[PDF] Le Litt??raire dans le quotidien

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Le Litt??raire dans le quotidien

Go through the vocabulary in your textbook and note down words/phrases/sentences or questions that you would like to incorporate. Listen to the pronunciation of 


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Le Littéraire dans le quotidien:

Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing

Joanna Gay Luks

ISBN: 978-1-937963-07-1Library of Congress number: 2014955966


1 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing



First Edition



Library of Congress Control Number: 2013948337

Manufactured in the United States of America.

Created and produced by

Joanna Gay Luks, Senior Lecturer in French, Department of Romance Studie s, Cornell University


Support Carl Blyth, Director of COERLL, University of Texas at Austin Karen Kelton, Department of French and Italian, University of Texas at Austin

Copy Editor

Nora Megharbi, Department of French and Italian, University of Texas at Austin

Design and Layout

Nathalie Steinfeld Childre, Publications Manager at COERLL

Reviewers for the Methodological Framework

With many thanks to my dear friends and colleagues: Dick Feldman, Director, Language Resource Center, Cornell University Gunhild Lischke, Language Program Director, Department of German Studies, Cornell University

Due credit

In the fall of 2013, when Le Littéraire dans le quotidien was launched online, it was, to my knowledge, the only

they would not be willing to offer their work so freely. Publishing companies are also wary of open resourc- electronic distribution. Having now completed the process of creating an d producing a large-scale open project,

however, I see the place of OERs from a different angle. COERLL, as a center for open resources, provides a

lowing the outcomes, in turn, to be available for partnership with stand ard publication. It is, then, to the movers and shakers at COERLL that I offer my gratitude and heartfelt praise. 2 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing


1 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing

Technology Instructions


Available formats for

Le Littéraire dans le quotidien

Le Littéraire dans le quotidien (LLDQ) is an Open Textbook published to the public through Google Docs and

Lulu.com under a Creative Commons BY license.

organizer. The Google Docs application by itself is a text editor similar to Microsoft Word, but accessed online

have built in sharing features. Consequently, Le Littéraire dans le quotidien is shared with the public and can

be found, viewed, and saved to several formats by anyone with access to the Internet and Google. The shared


Guide, the content chapters, and the back cover. If users have a gmail account (free for anybody who wants to

ple, to adapt LLDQ to their needs and students to write in answers to activities. The copy can then be changed

Commons BY license is that the new copies be attributed to the Center for Open Educational Resources and

Language Learning (COERLL) as well as to the author of this work, Joan na Gay Luks. We would like to encourage users who create their own versions of chapter s from Le Littéraire dans le quo- tidien, or who create new chapters using the approach of for another language,

to share their work with the LLDQ community by submitting a form with the link to the new Google Docs or

other format versions on the COERLL website: http://goo.gl/mCvQYi (See instructions for Google Docs on next page.)

Print-on-demand bundled textbook format

For your convenience, we will also offer a bundled print-on-demand (POD) textbook version of Le Littéraire

dans le quotidien. You can purchase as many copies as you need from Lulu.com: http://goo.gl/MOyeMs (color version) http://goo.gl/Q7beAw (black & white version) Instructors, students, bookstores, libraries, and others interested in t he publication can acquire copies through the online Lulu store at the URL above. COERLL does not provide desk copies for instructors. 2 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing

Technology Instructions

Google Docs step-by-step instructions

Sign up for a Google account (You must have an account and be signed in to properly view Le Littéraire

dans le quotidien https://accounts.google.com/SignUp For the best viewing capabilities for Mac and PC, we recommend the use o f Google Chrome, version 29+, as

browser. (Google Chrome is available on the internet as a free download.) Mac users can alternatively use Safari

browser version 6+. Be aware that document formatting online, however, is unstable.

Link to grid view of

Le Littéraire dans le quotidien

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to enable users to see the visual layout of the book: http://goo.gl/VurRFE ment to another in sequence.

Go to Preview Click on blue Open button

3 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing

Technology Instructions

Step 1

Click on File tab in Menu and select

Step 2

Enter a document

name and set your share preferences


- If you are making a copy of a LLDQ document and want to share your copy with the world, check the box next to "Share with the same people," (see Step 2 above). This will make the new version public for anyone to access.


Le Littéraire dans le quotidien has been designed as an open and collaborative resource, we would like to encourage you to share your LLDQ innovations using the form in this Google Drive folder at http://goo.gl/mCvQYi. Your versions will be listed on the Google Sheet at http://goo.gl/cYvIL3. 4 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing

Technology Instructions

If you do not wish to make your new version public, do not select this o ption. (See following instruc- tions for students and classwork.) Students and classwork - For students to complete LLDQ activities online in Google Drive their computers. When ready to share their work, they then unselect "share with the same people" and add individual email addresses through the sharing preferences by select ing "Email collaborators." For whole class sharing, teachers can generate an email list of all of t he participants and enter it in the sharing preferences. 5 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing

Technology Instructions

Access the sharing preferences for your copy

There are several ways to get to the sharing preferences of your copy. We will only highlight one of https://support.google.com/drive/top- ic/2816927?hl=en&ref_topic=14940

After opening a Click on the blue Share button.

