[PDF] PUBLICATIONS 2014-2020 Ducrot. R. Leite M.

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LEnseignement de la compréhension orale : objectifs supports et

lundi 15 août 2005 par jean-michel ducrot. 1. Objectifs de la compréhension orale. La compréhension orale est une compétence qui vise à faire acquérir 

Module sur lutilisation de la vidéo en classe de français langue

Coordinateur de programmes pédagogiques à Alep-Syrie. Responsable du Centre de. Documentation Pédagogique d'Alep Jean-Michel Ducrot est en charge de la 

FRANCES VOL2_niveles redefinidos.indd

La pédagogie du projet en Français Langue étrangère Jean-Michel Ducrot . . . . . . . . 39. Pédagogie de projets : Fonctions et types de projets dans l' 

Exploitation du film je vais bien ne ten fais pas

Fiche réalisée par Jean-Michel DUCROT - Lycée Saint-Joseph – Istanbul. Page 1. Exploitation du film «. Exploitation du film « Je vais bien ne t'en fais pas 

Article Reference

Oct 20 2018 one of the most famous French pragmaticists

Grille dauto-évaluation du professeur en classe de FLE Critères d

je m'exprime avec aisance dans la langue orale et écrite grille proposée à partir de l'exemple de grille produite par Jean-Michel Ducrot ...

Largumentation dans le traitement automatique de la langue Jean

Jan 2 1996 Jean-Baptiste Berthelin m'a fait bénéficier de son immense savoir


Ducrot. R. Leite M.

Sorbonne Université

Clobert Jean




Articles, ouvrages et chapitres d"ouvrage

How farmers learn to change their weed management practices: Simple changes lead to system redesign in the French West Indies.

Agricultural Systems, 179 : 10 p.

Deffontaines L., Mottes C., Della Rossa P.,

Lesueur Jannoyer M., Cattan P., Le Bail M. 2020.

Innovations developed within supply chains hinder territorial ecological transition: the case of a watershed in Martinique.

Agronomy for Sustainable Development

, 40 : 16 p. Della Rossa P., Le Bail M., Mottes C., Jannoyer M., Cattan P. 2020. Strengthening the capacity of irrigation schemes to cope with flood through improved maintenance: A collaborative approach to analySe the case of Chókwè, Mozambique.


and Drainage, 69 (S1) (n.spéc. Innovations in irrigation systems in Africa) : p. 126-138.Ducrot R., Leite M., Gentil C., Bouarfa S., Rollin D., Famba S . 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/ird.2229 Challenges and ways forward in pesticide emission and toxicity characterization modeling for tropical conditions. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25 (7) : p. 1290-1306. Gentil C., Fantke P., Mottes C., Basset-Mens C. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-019-01685-9 Review of banana green life throughout the food chain: From auto-catalytic induction to the optimisation of shipping and storage conditions.

Scientia Horticulturae, 262 : 13 p.

Brat P.,

Bugaud C., Guillermet C., Salmon F

. 2020.

Publication dans des revues

Techniques for characterizing the mechanical properties of aerogels.

J Sol-Gel Sci

Technol 93, 6-27 (2020). Woignier, T., Primera, J., Alaoui, A. et al. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10971-019-05173-2 invited paper High site fidelity of immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) to their foraging grounds revealed by satellite tracking and capture-mark-recapture and consequences for key marine conservation areas. Biological Conservation Volume 250, October 2020, 108742 . Flora Siegwalt 1 *, Simon Benhamou 2 , Marc


3 , Lorène Jeantet 1 , Jordan Martin 1 , Marc Bonola 1 , Pierre Lelong 1 , Clément Grand 1

Philippine Chambault

4 , ...., Thierry Woignier 10 , Jean-Pierre Allenou 11 , Laurent Louis-Jean 12

Bénédicte Chanteur

12 , Christelle Béranger 12 , Jessica Crillon 13 , Aude Brador 13 , Caroline Habold 1

Yvon Le Maho

1 , Jean-Patrice Robin 1 , Damien Chevallier

Articles , ouvrages et chap

itres d"ouvrage Physical limitation of pesticides (chlordecone) decontamination in volcanic soils: fractal approach and numerical simulation. 2019. Woignier T., Rangon L., Clostre F., Mottes C., Cattan P., Primera P., Jannoyer M. Environmental Science and Pollution Research : 12 p. Spatio-temporal variability of water pollution by chlordecone at the watershed scale: what insights for the management of polluted territories?.

