[PDF] =#J.4- Later in January 1945 be

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F 250.5 GERMANY: UNRRA Team News

PAM/ 1. 3. /.

1 • 1 =#J.4-

Newa from the field of DP

Operations In Germany,

Austria, Italy and the

Middle East.


News of DP Headquarters

in Paris and UNRRA Head· quarters 1n Washington and London.

April 21, 1947

60 Days Food For U.S. & French Zones

Arthur J. Altmeyer, center, executive secretary ol the preparc1to1 y cctnuni for. o I " lit!Mr. Altmeyer ts ln Germany on an unofficial visit to discuss dlsP. aced persohs' problems with UNRRA and

U.S. Army officials and to confer about the questions confrenting IRO hen lt takes over the DP operation from

UNRRA on July 1.

Left to right: Col. S. R. Mickelsen, chief of civil affairs, EUCOM; Lt. Col. D. H. Frost; Mr. Altmeyer; Alfred

E. Davidson, general counsel, UNRRA World Headquarters, Washington, D. C., and Mr. Edwards.

UNRRA Pl Photo

Jewish DPs Leave IRO Commission Secretary

France Backing Americans Will

Distribution Of Supply Rations

Food In Zones For U. S. Zone

The French government has agreed

to supply rations for 60 days to every displaced person of any na tionality who wishes to be repatriated from the French occupation zones of

Gennany and Austria, UNRRA an

nounced early this month from its headquarters for Displaced Persons

Operations in Paris.

The agreement was reached in

connection with the spring repatriation program to be conducted in close cooperation by the Allied military and governmental authorities and


36,066 DPs In French Zone

There are 36,066 displaced persons

under UNRRA care in the French oc cupation zone of Germany, and ap pro;ximately, 3,663 displaced persons in the zone occupied by the French in Austria. Of these, the largest grouP6 are 13,245 Poles and 1,197


Continuation Of Pall Program

The spring repatriation program is

in +ffect a c"ntin·.iat!on of lie repat riatlon program oegun last 11.utumn and interrupted by the winter. As a result of the autumn repatriation prog ram, some 91,000 Poles returned to

Poland from the occupation zones of

Gennany alone.

This spring It Is e:xpected that many

thousands of displaced persons will avail themselves of the opportunity to return to their home countries from displaced persons centers in Ger many, Austria, Italy and the Middle East.

Displaced persons in the U.S. zone

returning to their native countries this spring will receive an e:xtra

60-day food ration from the American

government through the U.S. Anny, it was announced jointly this week by EUCOM, UNRRA U.S. zone head quarters and UNRRA DP Operations headquarters in Paris.

Effective April 15

In announcing the offer, which became

effective April 15, both General Lucius

D. Clay, Commander-in-Chief, and

Paul B. Edwards, UNRRA zone direc•

tor, urged that DPs take advantage of the program and return to their home• lands.

As In last fall's repatriation aid

program, which saw more then 48,000

Polish DPs go home from the U.S.

zone, the Army will supply the food and UNRRA will distribute it to the

DPs. All DPs are eligible for the spring

food offer.

Face Uncertain Future

"These of you who choose to re• main here in the U.S zone ralhdl' than reti.m home face uncertain con• ditions," General Clay warned, add· ing "assistance from the American people through the U.S. forces here cannot continue indefinitely.""

The zone director for the inter•

national relief and rehabilitation agency told the DPs that UNRRA would aid them in arranging their repatriation this spring but "UNRRA will end its operations in Germany on June 30 and what will happen to you after June 30 is not for us to predict or promise."

For Palestine 11· •t UNRR' ADPO t·

The first party of Jewish displaced J' lSl S per a 10n 480 Yugoslav DPs

Called By Home Governments

Mr. Edwards pointed out that the

home governments of the half-million,

DPs in the U.S. zone have repeat•

edly called for their expatriates to come home and aid in reconstruction work. persons who are emigrating from the H d f H ·

British zone of Germany to Palestine Complete confidence that the Inter-when UNRRA aid is discontinued, ea or OffieS

left Bocholt transit camp on the Ger• national Refugee Organization will be was expressed last month by Arthur

man Belgian frontier on April 1 on the able to assume the burden of Europe's J. Altmeyer, executive secretary for

way to the port of Marseilles UNRRA millions of DPs within three months, the preparatory commission of IRO

zone headquarters announced. ________________ now seated at Geneva, reports Stars

They total 396 persons, and inc:lude and Stripes.

17 children up to the age of five years LubeckSa1·11·ngFor No Miracles From IRO

old and 25 older children accompanied by their families; nine unaccom-"It would be cruel to the DPs, panied children with one teacher; 17 Polish Repatriates however," he warned up6n his ar• pr~gnant women; four lying-in cases rival at Rhine-Main Airport in Frank- and 24 old people. .furt on March 31 for a three-day, British Officer Escort The first large number of Polish first-hand study of the U. S. zone

Two British officers of CCG are in displaced persons to return home refugee problems, quotesdbs_dbs47.pdfusesText_47

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