In the Sharing settings you


Copy the share link

Set who has access and how they can access your document

Invite collaborators

To share your document on

the COERLL site you need to copy the share link and paste it in the online form at http://goo.gl/mCvQYi 6 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing

Technology Instructions

cannot guarantee that the formatting will stay the same as the online ma ster Google Docs. This is why we rec ommend signing up for a Google account and creating a copy to edit. (Re member, The Google Docs application can either select the "Download as" option:

Click on File tab in Menu and select Download as

Or you can download them from the following Google drive folder: http://goo.gl/r05Odt https://support.google.com/drive/?hl=en 1 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing

Teacher"s Guide


Methodological Framework2-11


Le littéraire dans le quotidien

into Practice12-16

Tips for Creating Materials in the Vein of the

Literary in the Everyday



Appendix I: Devising Grading and Performance Rubrics for Writing Assignments20-21 2 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing

Teacher's Guide



"Everything transcends the reality of what it is; either you go mad, or you learn about metaphors." --Allie Light, ? lmmaker It is an exciting time to be a foreign language teacher in higher educat ion, but perhaps, too, a bit Dickensian, the best and worst of times, an epoch of belief and incredul ity. Periods of change are like that. The shifting ground was set in motion by the publication of the 2007 MLA report, “Foreign Language and Higher Education: New Structures for a Changed World," which reimagined the lan- guage/literature divide, the two citadels of this tale, as a curricular continuum expressed in the aph- orism -

Four years later, the Amer-

ican Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators (AAUSC) publish ed its 2011 volume on the theme of “Educating the Future Foreign Language Professoriate for the 21 st

Century." This

collection of scholarly articles provides a concise synthesis of the evo lving central issues as well as

of the prevailing struggles in affecting the scope and depth of such a charge. Accordingly, while the

nd volume have to do with graduate student professional development in foreign language education, the issues remain relevant for all participa nts in this educational endeav- or: students and teachers of foreign languages, professors of literary a nd cultural studies, graduate students and administrators in departments offering language instruction, and department heads in A short list of key terms provides a snapshot of the intellectual terrain

Literacy-based language teaching

Multiple literacies: conventions, cultural knowledge, language use


Bilingualism/multilingualism vs. monolingualism

Mental imagery and cultural linguistics

Becoming a teacher of meaning

Translingual/transcultural competence, the ability to operate between lan guages

From intercultural competence as a third space or third culturesymbolic competence [“a symbolic PROCESS of meaning-making that sees beyond the dualities

of national lan- The overall shift in theoretical grounding fosters, in sum, the understa nding in practice that if stu- dents are to become effective users of a foreign language, then along with the acquisition of a linguistic code, they must develop the deductive skills of a linguist, t he honed intuitions of an an-

thropologist, and the playful bent of a poet. This is no small order and commercially available text-

3 Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: Resources for a transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing

Teacher"s Guide

books in FL have yet to successfully integrate these multiple dimensions in a syste mic fashion. As a language teacher working in the lower division, I thus set myself the ta sk of creating materials that would embody the core objectives and aspirations of the MLA report from the beginning In 2010 I began discussion with Carl Blyth, the Director of the Center o f Open Educational Resourc page, summarized as follows: "to produce and disseminate Open Educational Resources (OERs) for t he Internet public (e.g., online language courses, reference grammars, assessment tools, corpora, etc.). The term OER refers to any educational material offered freely for anyone to use, typically involving some permission to re-mix, improve, and redistribute . Thus, COER LL seeks to promote a culture of collaboration that lies at the heart of t he Open Educa- tion movement. In addition, COERLL aims to reframe foreign language education in terms of bilingualism and/or multilingualism. As such, all COERLL resources strive to represent more accurately language development and performance


transdisciplinary approach to reading/writing French. In practice, it is hoped that utilizing this approach could allo w teachers and students alike to become artful brokers of meaning.

Le Littéraire dans le quotidien is being offered as an Open Educational Resource so that the French materials

the Creative Commons licensing, and potentially implemented in part or i ntegrated in a hybrid fashion as the

reader/writer-based component of lower division curricula. The materials can be downloaded in Word format as

is or adapted accordingly, to be worked with online or printed on a per document basis. Additionally, the bun

dled units will be available as a print-on-demand textbook. is also a model, a prototype for teachers and programs to create materi als in a similar vein as part of a continuum in curricular design for foreign lan guage courses. While languages sharing a strong cognate base with English would allow students to go further in a shorter period of time, the concept of as developed here should be applicable to the study of any language. Fo r those who feel inspired to create pedagogical units, I have included suggestio ns as guidance in the section entitled, In


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