2019. Mottes C., Deffontaines L., Charlier

J.B., Comte I., Della Rossa P., Lesueur Jannoyer M., Woignier T., Adele G., Tailame A.L., Arnaud L., Plet J., Rangon L., Bricquet J.P., Cattan P.. Environmental Science and Pollution Research : 15 p. The agroecological transition of Cavendish banana cropping systems in the French West Indies. 2019.
Risède J.M., Achard R., Brat P., Chabrier C., Damour G., Guillermet C., De Lapeyre de

Bellaire L., Loeillet D., Lakhia S., Meynard C., Tixier P., Tran Quoc H., Salmon F., Côte F.X., Dorel

M. In : Côte François-Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.), Roudier

Philippe (ed.), Bruno

Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South . Versailles : Ed Quae, p. 107-126. (Agricultures et défis du

Publication dans des revues

Special Issue: In memory of Professor Jean Phalippou, one of the pioneers of the Sol-Gel Science and Technology Preface. J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. (2019) 90, 1 SI 1-1

DOI: 10.1007/s10971-019-

-2. M. Prassas, T. Woignier, Sintering of aerogels for glass synthesis J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. (2019) 90, 1 SI 76-86


-018-4826-4. Woignier, M. Prassas, L. Duffours, Cluster-cluster aggregation with mobile impurities. J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. (2019) 90, 1 SI 87-94 DOI: 10.1007/s10971-019-04918-3. A. Hasmy, J. Primera, T. Woignier, Surface and porous textural properties of silica-wollastonite composites prepared by sol-gel process. J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. (2019) 90, 1 SI 113-125 DOI: 10.1007/s10971-018-4874-9. L. Larreal de Hernandez, L. Anez-Borges, T. Woignier, A. Hafidi Alaoui, S. Calas-Etienne, F. Despetis, L. Bonnet, B. Colaiocco, S. Tahir, P. Dieudonne-George, Physico-chemical and agronomic results of soil remediation by In Situ Chemical Reduction applied to a chlordecone contaminated nitisol at plot scale in a French Caribbean banana plantation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI 10.1007/s11356-020-07603-z,

29 pp. Mouvet C., Collet B., Gaude

J. M., Rangon L., Bristeau

S., Senergues M., Lesueur-Jannoyer


Jestin A., Hellal J., Woignier T. (2020).

Physical limitation of pesticides (chlordecone) decontamination in volcanic soils : fractal approach and numerical simulation. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019).

Woignier, T., Rangon, L.,

Clostre, F. et al. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-05899-0 Spatio-temporal variability of water pollution by chlordecone at the watershed scale: what insights for the management of polluted territories?. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019). Mottes, C.,

Deffontaines, L., Charli

er, J.B. Irina Comte, Pauline Della Rossa, Magalie Lesueur-Jannoyer, T Woignier et al. . https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-06247-y

Chapitres dans les ouvrages et articles de revue

Aérogels - Aspects fondamentaux. Woignier T - Techniques de l"ingénieur- Sciences fondamentales | Physique Chimie - 10 juillet 2017 (31 pages ) AF 3 609

Aérogels - Aspects matériaux. Woignier T - Techniques de l"ingénieur- Sciences fondamentales

Physique Chimie

- 10 juillet 2017 (26 pages ) AF 3 610

Livres édités

Special Issue: In memory of Professor Jean Phalippou, one of the pioneers of the Sol-Gel Science and Technology Preface.

J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. (2019) 90,

M. Prassas,

T. Woignier

Communication à congrès

Mise en évidence d'une dégradation naturelle de la chlordécone avec libération dans l'environnement de produits de transformation chlorés. 2019 Della-Negra O., Muselet D., Chaussonnerie S., Mottes C., Rangon L., Chevallier M., Barbance A., Fouteau S., Vuilleumier S.,

Imfeld G., Woignier T., Saaidi P.L., Le Paslier D. Montpellier : s.n., 2 p. Congrès du Groupe Français

de recherche sur les Pesticides. 49, 2019-05-21/2019-05-24, Montpellier (France).. Modelling pesticide emission and impact in LCA in tropical regions: a case study of tomato production in Martinique (French West Indies). 2019.Gentil C., Manteaux S., Fantke P., Mottes C., Maillard E., Basset-Mens C. Cartago : ALCALA, Costa Rica National Life Cycle Network, 6 p. International Conference of Life Cycle Assessment in Latin America: CILCA 2019. 8, 2019-07-

15/2019-07-19, Cartago (Costa Rica).

