[PDF] Logarithms 16 janv. 2001 (d) 2

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16 janv. 2001 (d) 2 log10 5 + log10 4 = log10 (52) + log10 4 = log10(25 × 4). = log10 100 = log10 (102) = 2 log10 10 = 2. (e) 3 loga 4 + loga(1/4) ? 4 loga 2 ...

a. log10 100 b. log25 5

Example 2: Write each equation in its equivalent logarithmic form. a. 26 = x b. b4 = 81 c. 2y = 128. Example 3: Evaluate each of the following. a. log10 100.


En ce qui concerne les coliformes totaux (CT) la concentration moyenne est de l'ordre de 1

Exercices sur le logarithme décimal

log10 a. (b) log10 µ10a3b?2 a?a2b3 ¶3 µ a?4b3. 100 4. ?b2a¶. ?2. = 3 log10. 10a3b?2 a?a2b3 ? 2 log10 2 log10 a?4 ? 2 log10 b3 + 2 log10 100 +.

What is a logarithm ?

log10 100 = 2. This is read as 'log to the base 10 of 100 is 2'. These alternative forms are shown in Figure 1. log10 100 = 2. 100 = 102 base index or power.

Exercices sur les logarithmes

d) log10. (?. 10) = 1. 2 e) log10 (100000) = 5 f) log10 (0000001) = ?5 100. ) o) 2log10. ( 1. ?. 100. ) +log10 (100).


log10(1000) – log10(100) = 3 – 2 = 1 = log10(10). 1000 ÷ 100 = 10. Subtract on the log scale ? divide on the natural scale. Logarithms. 100 = 1.


Remarque : La suite située à gauche des flèches (100 101

Passive Intermodulation (PIM) in In-Building Distributed Antenna

7 août 2016 .01 W = 10*LOG10 (.01/.001) = 10*LOG10 (10). = 10*1.0 = 10 dBm .1 W = 10*LOG10 (.1/.001) = 10*LOG10 (100). = 10*2.0 = 20 dBm.

RMT TD n°2 Interprétation tests de croissance

24 mars 2010 soit 1 + 0.88 = 1.88 log10 cfu/g (= 76 cfu/g). - Le seuil de 100 ufc/g à durée de vie sera-t-il respecté ? oui (= 76 cfu/g < 100 cfu/g).

Levelling-Up Basic MathematicsLogarithmsRobin HoranThe aim of this document is to provide a short, self assessment programme for students who wish to acquire a basic competence in the use of logarithms.Copyrightc

2000rhoran@plymouth.ac.ukLast Revision Date: January 16, 2001 Version 1.00

Table of Contents1.Logarithms2.Rules of Logarithms3.Logarithm of a Product4.Logarithm of a Quotient5.Logarithm of a Power6.Use of the Rules of Logarithms7.Quiz on Logarithms8.Change of BasesSolutions to QuizzesSolutions to Problems

Section 1: Logarithms 31. Logarithms (Introduction)LetaandNbe positive real numbers and letN=an:Thennis

called thelogarithm ofNto the basea. We write this asn= logaN:Examples 1(a)Since 16 = 24;then 4 = log216:(b)Since 81 = 34;then 4 = log381:(c)Since 3 =p9 = 912;then 1=2 = log93:(d)Since 31= 1=3;then1 = log3(1=3):

Section 1: Logarithms 4ExerciseUse the denition of logarithm given on the previous page to deter-

mine the value ofxin each of the following.1.x= log3272.x= log51253.x= log2(1=4)4.2 = logx(16)5.3 = log2x

Section 2: Rules of Logarithms 52. Rules of LogarithmsLeta;M;Nbe positive real numbers andkbe any number. Then the

following important rules apply to logarithms.1:logaMN= logaM+ logaN

2:logaMN= logaMlogaN


4:logaa= 1

5:loga1 = 0

Section 3: Logarithm of a Product 63. Logarithm of a Product1. Proof thatlogaMN= logaM+ logaN:Examples 2(a)log64 + log69 = log6(49) = log636:

Ifx= log636;then 6x= 36 = 62:

Thus log

64 + log69 = 2:(b)log520 + log414= log52014:

Now 2014= 5 so log520 + log414= log55 = 1:Quiz.To which of the following numbers does the expression log

