organization of a collective event

(that is open to the public) are all required com- ponents of the course curriculum.


3 Credits

Black Female Experiences

This course will explore the black female experi-

ence in America from a sociological perspective.

In order for students to develop a comprehen-

sive understanding of this experience, theories regarding race, gender, sexuality, love relation- ships and the various roles inhabited by African-

American women will be evaluated. Students

will discover the challenges and contributions of

African-American women during significant pe-

riods of American history including slavery and the Civil Rights Movement. The research, litera- ture and artistic works of Patricia Hill-Collins,

Tricia Rose, Sheri Parks, Elijah Anderson,

Jacqueline Grant, Alice Walker, Angela Davis,

Maya Angelou and others will be critically ex-



3 Credits

Women, Feminism and Beyoncé

By studying first-, second- and third-wave femi-

nist theories and history, the class will ask ques- tions and draw conclusions about why, in part, women of color are often marginalized charac- ters and/or sexual objects in canonical literature and pop culture. It will also analyze Beyoncé"s most controversial album, "Lemonade," as text.

Students will examine themes of pain, religion

and second-class citizenship as it relates towomen of color, through a multilayered feminist perspective that is central to her album. By criti- cally engaging the scholarship of Betty Friedan,

Simone de Beauvoir, Warsan Shire, Emma

Goldman, bell hooks, June Jordan, Audre Lorde,

Gloria Steinem, Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie,

Ta-Nehisi Coates, David Kirkland and Margaret

Cho, the class will celebrate the achievements of

women and possibly explore the remnants of sexist thinking that still affect the 21st-century woman.


3 Credits

African-Americans and New Media

This course will examine how the internet and

the use of new media have impacted the ways in which African-Americans create, communicate and protest injustice from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will explore the historic ways in which African-Americans organized and expressed a desire to change society and com- pare those methods to contemporary forms of protest and empowerment. Twitter, Instagram, videos, blogs, digital photographs, music- streaming sites and other forms of digital tech- nologies will be reviewed in detail. Students will be required to present a final project utilizing new media.


3 Credits

Sociology of the African-American


This course will analyze, from a sociological per- spective, the factors that have contributed to the evolution of the African-American family such as slavery, religion and the civil rights move- ment. Students will not only examine theories that attempt to explain social concerns for the

African-American family, such as poverty, incar-

ceration and single-parent households but also the rise of the African-American middle class and its family structure. The continuous impact of the media, music and literature on the

African-American family experience will also be

investigated. Students will be exposed to litera- ture from W.E.B. DuBois, Frederick Douglass,

Franklin Frazier, Patrick Moynihan and others.


3 Credits

Sociology of the Black Church

This course will introduce students to the black

church from a sociological perspective. Con- cepts such as socialization, the Protestant Ethic and deviance will be examined. Students will re-

Course Descriptions

African-American Studies

Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences

Florham Campus


Maxwell Becton

College of Arts and Sciences

Florham Campus, Madison, New Jersey

view literature from historical and contempo- rary African-American theologians such as Dr.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Rev. Gardner C. Taylor,

Rev. Floyd Flake and Rev. Dr. Elaine Flake. Stu-

dents will evaluate the content of sermons and identify critical themes such as liberation theolo- gy and feminist theology. This course will ana- lyze the complete relationship between the black church and politics, ethnic conflict, economics and the African-American family. Social science research methods such as participant observa- tion will also be reviewed and implemented.


3 Credits

Sociology of Race, Rap and Religion

This course will provide students with a socio-

logical analysis of race and religion as they inter- sect in rap music and hip-hop culture. Classical theorists such as Marx, Weber, DuBois, Durk- heim and contemporary theorists such as Tricia

Rose and Michael Eric Dyson will be discussed

in relation to this multifaceted and controversial subculture. Sociological theories on violence, so- cialization, urbanism and social stratification will also be explored.


Department of Social Sciences

and History


3 Credits

Physical Anthropology

The study of the evolution of human beings and

of the relationship between human beings and nonhuman primates. Attention is given to the evidence of the fossil record, behavioral and genetic studies of human and nonhuman pri- mates and the existence of modern human phys- ical variability.


3 Credits

Cultural Anthropology

The study of the culture and social institutions

of human societies with special emphasis on the many small-scale societies that make up the ma- jority of the people of the world. Attention is given to marriage and family life, patterns of equality and inequality, collective violence and war, religion and the impact of globalization upon the diversity of the world"s peoples.


3 Credits

Anthropology of Women

The cultural and legal determinants of women"s

status and options in cross-cultural perspective.

Students will examine the broad patterns of

male/female power structures and the range of variability and associated cultural, ecological and economic factors. The course will involve the examination of various theoretical approaches.


3 Credits

Anthropology of Sex

Exploration of the evolution of sex and sexual

behavior, drawing on data from biology. The course looks at the relationship between sexual behavior and social structure, examines the bio- logical basis of differences between the sexes and ex plores the evolution and biology of sexual orientation. The focus is on human and nonhu- man primates.


3 Credits

Ethnographic Field Methods

An introduction to the practical and theoretical

issues surrounding ethnographic research in an- thropology and the social sciences. Lecture dis- cussions on research methods are enhanced by group and individual research projects conduct- ed by students themselves on a key anthropolog- ical theme. Students will develop a knowledge of anthropological research methods, have the practical experience of conducting ethnographic research, acquire the ability to analyze data drawn from their own research and have the opportunity to acquire the ability to present their research in written and verbal form. Pre - requisite: ANTH1202 Cultural Anthropology,

SOCI1201 Introduction to Sociology or permis-

sion of instructor.


3 Credits

Introduction to Archaeology and


A basic introduction to archaeology and prehis-

tory. Emphasis is on the historical development of human societies and cultures as evidenced by the archaeological record. Attention is given to the methods and procedures of archaeological investigation as well as to selected cases in both

Old World and New World prehistories.


3 Credits

African Peoples and Cultures

The study of the peoples and cultures that make

up traditional and modern Africa. Emphasis is on the cultural and social organization of a vari- ety of different peoples including hunters and gatherers, pastoralists and agriculturalists. At- tention is given to the impact of colonialism and globalization upon traditional cultures and the contemporary challenges to African societies brought on by economic development and new ideas of human rights.


3 Credits

Peoples and Cultures of Latin


The study of the peoples and cultures of tradi-

tional and modern Latin America. Emphasis is on the culture and social organization of tradi-tional society and the impact of colonialism, rev- olution and globalization in Latin America.


3 Credits

Israeli Society and Culture

This course examines modern Israeli society

with an emphasis on the relationship between ethnicity, politics and religion. The focus is on the cultural diversity of Israel"s population of

Jews and Arabs and on the forms of identifica-

tion and self-identification of individuals and communities that developed in the context of

Zionism, nationalism, modernization and glob-

alization. The course traces these issues begin- ning with the Zionist settlement of Palestine in the late 19th century through current conflicts of Palestinians and the Arab-Israeli conflict more generally.


3 Credits

Jewish Communities of the

Middle East

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