Mycorrhizal networks and nitrogen fluxes between

Pterocarpus officinalis and Taro in swamp

forests of Guadeloupe. 2019. Galiana A., Geoffroy A., Sanguin H., Bâ A.M. In : Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Montpellier : CIRAD, INRA, p. 812. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, 2019-05-

20/2019-05-22, Montpellier (France).https://agroforestry2019.cirad.fr/news-press

Autres documents

Le dispositif observatoire du Galion en Martinique, entre observation environnementale et conception. 2019 . Mottes C., Della Rossa P., Anckaert R., Deffontaines L., Lesueur Jannoyer M..

Saint-Denis : CIRAD, 1 vidéo (3 min 21 sec).

Articles , ouvrages et chap

itres d'ouvrage Assessing the environmental impact of pesticide use in banana cropping systems.

Comte I.,

Cattan P., Charlier J.B., Gentil C.,

Mottes C., Lesueur Jannoyer M., Voltz M. 2018.

In : Van den

Bergh Inge (ed.), Risède Jean-Michel (ed.), Johnson Vincent (ed.). Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems. Louvain : ISHS, p. 195-202. (Acta Horticulturae, 1196). International Symposium on Banana: ISHS -ProMusa Symposium on Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems. 10, 2016-10-

10/2016-10-14, Montpellier (France).

Biological in situ nitrogen fixation by an Acacia species reaches optimal rates on extremely contrasted soils. Vincent B., Jourand P., Juillot F., Ducousso M., Galiana A. 2018. European Journal of Soil Biology, 86 : p. 52-62.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2018.03.003 Complex taxonomy of the 'brush tail' peregrine earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus. Taheri S., James S., Roy V., Decaëns T., Williams B.W., Anderson F., Rougerie R., Chang C.H., Brown G.G., Cunha L., Stanton D.W.G., da Silva E., Chen J.H., Lemmon A.R., Moriarty Lemmon E., Bartz M.,

Baretta D., Barois L., Lapied E.,

Coulis M., Dupont L. 2018. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 124 : p. 60-70.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2018.02.021 Densification and Strengthening of Aerogels by Sintering Heat Treatments or Plastic

Compression. Woignier, T

; Duffours, L Gels 4 :1-12 10.3390/gels4010012 Efficacy of leaf oil from Pimenta racemosa var. racemosa in controlling bacterial wilt of tomato. Deberdt P., Davezies I., Coranson Beaudu R., Jestin A. 2018. Plant Disease, 102 (1) : p. 124
-131. Évaluation des compromis entre enjeux environnementaux et socio-économiques dans les

systèmes agro-écologiques. Affholder F., Bessou C., Lairez J., Feschet P. 2018. In : Côte François-

Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.), Roudier Philippe (ed.), Bruno

Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud.

Versailles : Ed Quae, p. 313-345. (Agricultures et défis du monde). agricultures-du-sud Experimental approaches for agro-ecological management of black leaf streak in dry and humid tropical conditions. 2018. Guillermet C., Le Guen R., Dorel M., Lescot T., De Lapeyre L. In : Van den Bergh Inge (ed.), Risède Jean-Michel (ed.), Johnson Vincent (ed.). Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems, Montpellier (France). Louvain : ISHS, p. 113-

120. (Acta Horticulturae, 1196). https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1196.13

La transition agro-écologique des systèmes de culture de bananes Cavendish aux Antilles

françaises. Risède J.M., Achard R., Brat P., Chabrier C., DAMOUR G., Guillermet C., De Lapeyre de

Bellaire L., Loeillet D., Lakhia S., Meynard P., Tixier P., Tran Quoc H., Salmon F., Côte F.X., Dorel

M. 2018. In : Côte François-Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.),

Roudier Philippe (ed.), Bruno Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). La transition agro-

écologique des agricultures du Sud

. Versailles : Ed Quae, p. 149-179. (Agricultures et défis du monde). https://www.quae.com/produit/1546/9782759228232/la-transition-agro-ecologique- des-agricultures-du-sud Multi-criteria assessment of innovative cropping systems in French West Indies. Feschet P.,

Loeillet D., Risède J.M. 2018. In : Van den Bergh Inge (ed.), Risède Jean-Michel (ed.), Johnson

Vincent (ed.). Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa

Symposium on Agroecolo

gical Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems Montpellier (France). Louvain : ISHS, p. 187-194. (Acta Horticulturae, 1196).