315 + log306 simplify?(a)4(b)3(c)2(d)1

Section 4: Logarithm of a Quotient 74. Logarithm of a Quotient1. Proof thatlogaMN= logaMlogaN:Examples 3(a)log240log25 = log2405= log28:

Ifx= log28 then 2x= 8 = 23;sox= 3:(b)If log35 = 1:465 then we can nd log306:

Since 3=5 = 06;then log306 = log335= log33log35:

Now log

33 = 1;so that log306 = 11465 =0465Quiz.To which of the following numbers does

the expression log


Section 5: Logarithm of a Power 85. Logarithm of a Power1. Proof thatlogamk=klogaMExamples 4(a)Find log10(1=10000):We have 10000 = 104;so 1=10000 =

1=104= 104:

Thus log

10(1=10000) = log10104=4log1010 =4;where

we have used rule 4 to write log

1010 = 1.(b)Find log366:We have 6 =p36 = 3612:

Thus log

366 = log36


12log3636 =12:Quiz.If log35 = 1465;which of the following numbers is log3004?(a)-2.930(b)-1.465(c)-3.465(d)2.930

Section 6: Use of the Rules of Logarithms 96. Use of the Rules of LogarithmsIn this section we look at some applications of the rules of logarithms.Examples 5(a)log41 = 0:(b)log1010 = 1:(c)log10125 + log108 = log10(1258) = log101000

= log

10103= 3log1010 = 3:(d)2log105 + log104 = log1052+ log104 = log10(254)

= log

10100 = log10102= 2log1010 = 2:(e)3loga4+loga(1=4)4loga2 = loga43+loga(1=4)loga24

= log a4314loga24= loga42loga24 = log a16loga16 = 0:

Section 6: Use of the Rules of Logarithms 10ExerciseUse the rules of logarithms to simplify each of the following.1.3log32log34 + log3122.3log105 + 5log102log1043.2loga6(loga4 + 2loga3)4.5log36(2log34 + log318)5.3log4(p3)12log43 + 3log42log46

Section 7: Quiz on Logarithms 117. Quiz on LogarithmsIn each of the following, ndx:Begin Quiz1.logx1024 = 2(a)23(b)24(c)22(d)252.x= (logap27logap8logap125)=(loga6loga20)(a)1(b)3(c)3/2(d)-2/33.logc(10 +x)logcx= logc5)(a)2.5(b)4.5(c)5.5(d)7.5End Quiz

Section 8: Change of Bases 128. Change of BasesThere is one other rule for logarithms which is extremely useful in

practice. This relates logarithms in one base to logarithms in a dier- ent base. Most calculators will have, as standard, a facility for nding logarithms to the base 10 and also for logarithms to basee(natural logarithms). What happens if a logarithm to a dierent base, for

example 2, is required? The following is the rule that is needed.logac= logablogbc1. Proof of the above rule

Section 8: Change of Bases 13The most frequently used form of the rule is obtained by rearranging the rule on the previous page. We have log ac= logablogbcso logbc=logaclogab:Examples 6(a)Using a calculator we nd that log103 = 047712 and log

107 = 084510:Using the above rule,


37 =log107log103=084510047712= 177124:(b)We can do the same calculation using instead logs to basee.

Using a calculator, log

e3 = 109861 and loge7 = 194591: Thus log

37 =ln7ln3=194591109861= 177125:

The calculations have all been done to ve decimal places, which explains the slight dierence in answers. Section 8: Change of Bases 14(c)Given only that log105 = 069897 we can still nd log25;as follows. First we have 2 = 10=5 so log

102 = log10105

= log


= 1069897 = 030103: Then log

25 =log105log102=069897030103= 232193:

Solutions to Quizzes 15Solutions to QuizzesSolution to Quiz:

Using rule 1 we have


315 + log306 = log3(1506) = log39

But 9 = 3

2so log

315 + log306 = log332= 2:End Quiz

Solutions to Quizzes 16Solution to Quiz:

Using rule 2 we have


212log234= log21234

Now we have 1234= 1243=1243= 16:

Thus log

212log234= log216 = log224:

Ifx= log224;then 2x= 24;sox= 4:End Quiz

Solutions to Quizzes 17Solution to Quiz:

Note that

004 = 4=100 = 1=25 = 1=52= 52:

Thus log

3004 = log352=2log35:

Since log

35 = 1465;we have


3005 =21465 =2:930:End Quiz

Solutions to Problems 18Solutions to ProblemsProblem 1. Since x= log327 then, by the denition of a logarithm, we have 3 x= 27:

But 27 = 3

3;so we have

3 x= 27 = 33; giving x= 3:

Solutions to Problems 19Problem 2.