Pineapple Origin and evolution

Coppens D'Eeckenbrugge G., Duval M.F., Leal F. 2018.. In : Sanewski Garth M. (ed.), Bartholomew Duane P. (ed.), Paull Robert E. (ed.). The pineapple:

Botany, production and

uses. Wallingford : CABI, p. 32-41. Phytoseiid mites of Martinique, with redescription of four species and new records (Acari: Mesostigmata). Kreiter S., Zriki G., Ryckewaert P., Pancarte C., Douin M., Tixier M.S.

2018. Acarologia, 58 (2) : p. 366-407.https://doi.org/10.24349/acarologia/20184248

The pesticide chlordecone is trapped in the tortuous mesoporosity of allophane clays :Woignier, T ; Clostre, F ; Fernandes, P ; Soler, A ; Rangon, L ; Sastre-Conde, MI ; Jannoyer, ML 2018 Environmental Science and Pollution Research . Vo 25 Special Issue 22 P 21350-21361 The pineapple success story: from domestication to pantropical diffusion.


D'Eeckenbrugge G.,

Duval M.F., Leal F. 2018. In : Ming Ray (ed.). Genetics and Genomics of Pineapple. Cham : Springer nature, p. 1-25. (Plant Genetics and Genomics: Crops and Models,

22). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00614-3

The use of biocontrol plants to manage bacterial wilt of tomato in the trop ic. Deberdt P., Fernandes P., Coranson-Beaudu R., Minatchi S., Ratnadass A. 2018. s. In : Moriones E. (ed) ; Fernández-Muñoz R. (ed.). Proceedings of the V International Symposium on Tomato Diseases: Perspectives and Future Directions in Tomato Protection . Malaga (Espagne). Louvain : ISHS, p. 115
-122. (Acta Horticulturae, 1207). Weed control by two cover crops Neonotonia wightii and Centrosema pascuorum in banana plantations-impact on nitrogen competition and banana productivity. 2018. Achard R., Fevrier A., Estrade J.R. In : Van den Bergh Inge (ed.), Risède Jean-Michel (ed.), Johnson Vincent (ed.). Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems. Montpellier (France). Louvain : ISHS, p. 87-94. (Acta Horticulturae, 1196).

Publication dans des revues

Identification of marine key areas across the Caribbean to ensure the conservation of the critically endangered hawksbill turtle. Biological Conservation, 223, 170-180. M. Nivière , P.

Chambault , T. Pérez , D. Etienne

,..TWoignier,.. D.Chevallier (2018). Natural Nano Materials Trapp Pollutants in Soils. International Journal of Energy and Environment, 11, 160-167. Woignier, T., Clostre, F., Rangon, L., & Jannoyer, M. L. (2017). The pesticide chlordecone is trapped in the tortuous mesoporosity of allophane clays.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

, 25 (22), 21350-2136. Woignier, T., Clostre, F., Fernandes, P., Soler, A., Rangon, L., Sastre-Conde, M. I., & Jannoyer, M. L. (2018). Densification and Strengthening of Aerogels bySintering Heat Treatments or Plastic

Compression (2018

) Gels, 4, 12; doi:10.3390/gels4010012. Woignier T , Duffours L (2018) Connecting paths between juvenile and adult habitats in the Atlantic green turtle using genetics and satellite tracking Ecology and Evolution, Wiley Open Access, 2018,


Marc Bonola, Denis Etienne, Julie Gresser, Gaëlle Hiélard, Julien Mailles, Fabien Védie, Cyrille

Barnerias, Sutter Emmanuel, Blandine Guillemot, Émilie Dumont-Dayot, Sidney Régis, ..., Thierry


, Jean-Pierre Allenou, Cimiterra Nicolas, Abdelwahab Benhalilou, Céline Murgale, Thomas Maillet, Luc Rangon, Chanteux, Noemie, Chanteur Benedicte, Christelle

Béranger, Yvon

Le Maho, Odile Petit, Damien Chevallier

Natural Chlordecone Degradation Revealed by Numerous Transformation Products Characterized in Key French West Indies Environmental Compartments. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2019) 53, 11, 6133-6143, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b06305 . M. L.Chevallier, O. Della-Negra, S.Chaussonnerie, A. Barbance, D. Muselet, F. Lagarde, E. Darii, E. Ugarte, E. Lescop, N. F onknechten, J. Weissenbach, T. Woignier, JF Gallard, S. Vuilleumier, G. Imfeld, D. Le Paslier, PL.


Publications dans des actes de colloques

Pesticide trapping in the fractal porosity of clay Chapiter 8-3, pp 808-818, in Advances in Environmental Biotechnology and Engineering , Editors R.Candal, G. A. Curutchet, L. Domínguez-Montero, H.Macarie,H. M. Poggi-Varaldo, I. Sastre-Conde, S. C. Vázquez

T Woignier F

.Closter, M. Lesueur Jannoyer (2018) Long term organochlorine soil pollution in agriculture : The lessons learnt from the Chlordecone pollution in French West Indies, "Global symposium on soil pollution | FAO HQ |" Rome, Italy,

2-4 May 2018. M. Lesueur Jannoyer, P. Cattan, C. Mottes, F. Clostre, P. Della Rossa, T. Woignier,

Chapitres dans les ouvrages et articles de revue

Mechanical properties of Nano Composite Aerogels. Woignier T, PrimeraJ , Alaoui A, Calas- Etienne S. 2018. , Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, edited by Lisa Klein, Mario

Aparicio and Andrei Jitianu, Springer ,

Chap 116, 3375-3392

Aerogels sintering: From Optical Glasses to Nuclear Waste Containmen t. Phalippou J,

Dieudonné P, Faivre AL,

Woignier T.2018, in Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, edited by Lisa Klein, Mario Aparicio and Andrei Jitianu, Springer ,

Chap.65,pp 1949-1969

Evolution of the Mechanical Properties during the Gel-Glass Process. Woignier T, Despetis F, Etienne P, Alaoui A, Duffours L. Phalippou J. 2018 Handbook of Sol -Gel Science and Technology, edited by Lisa Klein, Mario Aparicio and Andrei Jitianu, Springer , chap.49 ,pp 1587-1512 Aerogel Processing and Applications, Woignier T, Phalippou J, Despetis F, Calas-Etienne S. 2018 Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, edited by Lisa Klein, Mario Aparicio and Andrei

Jitianu, Springer ,

Chap. 32, pp


Communication à congrès

Biodésinfection des sols en culture de tomate. Arnault I., Deberdt P., Dubreuil G., Prin Y., Fernandes P., Védie H., Sunder P., Fouillet T., Dufretay G., Souty-Grosset C., Pourtau N., Zimmermann M., Giron D. 2018. Poster communications - P13. In : Abstract book Natural products and Biocontrol 2018. Perpignan : IBMA, Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation, p. 40-40. International Congress of Natural Products and Biocontrol 2018. 4, 2018-09-25/2018-09-28,

Perpignan (France).

Effect of mulch physical properties on soil invertebrate communities. 2018. Coulis M., Achard

R., Carval D. In : Booklet of Sfécologie 2018. Rennes : Société Française d'Écologie et d'Évolution,

p. 44-44. International Conference on Ecological Sciences : Sfécologie 2018, 2018-10-22/2018- 10 -25, Rennes (France). e_2020.pdf

Effet à long terme de l'utilisation des pesticides aux Antilles françaises : rétro-observation de

pollution et d'érosion. Sabatier P., Evrard O., Mottes C., Comte I., Arnaud F., Lefèvre I., Rapuc

W., Deffontaines L., Poulenard J. 2018. Schoelcher : BRGM, 1 p. Colloque scientifique et d'informa tion sur la pollution par la chlordécone (Chlordecone 2018), 2018-10-16/2018-10-17,

Schoelcher (Martinique).


Gestion agro-écologique de la santé des cultures et des organismes nuisibles. 2018. Aubertot

J.N., Alletto L., Bedoussac L., Bertuzzi P., Brun F., Cellier V., Colleu S., David O., Deytieux V., Duru

V., Gibert C., Lamichhane J.R., Lescourret

F., Longis S., Moonen C., Motisi N., Pontet C., Ratnadass A., Raynal H., Robin M.H., Sabaddin R., Sarthou J.P., Simon S., Tricault Y., Van Der Werf W., Vialatte A., Wallach D., Deguine J.P. GASCON : Toulouse-Auzeville : Agreenium, 1 p. Séminairequotesdbs_dbs33.pdfusesText_39


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