Sincex= log255 then, by the denition of a log-

arithm, 25
x= 5: Now

5 =p25 = 2512;

so that 25
x= 5 = 2512;

From this we see thatx= 1=2:

Solutions to Problems 20Problem 3.

Sincex= log2(1=4);then, by the denition of a

logarithm, 2 x= 1=4 = 1=(22) = 22:


Solutions to Problems 21Problem 4.

Since 2 = log

x(16) then, by the denition of log- arithm, x

2= 16 = 42:

Thus x= 4:

Solutions to Problems 22Problem 5.

Since 3 = log

2x, by the denition of logarithm,

we must have 2 3=x:

Thusx= 8:

Solutions to Problems 23Problem 1.

Letm= logaMandn= logaN;so, by denition,M=amand



where we have used the appropriate rule for exponents. From this, using the denition of a logarithm, we have m+n= loga(MN): Butm+n= logaM+logaN;and the above equation may be written log aM+ logaN= loga(MN); which is what we wanted to prove.

Solutions to Problems 24Problem 1.

As before, letm= logaMandn= logaN:ThenM=amand

N=an:Now we have


where we have used the appropriate rule for indices. By the denition of a logarithm, we have mn= logaMN

From this we are able to deduce that

log aMlogaN=mn= logaMN

Solutions to Problems 25Problem 1.

Letm= logaM;soM=am:Then

M k= (am)k=amk=akm; where we have used the appropriate rule for indices. From this we have, by the denition of a logarithm, km= logaMk:

Butm= logaM;so the last equation can be written

klogaM=km= logaMk; which is the result we wanted. Solutions to Problems 26Problem 1.First of all, by rule 3, we have 3log32 = log3(23) = log

38. Thus the expression becomes


38log34 + log312


38 + log312

log34: Using rule 1, the rst expression in the [ ] brackets be- comes log 3 812
= log 34:

The expression then simplies to


34log34 = 0:

Solutions to Problems 27Problem 2.

First we use rule 3:


105 = log1053

and 5log

102 = log1025:

Thus 3log

105 + 5log102 = log1053+ log25= log105325;

where we have used rule 1 to obtain the right hand side. Thus 3log

105 + 5log102log104 = log105325log104

and, using rule 2, this simplies to log


= log

10103= 3log1010 = 3:

Solutions to Problems 28Problem 3.

Dealing rst with the expression in brackets, we have log a4 + 2loga3 = loga4 + loga32= loga432; where we have used, in succession, rules 3 and 2. Now 2log a6 = loga62 so that, nally, we have 2log a6(loga4 + 2loga3) = loga62loga432 = log a62432 = log a1 = 0:

Solutions to Problems 29Problem 4.

Dealing rst with the expression in brackets we have 2log

34 + log318 = log342+ log318 = log34218;

where we have used rule 3 rst, and then rule 1. Now, using rule 3 on the rst term, followed by rule 2, we obtain 5log

36(2log34 + log318) = log365log34218

= log


= log


= log 333
= 3log

33 = 3;

since log

33 = 1:

Solutions to Problems 30Problem 5.

The rst thing we note is that

p3 can be written as 312:We rst simplify some of the terms. They are 3log

4p3 = 3log4

=32log43; log

46 = log4(23) = log42 + log43:

Putting all of this together:


4(p3)12log43 + 3log42log46

32log4312log43 + 3log42(log42 + log43)


43 + (31)log42

= 2log

42 = log422= log44 = 1:

Solutions to Problems 31Problem 1.

Letx= logabandy= logbc:Then, by the denition of logarithms, a x=bandby=c:

This means that

c=by= (ax)y=axy; with the last equality following from the laws of indices. Sincec=axy; by the denition of logarithms this means that log ac=xy= logablogbc:quotesdbs_dbs47.pdfusesText_47
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